Manafort Trial Is About Fashion, Nothing to Do With Russia

This is money laundering, bank fraud trial

next trial is for being an agent of a foreign power, in 2 weeks...
Such a strange OP argument.

The trial is about tax evasion etc.

If you want to prove tax evasion you need to demonstrate wealth above what is being claimed in taxes
GE paid $0 in taxes.

So why isn’t the CEO in prison?

Oh ya, they legally owe $0.
And your cult master insisted the Corporation taxes were too high and gave them even More with his corporate tax cut.... :rolleyes:
And hundreds of billions were brought back into the US to be taxed.

Thank you President Trump.
so is GE still paying ZERO in taxes as you CLAIMED?
Everyone should read License to lie by Sidney Powell....get a good look at our so called justice system we have here in America....its been corrupted by the likes of Mueller Comey Holder and Lynch.....
Am I in the wrong place, all I hear from liberals is Trumps folks are being indicted and Trumps going down, Mueller has him scared, but could any of the liberals here explain why their talking about clothes and not Russian collusion, how does this guys suit selection have anything to do with Trump or Russians.
Please any idiotic liberal explain this!

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No a person owning a yacht that costs more money then you claimed you earned on your tax returns makes you a criminal anywhere.

Really? What f'ing world do you live in? So tell me, is your home more or less than you make a year?

It means that you were lying about your income.

Again, more stupid drivel...
Does the government only has tax returns from 1 year?
Did you realize I used plural? If you buy a yacht that costs more then what you claimed you made on all your tax returns does that not suggest you lied?
If Mueller's case is that Manafort's spending exceeds his income then bring on the income records not photos of clothes. That's constructing a case by innuendo and we don't do that.
No a person owning a yacht that costs more money then you claimed you earned on your tax returns makes you a criminal anywhere.

Really? What f'ing world do you live in? So tell me, is your home more or less than you make a year?

It means that you were lying about your income.

Again, more stupid drivel...
Does the government only has tax returns from 1 year?
Did you realize I used plural? If you buy a yacht that costs more then what you claimed you made on all your tax returns does that not suggest you lied?

Your in over your head, give up before you drown...
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Am I in the wrong place, all I hear from liberals is Trumps folks are being indicted and Trumps going down, Mueller has him scared, but could any of the liberals here explain why their talking about clothes and not Russian collusion, how does this guys suit selection have anything to do with Trump or Russians.
Please any idiotic liberal explain this!

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Sure. Talking about tax evasion and money laundering doesn't require the government to prove anything about Trump or Russia. Bringing those things up would probably do more harm then good because it would dilute the time spend on the relevant charges.
The object here is not to get a guilty verdict on Trump, or proof a conspiracy with Russia. The object here is to convict Manafort.
The lying, stupid drivel of the Manafort defenders startles the reasonable mind.

He tried, and failed, to hide his undeclared income.

He will now go to jail for many years.
If Mueller's case is that Manafort's spending exceeds his income then bring on the income records not photos of clothes. That's constructing a case by innuendo and we don't do that.
Ever been in a jury trial? Or watched any lawyer show for that matter? A trial, especially one with a jury, requires not just facts, but a skillfull delivery of those facts. A certain amount of show and playing to peoples feelings does happen. They've brought in the spending records on top of showing the photo's, not to mention people he bought items from.
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This is money laundering, bank fraud trial

next trial is for being an agent of a foreign power, in 2 weeks...
Such a strange OP argument.

The trial is about tax evasion etc.

If you want to prove tax evasion you need to demonstrate wealth above what is being claimed in taxes
GE paid $0 in taxes.

So why isn’t the CEO in prison?

Oh ya, they legally owe $0.
And your cult master insisted the Corporation taxes were too high and gave them even More with his corporate tax cut.... :rolleyes:
And hundreds of billions were brought back into the US to be taxed.

Thank you President Trump.
so is GE still paying ZERO in taxes as you CLAIMED?

The truth about GE's tax bill
April 4, 2011

Did GE pay U.S. income taxes in 2010? The company known for minimizing its tax bill made a muddled situation worse responding to aNew York Times report suggesting it might get a refund. GE now says it has a small tax liability for 2010.

By Allan Sloan, senior editor-at-large, Fortune, and Jeff Gerth, senior reporter, ProPublica
Good advice to the Manafort supporters


The court case very clearly demonstrates Manaforts expenditures greatly exceeds his declared income. He would have to show that he was carry some sort of charge accounts to cover the deficit, and guess what? He can't.
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You have no clue on the irrelevance of income being taxable or not do you? You still have to declare that income. You can not simply decide that an income is not taxable and therefor not needed to be declared.
I can have a 6 figure income and legally not owe a penny to the government.

I’ll wait here while you melt down.
Sure, and then after you don't owe a penny and you spend 8 figures, the government will come knocking and ask you how you got a hold of 8 figures when you only declared 6.
Oh really!

How does the government know I bought $500,000 worth of shoes?

Keep going, this is good.
They search your closet
How many times a year does the government search your wardrobe?
Interesting case

Manafort goes to expensive clothing stores and buys tens of thousands of dollars worth of clothes and pays for it with a cash transfer from overseas

Looks like someone dodging taxes to me
No a person owning a yacht that costs more money then you claimed you earned on your tax returns makes you a criminal anywhere.

Really? What f'ing world do you live in? So tell me, is your home more or less than you make a year?

It means that you were lying about your income.

Again, more stupid drivel...
Does the government only has tax returns from 1 year?
Did you realize I used plural? If you buy a yacht that costs more then what you claimed you made on all your tax returns does that not suggest you lied?

Your in over your head, give up before you drown...
Wow a deflection.... How unexpected.
And hundreds of billions were brought back into the US to be taxed.
They were brought back to the USA so they could INVEST THEM in the USA, and so far, their investment in our Nation, has not happened.... they have spent on 'buybacks' of stock, all good for their stock holders, but NOT good for the trickle down peons.
According to every radical TDS afflicted leftists here.....
He was guilty as charged, along with Trump and EVERY Republican alive LONG before the trial even started.

That said, I'll wait for the jury decision....or the judge to toss the case.
If Mueller's case is that Manafort's spending exceeds his income then bring on the income records not photos of clothes. That's constructing a case by innuendo and we don't do that.
Ever been in a jury trial? Or watched any lawyer show for that matter? A trial, especially one with a jury, requires not just facts, but a skillfull delivery of those facts. A certain amount of show and playing to peoples feelings does happen. They've brought in the income records on top of showing the photo's, not to mention people he bought items from.
I have conducted many jury trials. When an attorney has to resort to playing to feelings, he has no case. Don't watch lawyer shows. That's where you get nutty ideas. This is why the judge disallowed the photos of Manafort's closet and told the jury that lavish spending is not a crime.
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If he wore a tank top under those jackets he'll probably get 15 years.
Don't you know how to listen? These jackets were EXCLUDED by the judge.

In the meantime, let's summarize, shall we?

Manafort's book keeper took the stand.

What we learned:

Manafort's business was going under before Trump losing 1.6 million in a single year.

Manafort became Trump's campaign manager.


And somehow, Manafort received millions he kept in 31 overseas accounts.

Manafort bought all that stuff with money he received from, from, where did that money come from? After all, Trump wasn't paying him.

Manafort mysteriously receiving tens of millions of dollars when not working? Now we know how the money laundering scheme happened.

Payable from the accounts in Cyprus. Now we know where the tax evasion is coming from.

16 million from a bank in Chicago? Now that's bank fraud.

Manafort is fuked.

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