Man sentenced to 20 days in jail for pulling a gun on a pregnant woman smoking

He threatened the CHILD!

AND you're cool with that!

Good grief
Depending on where the person is wounded, a baby can be saved.

God bless you always!!!


Yes, I guess it's OK if you just shoot her in the leg

Oh my
Well what are parents supposed to do with their kids when words are not enough to discipline them? They get some type of physical punishment don't they? Or they lose some type of privilege, don't they?

God bless you always!!!

Dollars to donuts the pistol packing putrescent was the baby's father, pissed off that she wouldn't get an abortion and looking for any excuse to off her.

It was a random guy driving by and she was eight months pregnant.
Depending on where the person is wounded, a baby can be saved.

God bless you always!!!


Yes, I guess it's OK if you just shoot her in the leg

Oh my
Well what are parents supposed to do with their kids when words are not enough to discipline them? They get some type of physical punishment don't they? Or they lose some type of privilege, don't they?

God bless you always!!!


They don't pull a gun!
I don't think he got long enough...BUT on the bright side, it's a felony.

He lost his right to own or possess a firearm.

Chalk it up as a win.
He threatened the CHILD!

AND you're cool with that!

Good grief

I'm not "cool" with it, I can just understand why he did it and I've already stated my reasoning. He's being punished, as he should be, but the woman, who smokes and is endangering the health of her baby is not being punished. Nope, you're cool with a woman who doesn't care about the baby growing inside her....
Yes, I guess it's OK if you just shoot her in the leg

Oh my
Well what are parents supposed to do with their kids when words are not enough to discipline them? They get some type of physical punishment don't they? Or they lose some type of privilege, don't they?

God bless you always!!!


They don't pull a gun!
They have a right to if the child becomes abusive and I know from what my older sister is guilty of that they can grow up to be merciless.

God bless you always!!!

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He threatened the CHILD!

AND you're cool with that!

Good grief

I'm not "cool" with it, I can just understand why he did it and I've already stated my reasoning. He's being punished, as he should be, but the woman, who smokes and is endangering the health of her baby is not being punished. Nope, you're cool with a woman who doesn't care about the baby growing inside her....

None of my business. I know PLENTY of women who give birth to a child with birth defects who do not smoke. I will not micro manage anyone's life.
Next we will see guns drawn on the obese

What HAS this world become!

or pull a gun because one is having a cocktail

Can not pull guns on people like that.:mad:

Reminds me of a time when I was carrying a concealed weapon and wanted to buy a bottle bourbon.

In Florida, you can conceal-carry into a place where alcoholic beverages are sold, and even where drinks are served, but you cannot take your gun where the primary purpose is to serve drinks. That means you can take your concealed weapon into a liquor store, and you can go to a Howard Johnson’s, sit at a restaurant booth and order a drink. But if you take a seat at the bar, you can be arrested.

One night I stopped at a bar/liquor store. There were two separate entrances, one for the bar and one for the liquor store and inside you could go from one to the other. I went to the liquor store entrance and knocked on the locked door. The attendant told me to go to the bar entrance and come in that way. I told him I couldn’t because I was armed. He just shrugged as if there was nothing he could do so I started to leave. He came outside and shouted for me to come back and opened the other door for me. I take gun laws seriously, and I expect others to do the same.
If you get pregnant and want to deliver a healthy baby, you should not be smoking. That woman is a stupid cow who doesn't deserve to be a mother. I wonder if her baby was born early, and underweight?

It's her body, she can choose what to do with it.

Yes, she can. But if she wants a healthy baby, she should stop smoking.
after she refused to stop smoking. Talk about a self righteous cuntbag nicotine nazi. I'm sure the bullet would be healthier than the cigarette? I guess this is bound to happen when it is government policy to shame and disgrace people from conducting legal activities.

Armed man gets 20 days for threatening pregnant smoker | Crime | The Bellingham Herald


20 days? That nutbag should be doing 20 years.

Why? He didn't shoot her. Apparently you've never lost anyone to lung cancer, or suffered from 2nd hand smoke. If I was that guy and I had a gun, I would have been tempted to draw it on her in an attempt to scare her into quitting. Don't know if I would or not but somebody needs to do something in cases like these. Long time ago I read a sign which said "I used to see things and think "somebody ought to do something" then I realized I was somebody!"

You don't know shit about me. Again it has nothing to do with lung cancer Leftytoon. You don't pull guns on people because you don't agree with them. If you had ever actually carried a gun or shot someone you might understand that. But you 'apparently' haven't. And thank God for that.
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This is a direct result of liberalism. Too bad she didn't have a gun and just shot him. It's why it is so important that everyone be armed at all times.

Liberals are natural subjects of dictatorship and each one is an enforcer of the dictatorship. Had she been smoking marijuana, the man would have said she was being a good mother.

Yes, gun nuts need to start shooting each other. That's the ticket.

Obviously, a woman who smokes while pregnant has some judgment issues, but pulling a gun on her was kind of nuts, too.
I just noticed something.

I'm getting the gist of the Rightwingers here is that how dare this "control freak" chastize a woman for smoking while pregnant!

But isn't think kind of your goal, guys? You know, if she can't have an abortion, she shouldn't be able to smoke, either.

Because that fetus has more rights than she has.
I just noticed something.

I'm getting the gist of the Rightwingers here is that how dare this "control freak" chastize a woman for smoking while pregnant!

But isn't think kind of your goal, guys? You know, if she can't have an abortion, she shouldn't be able to smoke, either.

Because that fetus has more rights than she has.

That was my point here. Those who obsess over the "rights of the unborn" sure did a quick about-face here. And when I noted that I got nothing but nervous crickets.

All I know is if I go into an abortion thread in the future, I'm mining quotes from this thread big-time for the irony.
He threatened the CHILD!

AND you're cool with that!

Good grief

I'm not "cool" with it, I can just understand why he did it and I've already stated my reasoning. He's being punished, as he should be, but the woman, who smokes and is endangering the health of her baby is not being punished. Nope, you're cool with a woman who doesn't care about the baby growing inside her....

I know PLENTY of women who give birth to a child with birth defects who do not smoke.

Argumentum ad ignorantiam. :eusa_hand:
I just noticed something.

I'm getting the gist of the Rightwingers here is that how dare this "control freak" chastize a woman for smoking while pregnant!

But isn't think kind of your goal, guys? You know, if she can't have an abortion, she shouldn't be able to smoke, either.

Because that fetus has more rights than she has.

That was my point here. Those who obsess over the "rights of the unborn" sure did a quick about-face here. And when I noted that I got nothing but nervous crickets.

All I know is if I go into an abortion thread in the future, I'm mining quotes from this thread big-time for the irony.

No, what has happened is statist morons have shown that they still don't understand what the argument is about. It's about preventing people from arbitrarily killing (or threatening with death) those people that they don't approve of.

And it's no surprise that you still don't get it.
I just noticed something.

I'm getting the gist of the Rightwingers here is that how dare this "control freak" chastize a woman for smoking while pregnant!

But isn't think kind of your goal, guys? You know, if she can't have an abortion, she shouldn't be able to smoke, either.

Because that fetus has more rights than she has.

That was my point here. Those who obsess over the "rights of the unborn" sure did a quick about-face here. And when I noted that I got nothing but nervous crickets.

All I know is if I go into an abortion thread in the future, I'm mining quotes from this thread big-time for the irony.

No, what has happened is statist morons have shown that they still don't understand what the argument is about. It's about preventing people from arbitrarily killing (or threatening with death) those people that they don't approve of.

And it's no surprise that you still don't get it.

And it's no surprise that you still haven't reconciled it.

But hang on, let's back up...

It's about preventing people from arbitrarily killing (or threatening with death) those people that they don't approve of

So you concede pulling a gun is threatening with death. Thanks.

This thread is going to be a fine resource for more than one topic. :thup:

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