Man Up

You're saying this in the wrong place. This belongs in a black neighborhood. Carry it around with you on a sign and see what happens to you ‍♂️

Essentially what you are saying is that black people have low impulse control and are prone to fits of violent rage at the slightest provocation.

We know this already. Thats why they are constantly killing one another over petty disagreements.
But that's just the thing You're not man enough to kill the ones who actually have low impulse control lol
You are one fucked up idiot. I wouldn’t walk into a black hood for any reason whatsoever, and racists like you can call it cowardly or anything else you want. It doesn’t matter a bit to me what anyone thinks, couldn’t care less.
Right. You'd rather abuse people who have nothing to do with it. It's safe. I get it.
You should really go talk to them and demand your babysitting fee! They owe you big time. Man up and go get your money :)

Here's an idea.
Next time some dumbass hoodrat gets gunned down by the Po Po instead of burning down your own neighborhoods come on out to the burbs to vent your impotent rage.

No? Whats the matter chicken shit?
Yes! Exactly. This message needs to be delivered to those who it applies to. But don't worry. You're safe with me. But you knew that. Right ? LOL ;)

We all know it'll never happen.
We dont care if you burn down your own neighborhoods,but try and burn down ours and see what happens.
Surely you've heard of Joe Horn...
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

Now why would I do that?
Then I'd have to shoot a few of em and who needs that in their life?
Hiring an attorney wasting days at the courthouse....
Nah,I'll just sit back and laugh as they continue to burn down their own neighborhoods.

Perhaps you shoot up your fellow whites who destroy communities when they run out of pumpkins.
You should really go talk to them and demand your babysitting fee! They owe you big time. Man up and go get your money :)

Here's an idea.
Next time some dumbass hoodrat gets gunned down by the Po Po instead of burning down your own neighborhoods come on out to the burbs to vent your impotent rage.

No? Whats the matter chicken shit?
Yes! Exactly. This message needs to be delivered to those who it applies to. But don't worry. You're safe with me. But you knew that. Right ? LOL ;)

We all know it'll never happen.
We dont care if you burn down your own neighborhoods,but try and burn down ours and see what happens.
Surely you've heard of Joe Horn...
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

This line of reasoning you're going with is not a winning strategy. Civilized human beings don't like having their society poisoned and stifled by a violent, regressive minority culture. Because we don't go into the heart of the violence and yell racial slurs at them doesn't indicate cowardice.

When you look at the world population, whites are a minority. And whites have poisoned society and stifled it with a violent, regressive minority culture. You live in the heart of the violence. You are the cause of the violence.
Here's an idea.
Next time some dumbass hoodrat gets gunned down by the Po Po instead of burning down your own neighborhoods come on out to the burbs to vent your impotent rage.

No? Whats the matter chicken shit?
Yes! Exactly. This message needs to be delivered to those who it applies to. But don't worry. You're safe with me. But you knew that. Right ? LOL ;)

We all know it'll never happen.
We dont care if you burn down your own neighborhoods,but try and burn down ours and see what happens.
Surely you've heard of Joe Horn...
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

This line of reasoning you're going with is not a winning strategy. Civilized human beings don't like having their society poisoned and stifled by a violent, regressive minority culture. Because we don't go into the heart of the violence and yell racial slurs at them doesn't indicate cowardice.

When you look at the world population, whites are a minority. And whites have poisoned society and stifled it with a violent, regressive minority culture. You live in the heart of the violence. You are the cause of the violence.

If we're so awful, explain why the entire world wants to live in our countries then.
Here's an idea.
Next time some dumbass hoodrat gets gunned down by the Po Po instead of burning down your own neighborhoods come on out to the burbs to vent your impotent rage.

No? Whats the matter chicken shit?
Yes! Exactly. This message needs to be delivered to those who it applies to. But don't worry. You're safe with me. But you knew that. Right ? LOL ;)

We all know it'll never happen.
We dont care if you burn down your own neighborhoods,but try and burn down ours and see what happens.
Surely you've heard of Joe Horn...
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

Now why would I do that?
Then I'd have to shoot a few of em and who needs that in their life?
Hiring an attorney wasting days at the courthouse....
Nah,I'll just sit back and laugh as they continue to burn down their own neighborhoods.

Perhaps you shoot up your fellow whites who destroy communities when they run out of pumpkins.

Never happens...
My University has a Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, I never visited, maybe its new! Maybe its by the George Wallace Dedication plaque from the 70's at the athletics department. Rainbow flags!

"Look I get all sorts here, Liberals, Christians".. Ya this is the Rush Limbaugh show, mega dittos, we're gonna pray to God for Laura Ingraham sex and the best study groups socializing can find. Hey Rushbo, Rushbo, I was left-center,right,up-down, then I heard your show.

Diversify, Equitify, Inclusify, proudly international campus of partnership, wow, really... So hey guys, I wish to self-identify, I'm from Alabama, anybody? Anybody, heard of this, anybody. This is about Tolerance. MMmmmMk?

Mmm I thought about going to Oakwood or A&M I mean "the Hood", I bet they actually get the other race on campus, 'yo yo hey guys I'm cool white".

Racism is Totally Over. Especially for the Asian Americans, note, not a solid racial group.

Everytime the whites got hungry they turned on the nearest conservative older busy married Korean business owner. Yarrr. I'm a mix of pirate, American imperialist, Japanese comfort station denier. yarrr.

The game is up, buster! Serial pattern of harass anybody! Ya! I Pity the foo'.

All My "Frustration Sources" do the "I'm going to steal away everything you got" "hey don't talk to me one more word I'll report you", ya so problem Solved...
Well they all set me up, didn't they, in class they can entrap me, one group ever stood up for their extra credits, they recorded it and graded it, and the groups they made Displays Other Interests from me, they'd have to prove that one in court, not pretending they can mimic socializing with Marketer Asian fetish dweebs. Ya so this is a train in asia where they all get molested, it sells bras.

Oh by the way, so, instantly quoting the business chair quoting yourself quoting you, so, ok so , instantly can't act slightly neutral , that I can say to business chair, everything's neutral, your rejection is invalid. This Time provide the Evidence about casual actions about facebook or people! Or sort of, chinadoll projecting on somebody! whatever!

I got Questions about how you proceeded for 2 or 3 years in your degree. Was it sort of like, you Never bothered Any of our Students and Professors and group leaders placed Expectations to be Met, and you Only Ever made Any statement in regard to that, and we're just putting sociable responsibilities on White students and not Complaining students? Ya that sounds right, now that I mention it.

Now that we smell blood, and we totally wish to Fake the irresponsibility of youth as a generic and absolute universality, we have an easy target to dump Any inconsequence on yourself whatsoever. That's also nice. That serves purposes probably.

Have you thought about having only a single source of personal improvement In Discussion o the neglect of all numerical measures, in order to get education, jobs, or keep up with your parents, because we'd really like you to visit , even when your most respected favorite colaborators asked you to leave.
Last edited:
Have to Lead 8 people total in flat telling them "hey she wants a good project grade not you guys, give here a grade", to some stupid trips out to somewhere to teach cultures instead of college work, but you know, I like to get absolutely rat trapped, legal jeopardy, and you know, typical self-defeatism testimony that's fun, to win her petty arguments at best, that we can possibly prove any intervention in anything is or has Ever been warranted. She could say she Did or Didn't want Church support or houses or she would lead some easy project like that right on campus.
Yes! Exactly. This message needs to be delivered to those who it applies to. But don't worry. You're safe with me. But you knew that. Right ? LOL ;)

We all know it'll never happen.
We dont care if you burn down your own neighborhoods,but try and burn down ours and see what happens.
Surely you've heard of Joe Horn...
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

Now why would I do that?
Then I'd have to shoot a few of em and who needs that in their life?
Hiring an attorney wasting days at the courthouse....
Nah,I'll just sit back and laugh as they continue to burn down their own neighborhoods.

Perhaps you shoot up your fellow whites who destroy communities when they run out of pumpkins.

Never happens...

It happens all the time. Stop lying.
Yes! Exactly. This message needs to be delivered to those who it applies to. But don't worry. You're safe with me. But you knew that. Right ? LOL ;)

We all know it'll never happen.
We dont care if you burn down your own neighborhoods,but try and burn down ours and see what happens.
Surely you've heard of Joe Horn...
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

This line of reasoning you're going with is not a winning strategy. Civilized human beings don't like having their society poisoned and stifled by a violent, regressive minority culture. Because we don't go into the heart of the violence and yell racial slurs at them doesn't indicate cowardice.

When you look at the world population, whites are a minority. And whites have poisoned society and stifled it with a violent, regressive minority culture. You live in the heart of the violence. You are the cause of the violence.

If we're so awful, explain why the entire world wants to live in our countries then.

You'd probably be smarter to ask, "Why are whites in all these places that did not belong to them?"
We all know it'll never happen.
We dont care if you burn down your own neighborhoods,but try and burn down ours and see what happens.
Surely you've heard of Joe Horn...
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

Now why would I do that?
Then I'd have to shoot a few of em and who needs that in their life?
Hiring an attorney wasting days at the courthouse....
Nah,I'll just sit back and laugh as they continue to burn down their own neighborhoods.

Perhaps you shoot up your fellow whites who destroy communities when they run out of pumpkins.

Never happens...

It happens all the time. Stop lying.

Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

Now why would I do that?
Then I'd have to shoot a few of em and who needs that in their life?
Hiring an attorney wasting days at the courthouse....
Nah,I'll just sit back and laugh as they continue to burn down their own neighborhoods.

Perhaps you shoot up your fellow whites who destroy communities when they run out of pumpkins.

Never happens...

It happens all the time. Stop lying.


Search for yourself.
Now why would I do that?
Then I'd have to shoot a few of em and who needs that in their life?
Hiring an attorney wasting days at the courthouse....
Nah,I'll just sit back and laugh as they continue to burn down their own neighborhoods.

Perhaps you shoot up your fellow whites who destroy communities when they run out of pumpkins.

Never happens...

It happens all the time. Stop lying.


Search for yourself.

As expected...ya got nothing.
You should really go talk to them and demand your babysitting fee! They owe you big time. Man up and go get your money :)

Here's an idea.
Next time some dumbass hoodrat gets gunned down by the Po Po instead of burning down your own neighborhoods come on out to the burbs to vent your impotent rage.

No? Whats the matter chicken shit?
Yes! Exactly. This message needs to be delivered to those who it applies to. But don't worry. You're safe with me. But you knew that. Right ? LOL ;)

We all know it'll never happen.
We dont care if you burn down your own neighborhoods,but try and burn down ours and see what happens.
Surely you've heard of Joe Horn...
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.
Says the guy hiding behind his keyboard.

Too funny.

Not that I care or anything, but what makes you think people haven't taken it to 'da hood'?
We all know it'll never happen.
We dont care if you burn down your own neighborhoods,but try and burn down ours and see what happens.
Surely you've heard of Joe Horn...
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

This line of reasoning you're going with is not a winning strategy. Civilized human beings don't like having their society poisoned and stifled by a violent, regressive minority culture. Because we don't go into the heart of the violence and yell racial slurs at them doesn't indicate cowardice.

When you look at the world population, whites are a minority. And whites have poisoned society and stifled it with a violent, regressive minority culture. You live in the heart of the violence. You are the cause of the violence.

If we're so awful, explain why the entire world wants to live in our countries then.

You'd probably be smarter to ask, "Why are whites in all these places that did not belong to them?"

Because we're better than everyone else.
Right. Maybe you can tell them that in person then? Personally go there and issue a dare instead of talking to me or others that it doesn't apply to? Go there and dare them to come to your neighborhood. Or if you want to hide behind your computer, that's okay too. Hey...its your manhood. You get to decide how important that is I guess.

This line of reasoning you're going with is not a winning strategy. Civilized human beings don't like having their society poisoned and stifled by a violent, regressive minority culture. Because we don't go into the heart of the violence and yell racial slurs at them doesn't indicate cowardice.

When you look at the world population, whites are a minority. And whites have poisoned society and stifled it with a violent, regressive minority culture. You live in the heart of the violence. You are the cause of the violence.

If we're so awful, explain why the entire world wants to live in our countries then.

You'd probably be smarter to ask, "Why are whites in all these places that did not belong to them?"

Because we're better than everyone else.

Therein lies your problem. You are suffering from psychotic delusions of grandeur.
This line of reasoning you're going with is not a winning strategy. Civilized human beings don't like having their society poisoned and stifled by a violent, regressive minority culture. Because we don't go into the heart of the violence and yell racial slurs at them doesn't indicate cowardice.

When you look at the world population, whites are a minority. And whites have poisoned society and stifled it with a violent, regressive minority culture. You live in the heart of the violence. You are the cause of the violence.

If we're so awful, explain why the entire world wants to live in our countries then.

You'd probably be smarter to ask, "Why are whites in all these places that did not belong to them?"

Because we're better than everyone else.

Therein lies your problem. You are suffering from psychotic delusions of grandeur.

LOL.....when the blackman first met white people they were still living in mud huts and fishing for termites with a stick.
While the white man had conquered the seven seas.
When you look at the world population, whites are a minority. And whites have poisoned society and stifled it with a violent, regressive minority culture. You live in the heart of the violence. You are the cause of the violence.

If we're so awful, explain why the entire world wants to live in our countries then.

You'd probably be smarter to ask, "Why are whites in all these places that did not belong to them?"

Because we're better than everyone else.

Therein lies your problem. You are suffering from psychotic delusions of grandeur.

LOL.....when the blackman first met white people they were still living in mud huts and fishing for termites with a stick.
While the white man had conquered the seven seas.

Like I said...

You are suffering from psychotic delusions of grandeur.
If we're so awful, explain why the entire world wants to live in our countries then.

You'd probably be smarter to ask, "Why are whites in all these places that did not belong to them?"

Because we're better than everyone else.

Therein lies your problem. You are suffering from psychotic delusions of grandeur.

LOL.....when the blackman first met white people they were still living in mud huts and fishing for termites with a stick.
While the white man had conquered the seven seas.

Like I said...

You are suffering from psychotic delusions of grandeur.

Says the angry little man suffering from an inferiority complex.

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