Manafort jury is asking judge what if we can't come to consensus

LMAO! Turn on Fox News....jury sent judge a note asking what happens if they can't reach consensus.....that crumbling you hear is Mueller's witch hunt collapsing.

Maybe not. Maybe they get him on 5 counts instead of all 18. Even if they get all 18 I don’t see how it has any bearing on the Russia thing. But it would be awesome to see all the ignorant libtards on this bored heads explode if the jury came back hung on all counts.

Like you I don't see what this has to do with the Russia thing at all.

Personally I couldn't care less about Manafort. If he's found guilty he goes to jail. If not. He walks.

I won't be celebrating either way.
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You are assuming there will be another trial. Big assumption there bucko.

Tick Tock. LMAO

I see - A preemptive pardon? Cool, see how that goes for ya eh? Because then, two things are at play:

1. Crooked Paul gets tried in one or more state courts where Donald's pardon is meaningless
2. Crooked Paul must testify when called ABSENT his 5th amendment privilege

Jesus - You ain't the brightest is ya? :)

AS for the brightest?? It sure ain't you.

Clinton pardoned a worse man than Manafort. I'm sure you remember Mark Rich

Bill Clinton pardon controversy - Wikipedia

Oh and here's a run down of those Obama pardoned. Its a shocker.

List of people pardoned or granted clemency by the President of the United States - Wikipedia

Clinton's pardons:

Oh and no one knows how this trial will turn out.

Manafort looks like a babe in the woods compared to those being pardoned by Clinton and Obama. LOL

You missed the whole point of the post you're replying to. But I'm not surprised.

That person pointed out to you that if trump pardons him he can and probably will be tried in state courts where trump can't do anything to stop it.

When trump pardons manafort he loses his 5th amendment rights. He has to testify in court when called to do so and must tell the truth or will be prosecuted for perjury.

Keep in mind, if he's pardoned, he can't refuse to testify in any coming trials against anyone in trump world. He can't take the 5th.

So if trump pardons manafort, trump jr will be in a lot more legal trouble now since manafort was at that meeting with the russian government lawyer with trump jr. He will have no choice but to tell any jury the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Pardoning manafort could put trump sr and trump jr along with other trump campaign people in a lot of legal jeopardy simply because manafort no longer can stay quiet.
You are assuming there will be another trial. Big assumption there bucko.

Tick Tock. LMAO

I see - A preemptive pardon? Cool, see how that goes for ya eh? Because then, two things are at play:

1. Crooked Paul gets tried in one or more state courts where Donald's pardon is meaningless
2. Crooked Paul must testify when called ABSENT his 5th amendment privilege

Jesus - You ain't the brightest is ya? :)

AS for the brightest?? It sure ain't you.

Clinton pardoned a worse man than Manafort. I'm sure you remember Mark Rich

Bill Clinton pardon controversy - Wikipedia

Oh and here's a run down of those Obama pardoned. Its a shocker.

List of people pardoned or granted clemency by the President of the United States - Wikipedia

Clinton's pardons:

Oh and no one knows how this trial will turn out.

Manafort looks like a babe in the woods compared to those being pardoned by Clinton and Obama. LOL

You missed the whole point of the post you're replying to. But I'm not surprised.

That person pointed out to you that if trump pardons him he can and probably will be tried in state courts where trump can't do anything to stop it.

When trump pardons manafort he loses his 5th amendment rights. He has to testify in court when called to do so and must tell the truth or will be prosecuted for perjury.

Keep in mind, if he's pardoned, he can't refuse to testify in any coming trials against anyone in trump world. He can't take the 5th.

So if trump pardons manafort, trump jr will be in a lot more legal trouble now since manafort was at that meeting with the russian government lawyer with trump jr. He will have no choice but to tell any jury the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Pardoning manafort could put trump sr and trump jr along with other trump campaign people in a lot of legal jeopardy simply because manafort no longer can stay quiet.

I'm not an attorney but Jesus, there are some REALLY dumb people around here.
You have it exactly right. Trumptards will all cheer like Howler Monkeys if Don the Con pardons Crooked Paul - but then the proverbial CRAP will hit the fan!
Trump still has a couple of very good attorneys (Rudy not one of them) - They will warn him bigly of the potential consequences.
Wow! Lots and lotsa lawyers on this thread.

A few have assumed that the judge is required to accept the verdicts on the other 17 counts, if the jury is hung on 1 count. Without suggesting that would be reasonable, it's not necessarily the case.
You are assuming there will be another trial. Big assumption there bucko.

Tick Tock. LMAO

I see - A preemptive pardon? Cool, see how that goes for ya eh? Because then, two things are at play:

1. Crooked Paul gets tried in one or more state courts where Donald's pardon is meaningless
2. Crooked Paul must testify when called ABSENT his 5th amendment privilege

Jesus - You ain't the brightest is ya? :)

AS for the brightest?? It sure ain't you.

Clinton pardoned a worse man than Manafort. I'm sure you remember Mark Rich

Bill Clinton pardon controversy - Wikipedia

Oh and here's a run down of those Obama pardoned. Its a shocker.

List of people pardoned or granted clemency by the President of the United States - Wikipedia

Clinton's pardons:

Oh and no one knows how this trial will turn out.

Manafort looks like a babe in the woods compared to those being pardoned by Clinton and Obama. LOL

You missed the whole point of the post you're replying to. But I'm not surprised.

That person pointed out to you that if trump pardons him he can and probably will be tried in state courts where trump can't do anything to stop it.

When trump pardons manafort he loses his 5th amendment rights. He has to testify in court when called to do so and must tell the truth or will be prosecuted for perjury.

Keep in mind, if he's pardoned, he can't refuse to testify in any coming trials against anyone in trump world. He can't take the 5th.

So if trump pardons manafort, trump jr will be in a lot more legal trouble now since manafort was at that meeting with the russian government lawyer with trump jr. He will have no choice but to tell any jury the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Pardoning manafort could put trump sr and trump jr along with other trump campaign people in a lot of legal jeopardy simply because manafort no longer can stay quiet.

I'm not an attorney but Jesus, there are some REALLY dumb people around here.
You have it exactly right. Trumptards will all cheer like Howler Monkeys if Don the Con pardons Crooked Paul - but then the proverbial CRAP will hit the fan!
Trump still has a couple of very good attorneys (Rudy not one of them) - They will warn him bigly of the potential consequences.

Oh I won't be cheering. I hate like hell to see a criminal walk especially after being convicted.
Some are claiming its one charge....its CNN so take with grain of salt. I think he is found guilty on MOST charges,will be given life since this is a political persecution and then immediately granted a pardon by President Trump just to show these clowns in the Mueller witch hunt who is REALLY in charge in America.
That'd be a great way for Trump to look guilty.
You really think he cares? This was a political persecution from the get go to GET Trump, It didn't work. Manafort was USED by the Mueller witch hunt to try and bring down a duly elected President of the USA and deserves a pardon or his sentence reduced to house arrest,restitution and probation.
Everyone knew Manafort was a slimy dude into some shady dealings. Because he was in Trump's orbit, Mueller is going after him for all his crimes unrelated to Trump to try to get some leverage. It didn't work, but it doesn't mean Manafort shouldn't do the time for any crimes unrelated to Trump. You may very well be right about this being somewhat of a witch hunt but you can't be willing to pardon unrelated crimes just because they're indirectly somewhere in the vicinity of it.
My guess is they are having trouble getting a consensus on multiple counts and are unsure of how to fill out the paper work. It would seem odd if they found him guilty on 17 counts but were hung up on just 1.
My guess is they are having trouble getting a consensus on multiple counts and are unsure of how to fill out the paper work. It would seem odd if they found him guilty on 17 counts but were hung up on just 1.
Wow! Lots and lotsa lawyers on this thread.

A few have assumed that the judge is required to accept the verdicts on the other 17 counts, if the jury is hung on 1 count. Without suggesting that would be reasonable, it's not necessarily the case.

That would be about as likely as Trump acting like an adult starting tomorrow. Normally, it would ONLY occur if the judge knows of malfeasance by a jury member, or believes the verdict is guaranteed to be tossed by a higher court. In either case, they would likely toss one or more counts PRIOR to deliberation.
Most Americans know Manafort wouldn't have been targeted for 'investigation' if he was a Democrat operative. They know who's behind these 'investigations.' He was targeted only because of his connection to Trump. It is an incredibly dirty political Witch Hunt. Decent folks on a Jury will see that. Hopefully all those the Democrats targeted, will walk. If not, i hope Trump pardons them.
That would be about as likely as Trump acting like an adult starting tomorrow. Normally, it would ONLY occur if the judge knows of malfeasance by a jury member, or believes the verdict is guaranteed to be tossed by a higher court. In either case, they would likely declare a mistrial on one or more counts PRIOR to deliberation.

Most of the time it has more to do with how the one count relates to the others and/or how failure to arrive at agreement on that count relates to the rest of the case. Where the latter may be a result of malfeasance of a juror, neither is required to be.

Again, you are more eager to argue a point that simply doesn't matter at this moment, but you are correct that the "dynamite option" used by judges to blast jurors from their inability to arrive a verdict, can result in grounds for an appeal (which again doesn't mean anything definitive until it is ruled on).
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LMAO! Turn on Fox News....jury sent judge a note asking what happens if they can't reach consensus.....that crumbling you hear is Mueller's witch hunt collapsing.

You and Fox are being misleading. So what else is new? Deceit is a tactic used by Trump and his fans.

The judge in the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort urged the jury Tuesday to keep deliberating after it asked what happens if it can't reach consensus on one of 18 counts.

Paul Manafort jury asks about impact of not reaching verdict on one count - CNNPolitics

Truth isn't truth!
LMAO! Turn on Fox News....jury sent judge a note asking what happens if they can't reach consensus.....that crumbling you hear is Mueller's witch hunt collapsing.

You and Fox are being misleading. So what else is new? Deceit is a tactic used by Trump and his fans.

The judge in the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort urged the jury Tuesday to keep deliberating after it asked what happens if it can't reach consensus on one of 18 counts.

Paul Manafort jury asks about impact of not reaching verdict on one count - CNNPolitics

Truth isn't truth!

I know RIGHT? Btw - I LOVE Odium's OPs. They nearly ALWAYS jump to the wrong conclusion :D
If Trump does not pardon then libs will demand an investigation over why he did not.
They are seeking facts to soothe their bruised feelings but facts don’t meld with feelings so they move to the next feelings based quest for favorable facts and over and over it just doesn’t work out

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