Man sentenced to 20 days in jail for pulling a gun on a pregnant woman smoking

This is a direct result of liberalism. Too bad she didn't have a gun and just shot him. It's why it is so important that everyone be armed at all times.

Liberals are natural subjects of dictatorship and each one is an enforcer of the dictatorship. Had she been smoking marijuana, the man would have said she was being a good mother.

Liberalism? Sounds like the guy is a typical conservative. First off, he's a gun nut who thinks it's proper to carry a loaded weapon in public and brandish it at people he disagrees with. Secondly, he is a control freak who thinks he should be able to tell pregnant women what to do with their bodies.
The more that I think about it, the more that I side with that man. When words do not work, what other option is there but to get off of your back end and take some action? That is what is done by a parent towards their children when they do not listen to what their parents tell them. Talk is a cheap thing anyways, isn't it? So if you have to go any further, why not, when there is no other way?

God bless you and that man and the unborn baby always!!!


P.S. Yeah some may say that it wasn't the man's place to get involved in what really wasn't his business. Well if everyone had that frame of mind, how many acts of rape, robbery, murder, etc. would then go uninterrupted? A baby's life was in danger because of that girl and what the man was doing was trying to save it in the only way that he thought would actually work. To me, he should be commended for trying to save the life of a child.

You side with the man who pulled a gun illegally on someone?


You side with a woman poisoning her baby? Nice!

I already said she was an asshole for smoking, smart one. Her being an asshole doesn't give him the right to pull a gun on her.
after she refused to stop smoking. Talk about a self righteous cuntbag nicotine nazi. I'm sure the bullet would be healthier than the cigarette? I guess this is bound to happen when it is government policy to shame and disgrace people from conducting legal activities.

Armed man gets 20 days for threatening pregnant smoker | Crime | The Bellingham Herald

None of his damn business telling someone else what to do. She will deal with the consequences when the baby is born...2 of my nieces were born when their mother smoked the entire time..both are just fine now.
^^^ Good, because she deserves no defense when she does not care what she does to her baby.

Should she be jailed for running her fireplace. How bout burning her fire pit to make a s'more?

No, why not
This is about smoking while having a baby inside of you which puts the baby in danger. This is not about running a fire place or burning a fire pit to make s'mores.

God bless you two always!!!

^^^ Good, because she deserves no defense when she does not care what she does to her baby.

Should she be jailed for running her fireplace. How bout burning her fire pit to make a s'more?

No, why not
This is about smoking while having a baby inside of you which puts the baby in danger. This is not about running a fire place or burning a fire pit to make s'mores.

God bless you two always!!!


And neither does the man. ;)
^^^ Good, because she deserves no defense when she does not care what she does to her baby.

Should she be jailed for running her fireplace. How bout burning her fire pit to make a s'more?

No, why not
This is about smoking while having a baby inside of you which puts the baby in danger. This is not about running a fire place or burning a fire pit to make s'mores.

God bless you two always!!!


Nope, you do not know how much damage either will do. You assume one is worse then the other.


Simply because you like s'mores or a nice roaring fire?

Pulling a gun on somebody because you disapprove of that persons actions IS worse than the action you find unacceptable

Get it. He threatened not only the woman, but the child also

Should have gotten 20 to life.
^^^ I have never once eaten a s'more and my home does not have a fire place. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I hate marshmallows. Oh and something has to be done to people if words do absolutely nothing when they put other lives in danger.
after she refused to stop smoking. Talk about a self righteous cuntbag nicotine nazi. I'm sure the bullet would be healthier than the cigarette? I guess this is bound to happen when it is government policy to shame and disgrace people from conducting legal activities.

Armed man gets 20 days for threatening pregnant smoker | Crime | The Bellingham Herald

The story says the guy went to jail. What's your beef?

He did something crazy and went to jail for it. And... your point?

BTW - we all get to pay for the child's special needs schooling, disability benefits, and other public programs for kids with birth defects or health problems.
If it has any

Same is true for not eating right, getting enough exercise, falling while jogging and the list goes on and on

Can't wait to see guns drawn on pregnant women while chowing down a Big Mac!
If it has any

Same is true for not eating right, getting enough exercise, falling while jogging and the list goes on and on

Can't wait to see guns drawn on pregnant women while chowing down a Big Mac!

just a matter of time....

nanny Bloom is watching that like a hawk! :mad:
after she refused to stop smoking. Talk about a self righteous cuntbag nicotine nazi. I'm sure the bullet would be healthier than the cigarette? I guess this is bound to happen when it is government policy to shame and disgrace people from conducting legal activities.

Armed man gets 20 days for threatening pregnant smoker | Crime | The Bellingham Herald

Typical for the idiot rw gun nutters to think they have that right.

Stevie Girl, you're crazier than an outhouse rat.

It is not typical you fool. There is nothing "typical" about anyone aiming a gun at a girl who is preggers.

Nothing typical and nothing sensible, no question.

It does present an interesting dilemma though for those who constantly obsess about gummint stepping in to "protect the life of the unborn".

Just sayin'.

No it doesn't.

Just sayin.

How can it not?

Just askin'.

How do you reconcile the two? I'm hungry, I need me a good logical pretzel.
Dollars to donuts the pistol packing putrescent was the baby's father, pissed off that she wouldn't get an abortion and looking for any excuse to off her.

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