Many of Obama critics are blacks!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've heard the very weak stupid argument as to why I oppose Obama is because I'm a racist!
How do you explain these TRUE BLACKS not half whites opinion of Obama.. RACIST???

Allan West..
Allen West: President Obama Wants Americans To 'Be His Slave
Allen West: President Obama Wants Americans To 'Be His Slave'

Speaking this morning to talk radio host Laura Ingraham, Florida congressman Allen West, a Republican, blasted President Obama's immigration plan to use prosecutorial discretion not to go after young immigrants who came to the United States illegally. Obama announced his new immigration plan on Friday.
Allen West on Obama: 'The Resurrection of an Imperial Presidency' | The Weekly Standard

Then we have Herman Cain, Condolezza Rice, J.C.Watts,Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and the list goes on and on of Obama critics that as Obama so clearly stated..

They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet
its not a weak argument and its obvious when people do it.

they want to say anything they can say about Obama NOT being a real American.

he is as American as any citizen here.

you see people see right through it and you protesting "Im not raicst, I just hate the first black president this country has ever elected and lie non stop about him because ...............well..............well .................becuase some black peopel dont like him either"

see how fucking stupid you sound
I've heard the very weak stupid argument as to why I oppose Obama is because I'm a racist!
How do you explain these TRUE BLACKS not half whites opinion of Obama.. RACIST???

Allan West..
Allen West: President Obama Wants Americans To 'Be His Slave
Allen West: President Obama Wants Americans To 'Be His Slave'

Speaking this morning to talk radio host Laura Ingraham, Florida congressman Allen West, a Republican, blasted President Obama's immigration plan to use prosecutorial discretion not to go after young immigrants who came to the United States illegally. Obama announced his new immigration plan on Friday.
Allen West on Obama: 'The Resurrection of an Imperial Presidency' | The Weekly Standard

Then we have Herman Cain, Condolezza Rice, J.C.Watts,Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and the list goes on and on of Obama critics that as Obama so clearly stated..

They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

That's easy, they're all crazy, Oreo, Uncle Tom, shuckin' and jivin', self-loathing, high yella house *******, according to the Dems...
its not a weak argument and its obvious when people do it.

they want to say anything they can say about Obama NOT being a real American.

he is as American as any citizen here.

you see people see right through it and you protesting "Im not raicst, I just hate the first black president this country has ever elected and lie non stop about him because ...............well..............well .................becuase some black peopel dont like him either"

see how fucking stupid you sound

you're the one who sounds stupid. That is why your party is dying.
I've heard the very weak stupid argument as to why I oppose Obama is because I'm a racist!
How do you explain these TRUE BLACKS not half whites opinion of Obama.. RACIST???

Allan West..
Allen West: President Obama Wants Americans To 'Be His Slave
Allen West: President Obama Wants Americans To 'Be His Slave'

Speaking this morning to talk radio host Laura Ingraham, Florida congressman Allen West, a Republican, blasted President Obama's immigration plan to use prosecutorial discretion not to go after young immigrants who came to the United States illegally. Obama announced his new immigration plan on Friday.
Allen West on Obama: 'The Resurrection of an Imperial Presidency' | The Weekly Standard

Then we have Herman Cain, Condolezza Rice, J.C.Watts,Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and the list goes on and on of Obama critics that as Obama so clearly stated..

They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

That's easy, they're all crazy, Oreo, Uncle Tom, shuckin' and jivin', self-loathing, high yella house *******, according to the Dems...

I bet Jessie Jackson would like to cut their balls off...
its not a weak argument and its obvious when people do it.

they want to say anything they can say about Obama NOT being a real American.

he is as American as any citizen here.

you see people see right through it and you protesting "Im not raicst, I just hate the first black president this country has ever elected and lie non stop about him because ...............well..............well .................becuase some black peopel dont like him either"

see how fucking stupid you sound

A) I've NEVER HATED anyone! Only totally ignorant people resort in the absence of FACTS
to then say people HATE! Most people DON"T hate the person. They like me JUST don't like the agenda the ideas, the presentation, the arrogance, the pomposity of some people but speaking for MYSELF I never HATE anyone!
B) STupid I sound? The ONLY criticism YOU have is that old fashion cliched, idiotic tired
"racist"... moniker!
C) DO YOU think West,Cain,Sowell,Rice, AS blacks are racists?

If there is EVER evidence of stupid f...king.. sound is you claiming Clarence Thomas,
by the way Democrats have never had a black Party Chairman.. let me introduce you to
Michael Steele former GOP leader and by the way did I mention as Obama constantly brings up "he's black"???

See the FACTS that GOP, conservatives like ME have backed support, want blacks like Thomas,Steele,Rice,West,Watts, etc.,etc... all blacks!
Nope your party is racist and it has been for decades.

that is why the so very few black people vote for your party.
tell us all why over 90% of black people refuse to vote republican?

Because they like being slaves to the Democratic party..

Dear fucking racist bitch,

black voters are a very inportant PART of my party.

in fact our top official is a black man.

you might have heard of him his name is Obama.

he is SLAVE to no one you fucking sick assed lying dipshit.

black people RUN my party right along side of latinos and asians and indians and on and on.

see how you view black people?

you think they cant be a part of something or cant lead.

My party knows full well they can lead.

that is why 90+ % of black people know your party is racist
your racist party fools no one

By the way... has the Democrat party EVER had a Black party chairman?

And who chose the first black Secretary of State? First black National security adviser?
Which party signed the 1964 Civil Rights act?

In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes.

[See and]

Republicans and Civil Rights
I've heard the very weak stupid argument as to why I oppose Obama is because I'm a racist!
How do you explain these TRUE BLACKS not half whites opinion of Obama.. RACIST???
Your own MessiahRushie says YOU are a racist, so how can you deny your racism???

March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society, Ted, are these white liberals. They're the ones that notice your skin color before anything else, and they're the ones deciding whose skin color is dark enough and therefore who's authentic enough and who's been down for the struggle. It's those people doing this. It's not me. It's not "talk radio."
no party that fails year after year to attract any significant number of the entire countries black and latino population cant claim the other party is racist unless of course theyare so racist they jsut lie about it.
[ame=]I know you are but what am I - Pee Wee - YouTube[/ame]

your idiots rant about NOT being racist is pure stupid on steriods
I've heard the very weak stupid argument as to why I oppose Obama is because I'm a racist!
How do you explain these TRUE BLACKS not half whites opinion of Obama.. RACIST???
Your own MessiahRushie says YOU are a racist, so how can you deny your racism???

March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society, Ted, are these white liberals. They're the ones that notice your skin color before anything else, and they're the ones deciding whose skin color is dark enough and therefore who's authentic enough and who's been down for the struggle. It's those people doing this. It's not me. It's not "talk radio."

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit, is it Ed?

Let me help you with that...
the only people you convince with this bulllshit line is people who are already republicans.

guess what that means?

it means your party will stay milky white forever.
tell us all why over 90% of black people refuse to vote republican?

Because they like being slaves to the Democratic party..

Dear fucking racist bitch,

black voters are a very inportant PART of my party.

in fact our top official is a black man.

you might have heard of him his name is Obama.

he is SLAVE to no one you fucking sick assed lying dipshit.

black people RUN my party right along side of latinos and asians and indians and on and on.

see how you view black people?

you think they cant be a part of something or cant lead.

My party knows full well they can lead.

that is why 90+ % of black people know your party is racist

I noticed you left out white people.. racist bitch. That is why your party is dying.
no party that fails year after year to attract any significant number of the entire countries black and latino population cant claim the other party is racist unless of course theyare so racist they jsut lie about it.

That would be "country's"

Maybe this one needs more gubmint handouts in order so it can learn some more better spelling and stuff??? :eusa_whistle:

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