Zone1 Mandelbrot Sets -- Proof of God?

Not the universe, the intelligence behind the creation of the universe. Evolution of space and time didn't stop at insects.
More presumption. Insects are creators, e.g., bee hives, termite mounds, etc., maybe the creator of the universe was an insect? If that is the case, the pinnacle of evolution may be insects and intelligence is just an interesting, if unimportant, evolutionary deadend.
It takes no intelligence at all to deny everything and offer nothing.

Who is denying everything? Nobody I’ve seen here has denied the existence of the entire universe which would be denying everything. When someone acquires consciousness and language and ends up expressing denial of a supernatural being behind it, they deny the possibility that one exists because it is simply beyond a point where no human intellect can honestly go.

You call it a dead end to be nasty I guess, when really it is a limit. It the same limit that stops you and me intellectually as well Saint Ding but you buy a ticket to see inside the circus tent on the other side of the limit.

I stop at the limit where atheists and agnostics and where Jefferson’s AMERICAN civil religion or rational religion stops:

The circus is just not for me. But enjoy. No one intends to stop you, Have fun.
More presumption. Insects are creators, e.g., bee hives, termite mounds, etc., maybe the creator of the universe was an insect? If that is the case, the pinnacle of evolution may be insects and intelligence is just an interesting, if unimportant, evolutionary deadend.
Just keep ignoring math, physics, chemistry, art, music, poetry, love, etc and other higher aspects of intelligence.
Who is denying everything? Nobody I’ve seen here has denied the existence of the entire universe which would be denying everything. When someone acquires consciousness and language and ends up expressing denial of a supernatural being behind it, they deny the possibility that one exists because it is simply beyond a point where no human intellect can honestly go.

You call it a dead end to be nasty I guess, when really it is a limit. It the same limit that stops you and me intellectually as well Saint Ding but you buy a ticket to see inside the circus tent on the other side of the limit.

I stop at the limit where atheists and agnostics and where Jefferson’s AMERICAN civil religion or rational religion stops:

The circus is just not for me. But enjoy. No one intends to stop you, Have fun.
Atheism is a total and complete intellectual dead end. That's probably why it is attractive to lower IQ types.
Atheism is a total and complete intellectual dead end. That's probably why it is attractive to lower IQ types.
Human knowledge is limited. Your belief Saint Ding that God exists is no different than the belief that God does not exist when you’re up against the limit of human knowledge.

Unless you are special Saint Ding. Are you special Saint Ding?
The "mind" of God.

Jefferson and Jesus Keep it Simple Stupid. “Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity.

What has been the effect of coercion?

To make one half of the world fools and the other half hypocrites.” rbtgrms
– Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), from Notes on the State of Virginia (1787)

Jefferson and Jesus Keep it Simple Stupid. “To talk of immaterial existences is to talk of nothings. To say that the human soul, angels, god, are immaterial, is to say they are nothings, or that there is no god, no angels, no soul. I cannot reason otherwise … without plunging into the fathomless abyss of dreams and phantasms. I am satisfied, and sufficiently occupied with the things which are, without tormenting or troubling myself about those which may indeed be, but of which I have no evidence.” – letter to John Adams, August 15, 1820
What has intelligence done to make the universe, or even the earth, a better place?
Quite a lot. Music, art, physics, chemistry, cosmology, religion, charity, morality, philosophy, standards, information, history, sports, games, fun, cultures, love, logic, etc.
I'm telling you what the universe is expanding into.

Why for heavens sake do you always try to speak only in empty phrases with me? Ever heard the sentence "I do not know"? The deeper component of this question is: Why is it more easy to exist for the universe (or anything within) than not to exist. Why is it more easy to be than not be ¿a? nothing? And do not try to tell me now god is stupid and you are his prophet.

And in general is perhaps also a question "What for heaven sake coud be "nothing"? Why do we have word for something what we call nothing? Is this not the most absurde words of all words at all? In a matrix of atoms for example (atoms=elements now) a missing atom - a hole - is a candidate for a quantum bit. Eh? A nothing is a kind of invisible number between 0 and 1? No one understands this. Do you? Pi for example is a transcendent number. A number with a never ending not periodic fraction. So pi-3 is also a transcendent number between 0 and 1. How is such a number able to have enough space in a gap between atoms? The belief of Christians - which is by the way unimportant or the essential Christian belief - that god made the world out of nothing is ... ¿how to say this? ... this belief seems to become more and more less absurde. Perhaps it will be one day a scietific fact? Who knows?

And in general I have also to warn everyone to use the word "not" without to start to think serios. This word produces often a wrong "inspiration" to be allknowing. Example: What is a not-pencil? It is everything except a pencil! But knows anyone everything about everything if he not knows something about a pencil? So "in god we trust" is also more than only an empty phrase.
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