Manipulated videos of Nancy Pelosi edited to falsely depict her as drunk spread on social media

Your OP proved shit...FAKE NEWS!!!!!
Wrong! Yo didn't prove it was fake news because you have no information that it is. Your opinion is worth shit.
WRONG you proved you could alter a video ...FAKE NEWS!
Fox business altered the video. Lol! We just showed it. tps://
Prove I was the one who altered it or you are a bald faced liar. I'll be waiting hot shot.
FAKE NEWS You don't have the intelligence to write a complete sentence let alone edit a video BUT some of you commie scum do!
So you're a proven liar. Get lost. You have zero value on this forum. You're a miserable troll with nothing to debate that is worth shit. Take a hike.
You're a proven FRAUD....GET LOST!
Trump did it to himself, and we provided the proof. Trump toads are liars.
You demented fool these Piglousi nutbag babbling are all over use a search engine...retard!

Pelosi Looks Drunk, Can't Answer 1 Thing She Should Know Better Than Anyone

Nancy Pelosi Can't Make It Through a Single Speech Without Garbling Words and Mispronouncing Countries - The Daily Coin

There's two different videos to compare. Get a clue; tps://

These Trump Toads are so helpless and lazy. And they don't want the truth. They are a pitiful bunch.

FAKE NEWS...ABNORMALS are FAMOUS for lying...Judge Kavanaugh jumps to mind@

You aren't saying anything. Get in the game or get lost.

Can't take the TRUTH little pissant....ROTFLMFAO!!!

Get lost liar. You're worthless and a waste of time here. You debate nothing and you're a friggin loser.
I'm still waiting on Purge the liar to prove I altered the video. Lol! What a loser.

As I said you don't have the ability to make a cognizant thought...but some of you might!
Lol! Losers can't handle the fact that they got their asses kicked. The whole damn bunch of them. The OP kicked it good tonight. See you losers.
I'm still waiting on Purge the liar to prove I altered the video. Lol! What a loser.

As I said you don't have the ability to make a cognizant thought...but some of you might!
Lol! Losers can't handle the fact that they got their asses kicked. The whole damn bunch of them. The OP kicked it good tonight. See you losers.
There goes another FAKE NEWS ABNORMAL....I didnt realize how fragile these little asswipes were.

About as much as you scum after Trump is cleared of collusion you STILL call him out on collusion....See how that is done...use ABNORMAL LOGIC against ABNORMALS....

Collusion was proven.

Read the report. You're too lazy so you won't.

Uhm because I never even seen the Russian funny memes..where are they?

You'll never know. You're too sorry to look.

So it's obvious you never seen them either, If you think a libtard Berkeley kid has the right video, you would believe anything.

Nope! We put two videos side by side and Fox Business with their corrupt network got caught doctoring a video, and the Toads support it.

Well IF that even happened (which I doubt) it pales in comparison to the MSM's doctoring of Trump videos along with their biased reporting that they pass off as 'objective' which it is decidedly not and has been taking place since his election. Wassamatta? Can't take it? TDSer.....:abgg2q.jpg:
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Trump allies spread distorted videos of Pelosi

This is what happens when you destroy Trump politically. He doctors videos as a distraction to his cover ups with Russia. So pitiful.
Trump has reached a new, even lower level of immaturity and dishonesty. His cult-like followers, seem to enjoy wallowing in it like weird perverted kids raised by mentally handicapped parents.

MSNBC Host Incorrectly Claims Trump Tweeted Slowed-Down Video of Pelosi

MSNBC Host Incorrectly Claims Trump Tweeted Slowed-Down Video of Pelosi
President Trump on Thursday night tweeted out a video showing Nancy Pelosi stumbling over her words.

The video, apparently from a segment on Fox Business’ “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” features portions of a 20-minute news conference Pelosi held Thursday in a montage that lasts about 30 seconds. It shows her tripping over her words. At one point in the video, a moment is repeated several times.

Drew Hammill, Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, on Twitter called the video that Trump tweeted Thursday night “doctored” and referred to the Post article.

Pelosi’s daughter Christine tweeted: “Fake video altered for speed.”

It turns out they were both lying.

Hammill said in an email he was referring to the editing of the video and was not suggesting it was altered.

A spokesperson for Fox Business Network, on which “Lou Dobbs Tonight” airs, said in a statement that “The FOX Business segment featuring clips from Speaker Pelosi’s speech today did not slow down any aspect of her address.”

BRILLIANT: Trump tweets video of Pelosi stuttering thru press conference… MSM flips out… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
Trump allies spread distorted videos of Pelosi

This is what happens when you destroy Trump politically. He doctors videos as a distraction to his cover ups with Russia. So pitiful.

I saw none of the doctored video on Fox News
Trump worst enemy is himself as he continues to make a case for obstruction

and that love fest with employees was so surreal that I was waiting for Melania to pop her head through the door and say

He is more of a manly man than Mueller with a wink and a smile

Democrat talking points ^^^^^^^^^
A quick search confirms that.

BWK is an idiot.
Trump allies spread distorted videos of Pelosi

This is what happens when you destroy Trump politically. He doctors videos as a distraction to his cover ups with Russia. So pitiful.

I saw none of the doctored video on Fox News
Trump worst enemy is himself as he continues to make a case for obstruction

and that love fest with employees was so surreal that I was waiting for Melania to pop her head through the door and say

He is more of a manly man than Mueller with a wink and a smile

Democrat talking points ^^^^^^^^^
A quick search confirms that.

BWK is an idiot.
Right, Nancy! And that Virginia governor didn’t wear blackface....even though he had admitted it!!!!

DemonRAT Nancy Pelosi, the mentally twisted, warped, confused, disfunctioning, DemonRat Speaker of the House should resign. She is killing the DemonRAT Party politically!!!
Like the Clintons, she's a kleptocrat. She did not seek a career in politics to forward any sort of political ideology, she got into politics to get rich.

She's merely a typical kleptocrat. No more, no less.
Trump allies spread distorted videos of Pelosi

This is what happens when you destroy Trump politically. He doctors videos as a distraction to his cover ups with Russia. So pitiful.

So people are making funny videos of Pelosi being her retarded self, and that makes President Trump guilty?

You people seriously need to seek professional help.
Seeing that Trump is Fox news, Trump's guilt is a given. Did Trump denounce the doctored video? No, so there's your guilt. I rest my case.

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