Zone1 Mandelbrot Sets -- Proof of God?

Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End 170101 {post•233} ding Jan’17 Saaide: “Atheism being equivalent to intellectual death… ” dvng 170101 Saaide00233

Mandelbrot Sets -- Proof of God?
240323 {post•63}

I am a rational theist in the enlightened mindset of Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison; our first four President. Be it far from my conduct in the activities of material life to question the intellectual integrity of a person who believes in no god.

Why does Saint Ding attack so vehemently a legitimate matter of individual conscience in people who reject theism.

Rational theism accepts all perceptions of existence including the one that Saint Ding arrived at by revelation, instinct, observation, upbringing or who knows what.

Rational theism does not however accept the of bigotry in Saint Ding’s conscience. But that non-accepting bigotry, does not warrant government coercion being used to constrain it on the public square.

Only enlightenment and universal wisdom that is commonly and freely self acquired and sustained, can do that over time if we become as multicultural individuals and families willing and devoted to do that.

nfbw 240323 Vmspig00063 to Saaide00233
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Maybe we'll be able to answer that when we know how common life is in the universe.
Why do you think that's important? Does it change the potential for life and intelligence to exist? Does it change that the life and intelligence arose according to the laws of nature? Seems like you are splitting hairs and looking for distinctions that don't change the nature of the universe.
Maybe we'll be able to answer that when we know how common life is in the universe.

I'd be thrilled if you could prove it to me but that 'proof' will require more than just logic based on our lack of evidence.
It is based upon logic but there's no lack of evidence. Happenstance requires an almost infinite number things that must fall into place for a universe to "accidentally" be predestined to produce life and intelligence. Intelligence creating intelligence only requires one; will.
Why do you think that's important? Does it change the potential for life and intelligence to exist? Does it change that the life and intelligence arose according to the laws of nature? Seems like you are splitting hairs and looking for distinctions that don't change the nature of the universe.
You claim the universe is geared to the creation of intelligence. If intelligence is common on the trillions of planets in the universe, I might have to admit you're right. If it is found on only a single, insignificant planet, I'd say it was purely accidental.
It is based upon logic but there's no lack of evidence. Happenstance requires an almost infinite number things that must fall into place for a universe to "accidentally" be predestined to produce life and intelligence. Intelligence creating intelligence only requires one; will.
Your "predestined to produce life and intelligence" is quite the leap in logic.
You claim the universe is geared to the creation of intelligence. If intelligence is common on the trillions of planets in the universe, I might have to admit you're right. If it is found on only a single, insignificant planet, I'd say it was purely accidental.
Under the right conditions and given enough time, yes, the universe is an intelligence producing machine.
I am a rational theist in the enlightened mindset of Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison; our first four President. Be it far from my conduct in the activities of material life to question the intellectual integrity of a person who believes in no god.
Just to be crystal (not suggesting you've indicated otherwise), I'm an atheist who likes to think he communicates rationally at times. I simply lack belief in supernatural theories thus far due to their consistent lack of compelling, supportive evidence. I remain open to anything given otherwise. But the odds sure don't look good after the past 66 years on this rock. And if Christians, for example, feel abused, try being an atheist. You ain't seen nothin'. Yeah, I get it. I don't wanna try being black, female, lesbian either, not that there's anything wrong with that.
You asked what could be stranger when Heisenberg said we can't think of what would be stranger.
But he said it IS stranger. So nothing prevents us from cataloging explanations which are stranger than what we know and then comparing those to see which is the most strange. I just cataloged one that without a doubt is stranger than what we know. Can you imagine one that is stranger than that?
just militant atheists

This is your attack Saint Ding on atheists be they gentle as a lamb and as tolerant as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and their great achievement for all mankind. Separate of church and state.

Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End
170101 {post•233} ding Jan’17 Saaide: “Atheism being equivalent to intellectual death… ” dvng 170101 Saaide00233

Are all atheists intellectually dead Saint Ding.
Just to be crystal (not suggesting you've indicated otherwise), I'm an atheist who likes to think he communicates rationally at times. I simply lack belief in supernatural theories thus far due to their consistent lack of compelling, supportive evidence. I remain open to anything given otherwise. But the odds sure don't look good after the past 66 years on this rock. And if Christians, for example, feel abused, try being an atheist. You ain't seen nothin'. Yeah, I get it. I don't wanna try being black, female, lesbian either, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I guess the universe popping into existence being hardwired to produce intelligence slipped past you. :rolleyes:
This is your attack Saint Ding on atheists be they gentle as a lamb and as tolerant as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and their great achievement for all mankind. Separate of church and state.

Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End
170101 {post•233} ding Jan’17 Saaide: “Atheism being equivalent to intellectual death… ” dvng 170101 Saaide00233

Are all atheists intellectually dead Saint Ding.
Yes, they are. It doesn't take any intellect to describe what something isn't. It takes intellect to describe what something is.

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