Mandatory Xolocaust Studies

Should Xolocaust Studies Be Mandatory?

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Band of Brothers was written, produced, and directed by the Jew media. How can it possibly be deemed an honest depiction of WWII?
Band of Brothers was written, produced, and directed by the Jew media. How can it possibly be deemed an honest depiction of WWII?
Do you have nothing else to do but spam this forum?
I'm saying that some Hollywood movies depict WW2 more realistically than the "New Revisionist Politically Correct" history that they would teach today.

Explain, using specific examples of this so-call "New Revisionist Politically Correct" history that is taught now. Otherwise you're just parroting something you heard on the radio. My brother teaches high school European History in a New York City Public School, I'm very well aware of what the curriculum is. Somehow I doubt you are.

The general meaning I'm looking for are things like "George Washington was a slave owner". There were some things taught in NJ and CA that as a parent I objected to. You probably know what revisionist history items I'm generally referring to.

Revolutionary War - Writing History

Politically Correct Thinking and State Education

Political Correctness: The Scourge of Our Times

None of this has anything to do with WWII, which is what we were talking about. And your sources are ridiculous - if you look hard enough, you can find conspiracies everywhere. From your first source - I read the book My Brother Sam is Dead in elementary school, and there's no "Loyalist" lean to the story - the story paints the loyalists and Tories in a much worse light than the continental army.

Here, let's try something different. In your own words, tell me something that someone you know was taught in school that you think is a.) incorrect, b.) warped to be more "PC", or c.) "liberal"
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We in Illinois are luckier than others.:cuckoo: We have Xolocdaust studies mandated by our state.:eusa_whistle:

The state of Illinois was the first state to mandate the teaching of the Holocaust in 1990. This article reports the results of a study of Holocaust education practices at the high school level. At present, it represents the largest study of Holocaust education practices ever conducted in the United States.

The complete article can be found at:
The State of Holocaust Education in Illinois - by Jeffrey Ellison & John Pisapia

This thread is about as bullshit as Amiam so called hatred of all religion, while he focuses his hatred on only one (while also protecting to the end the worst one)!

I have grown up in Chicago. Started highschool in '92 and we never learned a lick about the Holocaust! It wasn't ever mentioned!
i think he/she/it SHOULD have been forced to learn about the holocaust.

maybe then he/she/it woiuldn't be such an ignorant twit.
We in Illinois are luckier than others.:cuckoo: We have Xolocdaust studies mandated by our state.:eusa_whistle:

The state of Illinois was the first state to mandate the teaching of the Holocaust in 1990. This article reports the results of a study of Holocaust education practices at the high school level. At present, it represents the largest study of Holocaust education practices ever conducted in the United States.

The complete article can be found at:
The State of Holocaust Education in Illinois - by Jeffrey Ellison & John Pisapia

Those bastards!!!! how dare they educate the kids!!!!!

First, the biggest part of IL is Chicago and they don't educate anyone in Chicago.
Second, as a Suburb of IL boy, I can affirm I learned nothing about the Holocaust. The story is bull shit. Again I started highschool in '92
Band of Brothers was written, produced, and directed by the Jew media.


Though I find it's awfully hard to persuade most of my people that WW2 was, as Pat Buchanan says, a unnecessary war, or one that Jews put us up to. Grandpa couldn't have been a dumb white tool of the Jews, could he have?

Even today, our wars in the middle east are TO BENEFIT THE JEWS. Yet how many of them die? No, it's just our men and women.
Band of Brothers was written, produced, and directed by the Jew media.


Though I find it's awfully hard to persuade most of my people that WW2 was, as Pat Buchanan says, a unnecessary war, or one that Jews put us up to. Grandpa couldn't have been a dumb white tool of the Jews, could he have?

Even today, our wars in the middle east are TO BENEFIT THE JEWS. Yet how many of them die? No, it's just our men and women.

No. The Israel lobby in this country is not lead by Jews - it's lead by evangelical christians.

The state of Israel is keeping the holy land out of the hands of the infidels until Jesus comes back, then he'll take it from them.
Here's a question: what if they also taught about the 7 million Ukranians murdered by Soviet Jews?
Maybe they should have taught YOU about the Holodomor, since the it wasn't the Jews that killed the Ukrainians, it was the Soviets! Specifically STALIN. The Soviets slaughtered the Jews just like you would have liked. True the Bolsheviks contained a lot of Jews, but that was because the Czars persecuted the Jews unmercifully, but the Jews got it pretty bad once the communist came to power.

I love how you speak of education when you might be the least educated and most ignorant poster on USMB. Note: You can't just say the Jews were responsible, because you want to demonize them.

Ukrainian Famine
Here is some education on the Holodomor! It was Stalin who was an atheist and great hater of the Jews.

The dreadful famine that engulfed Ukraine, the northern Caucasus, and the lower Volga River area in 1932-1933 was the result of Joseph Stalin's policy of forced collectivization. The heaviest losses occurred in Ukraine, which had been the most productive agricultural area of the Soviet Union. Stalin was determined to crush all vestiges of Ukrainian nationalism. Thus, the famine was accompanied by a devastating purge of the Ukrainian intelligentsia and the Ukrainian Communist party itself. The famine broke the peasants' will to resist collectivization and left Ukraine politically, socially, and psychologically traumatized.

The policy of all-out collectivization instituted by Stalin in 1929 to finance industrialization had a disastrous effect on agricultural productivity. Nevertheless, in 1932 Stalin raised Ukraine's grain procurement quotas by forty-four percent. This meant that there would not be enough grain to feed the peasants, since Soviet law required that no grain from a collective farm could be given to the members of the farm until the government's quota was met. Stalin's decision and the methods used to implement it condemned millions of peasants to death by starvation. Party officials, with the aid of regular troops and secret police units, waged a merciless war of attrition against peasants who refused to give up their grain. Even indispensible seed grain was forcibly confiscated from peasant households. Any man, woman, or child caught taking even a handful of grain from a collective farm could be, and often was, executed or deported. Thosewho did not appear to be starving were often suspected of hoarding grain. Peasants were prevented from leaving their villages by the NKVD and a system of internal passports.

The death toll from the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine has been estimated between six million and seven million. According to a Soviet author, "Before they died, people often lost their senses and ceased to be human beings." Yet one of Stalin's lieutenants in Ukraine stated in 1933 that the famine was a great success. It showed the peasants "who is the master here. It cost millions of lives, but the collective farm system is here to stay
Teaching of history offends you? Move to another planet :lol:

Yeah, there's really nothing to be concerned about with state-mandated "holocaust" indoctrination. Nothing biased about that.

Here's a question: what if they also taught about the 7 million Ukranians murdered by Soviet Jews?

What's that, you say? Never heard of it?

Well, who's against being EDUCATED?
This would be laughable if it was so tragically ironic.

The soviets persecuted Jews.

It doesn't matter that marx was Jewish, Communists were just as vicious towards Jews as nazis.

BTW, its IMMPOSSIBLE to have a 'soviet jew' since the soviet state was agnostic.

Not to mention the Soviets disallowed Jews from being in office or rising to high in the military!
That were based on racist and xenophobia, such as:

(1) The Rwanda Genocide
(2) Armenian Genocide (interestingly I was taught this in school, but not Holocaust in the so called IL mandated schooling system)
(3) The Holomdor
(4) The Chinese Mass Killing (I do believe the Maoist killed 60-100 million Chinese)
(5) Khumer Rouge
(6) Islamic Caphilates/Crusades
(7) Christian Crusades
(8) Holocaust (Also mentioning the plight of Gays, Romas, Gypsies etc along with the Jews during the slaughter)
(9) The Spanish Conquest
(10) The Current genocides in Sudan, Myammar/Burma and the Congo.

Note: Precursor - An pre-kiss my ass to the Troll that mentions the Israeli treatment of the Palestinian crap!
Not to mention the Soviets disallowed Jews from being in office or rising to high in the military!

and had separate passports for jew and "soviets".

William Joyce makes it like the Jews were Royalty in the USSR! LOL, they weren't even 2nd class citizens, they were treated worst than Animals. In a country were wealth is forbidden to everyone, where the Jews couldn't serve in leadership roles and were very limited in their roles in the police and military, it is utter ignorance and arrogance for one to say the Jews controlled anything in the USSR. Its like saying the Jews controlled things in Nazi Germany!
Band of Brothers was written, produced, and directed by the Jew media. How can it possibly be deemed an honest depiction of WWII?

Interesting. I had uncles in both theaters, and know a number of men that were at Normandy. The ones still alive that have seen the Band of Brothers rated it as one of the most accurate pictures of the way it was.

And one fellow that I knew, was one of the soldiers that liberated one of the death camps. Were you to deny the Holocaust to him when he was still capable, you would be picking yourself up. He was of German descent, and to the day that he died, could not understand how the people in Germany were capable of that barbarism.
Not to mention the Soviets disallowed Jews from being in office or rising to high in the military!

and had separate passports for jew and "soviets".

William Joyce makes it like the Jews were Royalty in the USSR! LOL, they weren't even 2nd class citizens, they were treated worst than Animals. In a country were wealth is forbidden to everyone, where the Jews couldn't serve in leadership roles and were very limited in their roles in the police and military, it is utter ignorance and arrogance for one to say the Jews controlled anything in the USSR. Its like saying the Jews controlled things in Nazi Germany!

yeah... it's not like there weren't all these organizations formed to help soviet jews get out of the country or anything.

the problem with WJ is that he IS educated... which is why we know his distortions are intentional.
There was NO holocaust, it is a Jewish lie.

You do know that virtually everybody that reads and hears this nonsense immediately disregards you and your views as insane, right? The only ones who want to believe you are fellow racists, Muslim terrorists and the severely, mentally ill. :cuckoo:

So, which are you?

A) Racist
B) Muslim Terrorist
C) Raving Lunatic
D) All of the above

I'm guessing D.
The problem is the mandatory bit. It is not an elective!....You must!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cuckoo: Please vote..........

You have undoubtedly heard the phrase that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. There are some things nobody should ever have to repeat.

So, why learn about the holocaust? The holocaust was and remains the largest, systematic murder of a race of people in the known history of our planet. Of course, the perpetrators killed many millions of others, including many of their own that they deemed to be unfit for their new, utopian society. So, yes, I think a rudimentary understanding of what the holocaust was about is something every human being on this planet should learn.
We in Illinois are luckier than others.:cuckoo: We have Xolocdaust studies mandated by our state.:eusa_whistle:

The state of Illinois was the first state to mandate the teaching of the Holocaust in 1990. This article reports the results of a study of Holocaust education practices at the high school level. At present, it represents the largest study of Holocaust education practices ever conducted in the United States.

The complete article can be found at:
The State of Holocaust Education in Illinois - by Jeffrey Ellison & John Pisapia

Those bastards!!!! how dare they educate the kids!!!!!

First, the biggest part of IL is Chicago and they don't educate anyone in Chicago.
Second, as a Suburb of IL boy, I can affirm I learned nothing about the Holocaust. The story is bull shit. Again I started highschool in '92

so your a jew hatin' muslim. the biggest reason muslims hate jews is because the holocaust gets more media attention than you
Those bastards!!!! how dare they educate the kids!!!!!

First, the biggest part of IL is Chicago and they don't educate anyone in Chicago.
Second, as a Suburb of IL boy, I can affirm I learned nothing about the Holocaust. The story is bull shit. Again I started highschool in '92

so your a jew hatin' muslim. the biggest reason muslims hate jews is because the holocaust gets more media attention than you

GHook is clearly Jewish, or at least a Zionist, which you'd know if you actually read the thread.

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