Man sentenced to 20 days in jail for pulling a gun on a pregnant woman smoking

pointing a gun is not shooting it. Understanding his frustration is not condoning his actions.

I dare anyone here to raise 2 special needs kids and not look at a woman who is poisoning her unborn child as if she is a criminal. Hell, I never smoked and I didn't drink while pregnant, even now, I maybe have one drink a week, more like one a month, I did nothing to cause my children's autism, yet here they are. Do you have any idea of the hell I've been through. My youngest, low functioning is now being taken care of by the state. Last week he had a problem and the cops were called. They threw him to the ground and hand cuffed him. He has bruises on his head and his check. He doesn't understand. I kept him for the first 24 years of his life and it's only when I threatened suicide that I got any help at all from the state. You have NO idea what that's like. I see someone poisoning their child and I think they are selfish criminals. There's already so many problems in this society to do that to your child is wrong. I would have given anything for "normal" children, but I wasn't blessed with them. To see someone poisoning her child on's unforgivable. I will NEVER have grandchild. I will die being terrified about what will happen to my children. I will never know my youngest son's favorite color. What his favorite food is..none of the things that all mothers know about their kids. And you think it's just dandy for some woman to poison their unborn child on purpose.

I used to have sympathy for smokers, not anymore. I've lost it all. Smoking should be outlawed. Then we'd have cause for parents who poison their children and there wouldn't be people like me, suffering pulmonary problems due to 2nd hand smoke.

It's not personal for you, it's personal for me, and on many levels.

Smoking had nothing to do with the state of your children and yet you still condemn smokers.


The Secondhand Smoke Myth Debunked:

I don't care what you've come up with but I grew up in a household of smokers. I now have a spot on my lung which may be cancerous. I have pulmonary problems that most smokers have yet I've never smoked. No matter what "studies" you come up with you will never convince me that 2nd hand smoke doesn't cause damage. NEVER!!!

My pulmonary doctor had a hard time when I told him I never smoked. His next question was did anyone in my family smoke. Even doctors know 2nd had smoke causes problems.

Yet the very people, like Lindzen, that testified before Congress that 2nd hand smoke was not a problem, are now testifying that global warming is not a problem, either.

We have known the affects of smoking for generations. They were not called coffin nails without reason. However, that does not excuse the actions of the crazy in any fashion. Pointing a gun at someone is assault with a deadly. And should be treated as such. Also, there is the question about how such a person was allowed to have a gun in the first place.
after she refused to stop smoking. Talk about a self righteous cuntbag nicotine nazi. I'm sure the bullet would be healthier than the cigarette? I guess this is bound to happen when it is government policy to shame and disgrace people from conducting legal activities.

Armed man gets 20 days for threatening pregnant smoker | Crime | The Bellingham Herald

My head is spinning! So, your take on this is to BLAME THE GOVERNMENT FOR THIS GUY DRAWING A GUN ON A SMOKER?
after she refused to stop smoking. Talk about a self righteous cuntbag nicotine nazi. I'm sure the bullet would be healthier than the cigarette? I guess this is bound to happen when it is government policy to shame and disgrace people from conducting legal activities.

Armed man gets 20 days for threatening pregnant smoker | Crime | The Bellingham Herald

My head is spinning! So, your take on this is to BLAME THE GOVERNMENT FOR THIS GUY DRAWING A GUN ON A SMOKER?

KrazyKons blame the government for everything.
pointing a gun is not shooting it. Understanding his frustration is not condoning his actions.

I dare anyone here to raise 2 special needs kids and not look at a woman who is poisoning her unborn child as if she is a criminal. Hell, I never smoked and I didn't drink while pregnant, even now, I maybe have one drink a week, more like one a month, I did nothing to cause my children's autism, yet here they are. Do you have any idea of the hell I've been through. My youngest, low functioning is now being taken care of by the state. Last week he had a problem and the cops were called. They threw him to the ground and hand cuffed him. He has bruises on his head and his check. He doesn't understand. I kept him for the first 24 years of his life and it's only when I threatened suicide that I got any help at all from the state. You have NO idea what that's like. I see someone poisoning their child and I think they are selfish criminals. There's already so many problems in this society to do that to your child is wrong. I would have given anything for "normal" children, but I wasn't blessed with them. To see someone poisoning her child on's unforgivable. I will NEVER have grandchild. I will die being terrified about what will happen to my children. I will never know my youngest son's favorite color. What his favorite food is..none of the things that all mothers know about their kids. And you think it's just dandy for some woman to poison their unborn child on purpose.

I used to have sympathy for smokers, not anymore. I've lost it all. Smoking should be outlawed. Then we'd have cause for parents who poison their children and there wouldn't be people like me, suffering pulmonary problems due to 2nd hand smoke.

It's not personal for you, it's personal for me, and on many levels.

Smoking had nothing to do with the state of your children and yet you still condemn smokers.


The Secondhand Smoke Myth Debunked:

I don't care what you've come up with but I grew up in a household of smokers. I now have a spot on my lung which may be cancerous. I have pulmonary problems that most smokers have yet I've never smoked. No matter what "studies" you come up with you will never convince me that 2nd hand smoke doesn't cause damage. NEVER!!!

My pulmonary doctor had a hard time when I told him I never smoked. His next question was did anyone in my family smoke. Even doctors know 2nd had smoke causes problems.

Glad to see you didn't read any of the links proving you and your doctor wrong.

Keep your head buried in the sand. Maybe you'll live longer that way.
I myself would refrain from smoking, drinking coffee, and chocolate. However, not my place to tell her Noomi, it's not my body and isn't my concern. The liberals tell me to mind my own business on a woman and her baby.

I refrained from coffee and smoking, but not chocolate. Try keeping chocolate from a pregnant woman.

If you want to damage or endanger your own child, that is your business, not mine.

Eating chocolate in moderation poses no danger to the fetus and may be beneficial. When I Googled "Dangers of pregnant women eating chocolate" I got almost 3 million links, including this one:

Eating Chocolate During Pregnancy

Check it out.
Having crazy parents is detrimental to the health of children as well.

But if we removed the children from every nutso household, we'd be a nation of institutionalized children.

I'm not naming names or anything.

If one advocates placing women in prison for smoking in order to protect the ‘child’ until born, then to be consistent, once born, the child cannot be returned to the mother because she has indeed demonstrated a propensity toward ‘neglect’ or ‘abuse.’

Conservatives face the same issue with regard to their opposition to privacy rights, where a woman placed in prison for the ‘crime’ of ‘attempted abortion’ may not be given custody of that child once released from prison; the state can’t return to a mother a ‘child’ she attempted to ‘murder.’

This demonstrates the idiocy of conservatives who seek to overturn Roe, thus making abortion illegal again, where the Christian right has clearly not thought through the comprehensive consequences of what they advocate.
Er..I n ever advocated that.

That's what the leftist loons advocate. The same ones who maintain that a woman should be able to kill the same child at any point in her pregnancy, for any reason.
All pregnant women should be locked up the moment it is known they are pregnant. They must abide by every rule that everybody else makes to insure the child is born without defect.

Lets get one thing straight, the above is EXACTlY what you want.
Uh, no, it isn't, you moron. Lol.

The LEFTIST stance is that the woman should be punished for smoking.

It's not my stance. My stance is that the left are hypocrites, because while they advocate a woman has a right to kill her baby, they also insist she must be prevented from smoking because she might hurt the baby.

Smoking had nothing to do with the state of your children and yet you still condemn smokers.


The Secondhand Smoke Myth Debunked:

I don't care what you've come up with but I grew up in a household of smokers. I now have a spot on my lung which may be cancerous. I have pulmonary problems that most smokers have yet I've never smoked. No matter what "studies" you come up with you will never convince me that 2nd hand smoke doesn't cause damage. NEVER!!!

My pulmonary doctor had a hard time when I told him I never smoked. His next question was did anyone in my family smoke. Even doctors know 2nd had smoke causes problems.

Yet the very people, like Lindzen, that testified before Congress that 2nd hand smoke was not a problem, are now testifying that global warming is not a problem, either.

We have known the affects of smoking for generations. They were not called coffin nails without reason. However, that does not excuse the actions of the crazy in any fashion. Pointing a gun at someone is assault with a deadly. And should be treated as such. Also, there is the question about how such a person was allowed to have a gun in the first place.

I agree what he did was wrong. I also understand why he did it. He got 20 days in jail which is appropriate. His gun should also be taken away at least until he takes a class to learn when and when not to show his gun, if not forever.

Like I said, If I thought pointing a gun at a pregnant woman would stop her from smoking, I'd do it, and I'd do the time as well knowing that saving the child would be worth it to me.
Uh, no, it isn't, you moron. Lol.

The LEFTIST stance is that the woman should be punished for smoking.

It's not my stance. My stance is that the left are hypocrites, because while they advocate a woman has a right to kill her baby, they also insist she must be prevented from smoking because she might hurt the baby.


Agreed, the comment wasn't made toward you. The right has fallen into this trap and can't help but keep falling for it.

I don't care what you've come up with but I grew up in a household of smokers. I now have a spot on my lung which may be cancerous. I have pulmonary problems that most smokers have yet I've never smoked. No matter what "studies" you come up with you will never convince me that 2nd hand smoke doesn't cause damage. NEVER!!!

My pulmonary doctor had a hard time when I told him I never smoked. His next question was did anyone in my family smoke. Even doctors know 2nd had smoke causes problems.

Yet the very people, like Lindzen, that testified before Congress that 2nd hand smoke was not a problem, are now testifying that global warming is not a problem, either.

We have known the affects of smoking for generations. They were not called coffin nails without reason. However, that does not excuse the actions of the crazy in any fashion. Pointing a gun at someone is assault with a deadly. And should be treated as such. Also, there is the question about how such a person was allowed to have a gun in the first place.

I agree what he did was wrong. I also understand why he did it. He got 20 days in jail which is appropriate. His gun should also be taken away at least until he takes a class to learn when and when not to show his gun, if not forever.

Like I said, If I thought pointing a gun at a pregnant woman would stop her from smoking, I'd do it, and I'd do the time as well knowing that saving the child would be worth it to me.

You would have no clue you're saving anything. The fear you would cause could cause a miscarriage.

Would you accept a life sentence if that happened?
I get why the guy is in jail, but I also get why he did what he did. Those who smoke while pregnant need something done to them because not only are they putting their own life in danger, they are dragging the life of an innocent child into their mess too and to me, that is wrong too!

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If you are not willing to give up the cigarettes for your kids, don't have kids period then.

Yeah, but had she killed the kid rather than possibly harming it through smoking, democrats would applaud and praise her.

democrat choice test;

Women have the choice of one of the following, must choose one:

a.) Abortion

Ensure you mark your choice clearly.
Yet the very people, like Lindzen, that testified before Congress that 2nd hand smoke was not a problem, are now testifying that global warming is not a problem, either.

We have known the affects of smoking for generations. They were not called coffin nails without reason. However, that does not excuse the actions of the crazy in any fashion. Pointing a gun at someone is assault with a deadly. And should be treated as such. Also, there is the question about how such a person was allowed to have a gun in the first place.

I agree what he did was wrong. I also understand why he did it. He got 20 days in jail which is appropriate. His gun should also be taken away at least until he takes a class to learn when and when not to show his gun, if not forever.

Like I said, If I thought pointing a gun at a pregnant woman would stop her from smoking, I'd do it, and I'd do the time as well knowing that saving the child would be worth it to me.

You would have no clue you're saving anything. The fear you would cause could cause a miscarriage.

Would you accept a life sentence if that happened?

And now we're back to whether it's a baby or not. Is it, or isn't it?
I agree what he did was wrong. I also understand why he did it. He got 20 days in jail which is appropriate. His gun should also be taken away at least until he takes a class to learn when and when not to show his gun, if not forever.

Like I said, If I thought pointing a gun at a pregnant woman would stop her from smoking, I'd do it, and I'd do the time as well knowing that saving the child would be worth it to me.

You would have no clue you're saving anything. The fear you would cause could cause a miscarriage.

Would you accept a life sentence if that happened?

And now we're back to whether it's a baby or not. Is it, or isn't it?

It is, no question about it


Would you except the life sentence?
Uh, no, it isn't, you moron. Lol.

The LEFTIST stance is that the woman should be punished for smoking.

It's not my stance. My stance is that the left are hypocrites, because while they advocate a woman has a right to kill her baby, they also insist she must be prevented from smoking because she might hurt the baby.


Agreed, the comment wasn't made toward you. The right has fallen into this trap and can't help but keep falling for it.


The people on this thread who are advocating prison time for the woman are not right wingers. Two of them are certified loonies.
You would have no clue you're saving anything. The fear you would cause could cause a miscarriage.

Would you accept a life sentence if that happened?

And now we're back to whether it's a baby or not. Is it, or isn't it?

It is, no question about it


Would you except the life sentence?

It is according to whom? How can it be a baby only if the mother wants it? As long as abortion is illegal I would not expect a manslaughter or murder charge for causing a miscarriage. You change that law and I'll change my statement.
I get why the guy is in jail, but I also get why he did what he did. Those who smoke while pregnant need something done to them because not only are they putting their own life in danger, they are dragging the life of an innocent child into their mess too and to me, that is wrong too!

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If you are not willing to give up the cigarettes for your kids, don't have kids period then.
Let me guess. You're pro-choice?
If you are wanting to know if I am in favor of abortion, I am not.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

And now we're back to whether it's a baby or not. Is it, or isn't it?

It is, no question about it


Would you except the life sentence?

It is according to whom? How can it be a baby only if the mother wants it? As long as abortion is illegal I would not expect a manslaughter or murder charge for causing a miscarriage. You change that law and I'll change my statement.

You asked my opinion. I gave it.

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