Man throws live alligator into Wendy's drive-thru

I wonder if alligators think people taste like chicken? :dunno:
I know when I watch people thrash about in the water I think, those weird fish are just going to attract alligators....
"Where's the alligator ?!"

Florida man charged with tossing live alligator into Wendy’s drive-thru

Gators are serious business in the Sunshine State, as a Florida circuit court judge reminded everyone Tuesday.

Joshua James, 24, made his initial appearance before Judge Joseph Marx one day after being arrested for tossing a live alligator through the drive-thru window of a Wendy’s restaurant.

The judge, according to local reports, set James’ bail at $6,000 and ordered him, among other things, to stay clear of Wendy’s restaurants and animals.

“Including reptiles,” added Marx, who has two degrees from the University of Florida, home of the Gators.

The bizarre incident occurred Oct. 11, when James found the 3-and-a half-foot alligator on the side of the road and led the reptile into his truck, according to a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission incident report.

Then James, a resident of Jupiter, a town 20 miles north of Palm Beach, drove to a Wendy's restaurant in Royal Palm Beach and placed an order, received a drink at the drive-thru window, and hurled the alligator through the opening, investigators said.

Florida man charged with tossing live alligator into Wendy’s drive-thru

Hmmm ...

Don't tell me - there are laws against "alligator tossing" on the books ...
If I'm his lawyer I'm claiming he thought the gator was his wallet.....
"Where's the alligator ?!"

Florida man charged with tossing live alligator into Wendy’s drive-thru

Gators are serious business in the Sunshine State, as a Florida circuit court judge reminded everyone Tuesday.

Joshua James, 24, made his initial appearance before Judge Joseph Marx one day after being arrested for tossing a live alligator through the drive-thru window of a Wendy’s restaurant.

The judge, according to local reports, set James’ bail at $6,000 and ordered him, among other things, to stay clear of Wendy’s restaurants and animals.

“Including reptiles,” added Marx, who has two degrees from the University of Florida, home of the Gators.

The bizarre incident occurred Oct. 11, when James found the 3-and-a half-foot alligator on the side of the road and led the reptile into his truck, according to a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission incident report.

Then James, a resident of Jupiter, a town 20 miles north of Palm Beach, drove to a Wendy's restaurant in Royal Palm Beach and placed an order, received a drink at the drive-thru window, and hurled the alligator through the opening, investigators said.

Florida man charged with tossing live alligator into Wendy’s drive-thru

Alligators are everywhere in Florida. That's why a Floridian never just jumps into a body of water. A gator might eat his ass.

Hell. I drove into work one morning and a five foot gator was walking through the parking lot. Where he was headed I have no idea but he was on his way.
"Where's the alligator ?!"

Florida man charged with tossing live alligator into Wendy’s drive-thru

Gators are serious business in the Sunshine State, as a Florida circuit court judge reminded everyone Tuesday.

Joshua James, 24, made his initial appearance before Judge Joseph Marx one day after being arrested for tossing a live alligator through the drive-thru window of a Wendy’s restaurant.

The judge, according to local reports, set James’ bail at $6,000 and ordered him, among other things, to stay clear of Wendy’s restaurants and animals.

“Including reptiles,” added Marx, who has two degrees from the University of Florida, home of the Gators.

The bizarre incident occurred Oct. 11, when James found the 3-and-a half-foot alligator on the side of the road and led the reptile into his truck, according to a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission incident report.

Then James, a resident of Jupiter, a town 20 miles north of Palm Beach, drove to a Wendy's restaurant in Royal Palm Beach and placed an order, received a drink at the drive-thru window, and hurled the alligator through the opening, investigators said.

Florida man charged with tossing live alligator into Wendy’s drive-thru
THAT will lern'em not to put pickles on his burger!

by gum..
How much does an alligator that size weigh and what if the window its self wasn't wide enough for the animal to fit through?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Did the guy ever say why he did this?
"No one was hurt during the incident. A game warden called to the scene found the gator in the kitchen and taped its mouth shut before releasing it back into the wild."

So this alligator gets back home and tries telling the story to his friends....

Wendy's gator, (WG)
Gator friend one, (GFO)
Gator friend two, (GFT)

GFO: "Dude, where were you last night?"

WG: "You're not going to believe this".

GFT: "This had better be good. We waited for you for two hours. Did you forget we were going to the swamp bar? Tons of hot chicks and we were late because of you."

WG: "I didn't forget. It wasn't my fault. I got abducted!"

GFO: "Oh, bullshit. We missed out on all kinds of action because of your lame ass."

WG: "No. I swear. I was on my way when this metallic craft came out of the dark and stopped right in front of me...."

GFT: (Makes jerking motion with front right foot).

WG: "No really. It had bright white lights on the front of it and little red lights on the back. The middle was dark..."

GFO: "Getting deep."

WG: "Shut up and listen. Then this creature gets out of the metal craft and comes over to me."

GFO: "A creature? Like a bird or a turtle or a fish?"

WG: "Nooooo! It only had two legs and it stood upright on them."

GFT: "Dude. Why don't you just admit you blew us off, you're a major douche nozzle and we'll call it good."

WG: "Noooo! I'm telling you guys this creature grabbed me. It put me in the metal craft and it started moving--moving faster than you would believe."

GFO: "Pffft".

WG: "Soon the craft stopped and there were bright lights everywhere. The creature tossed me through a metal and glass portal and I landed in this area of bright lights surrounded by more of the creatures...."

GFO to GFT: "Let's get out of here." Both start to swim away.

WG: "Guys, really. Wait."

GFO: "Later douche".

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