Many Fine People - Cop beater edition

Fact edition: George Floyd couldn't breath because or he was overdosing on meth and was experiencing METH induced health crisis and thus he couldn't breath.

Sure Sure - Wonder how you would do stone cold sober with a 200 pound man's knee on your neck for ten minutes? :icon_rolleyes:
Considering that this is a very commonly used compliance technique plenty of stone cold sober people do well. Mostly they stop being combative. Chauvin should have recognized that Floyd was in fact dying at the time. That means more medical training in recognizing a fatal overdose.
Mind boggling, the arresting officer is supposed to be omniscient and know everything even before the justice system or an examinaing doctor of coroner even...who do suggest we hire fof police to fit that bill?
Fact edition: George Floyd couldn't breath because or he was overdosing on meth and was experiencing METH induced health crisis and thus he couldn't breath.

Sure Sure - Wonder how you would do stone cold sober with a 200 pound man's knee on your neck for ten minutes? :icon_rolleyes:
Considering that this is a very commonly used compliance technique plenty of stone cold sober people do well. Mostly they stop being combative. Chauvin should have recognized that Floyd was in fact dying at the time. That means more medical training in recognizing a fatal overdose.
I looked that up, the knee to neck/back deaths by police in Minneapolis. One death in ten years, and that was dubious. But the fentanyl/meth and black on black murder rate...
Well there you have it. White Supremacist who dragged Capitol Cop down stairs, beat him within an inch of his life, ripped his badge off & buried in his backyard ..
Is apparently out on parole. :rolleyes:

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Too bad there are no videos of Hoods shooting cops in the back.
Well there you have it. White Supremacist who dragged Capitol Cop down stairs, beat him within an inch of his life, ripped his badge off & buried in his backyard ..
Is apparently out on parole. :rolleyes:

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It’s a rightwing terrorist, a Trump cult member, who attacked America’s democracy on 1/6.

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