Many People think Donald Trump is a demogogue.

Many People think Donald Trump is a demogogue. Are they correct?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 32.3%

  • Total voters
Many People think Donald Trump is a demogogue. Are they correct?

a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
"a gifted demagogue with particular skill in manipulating the press"
Today Trump is appealing to people who want to be able to buy a house, afford food, fill up the gas tank in their car, live in a basically crime free city, and not see money that could be used to improve their cities being used to house illegal immigrants. Many of these people would like to avoid wars in far off places even though that might hurt the profit margin of the military industrial complex. Trump is not fond of such dirty little wars.

If that makes Trump a demagogue than so be it.

Joe Biden is not be a demagogue. He really doesn’t give a shit about what the people want or don’t want. However, I will grant that Joe Biden is good at manipulating the liberal press as it keeps trying to convince us that Joe Biden is doing a great job and the economy is doing fantastic.
Many People think Donald Trump is a demogogue. Are they correct?

a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
"a gifted demagogue with particular skill in manipulating the press"

obviously he is
Something not right with that spelling.

Do I detect a BRIT pretending to be an American :) C'mon, come clean
The republicans are the dividers.
I bet you believe the Dems will deliver on their promise to give blacks reparations. They will promise to do so but as usual fail to deliver and try to blame it on the racist Republicans.

Don’t be a fool. The Dems will kiss your ass before the election and forget about you after.

Plus all the illegal aliens Biden is allowing to cross our borders will work for low wages which will keep black wages down. The money the Dems promised to give you to improve your cities will go to housing, medical care and education for all the illegals.

You seem to miss the point that 1000's of innocent victims of Netanyahu's doing are piling up.
How can it be his fault when he is responding to a terror attack from Hamas who is the elected government of the Palestinians and Gaza?....
See you don't get to attack people rape and take them hostage and kill them without reprisal....
Why is that so hard for people to understand?...
The answer is to live in peace with each other... can't Muslims do that in Gaza?.... why do they get to be bigots?...
How can it be his fault when he is responding to a terror attack from Hamas who is the elected government of the Palestinians and Gaza?....
See you don't get to attack people rape and take them hostage and kill them without reprisal....
Why is that so hard for people to understand?...
The answer is to live in peace with each other... can't Muslims do that in Gaza?.... why do they get to be bigots?...
Is Trump a demagogue? Yes he is. Try and stay on the topic.
The so-called "many people" in question can't spell demagogue but they fall for the propaganda generated by the media. TDS is easier to spell.
Well if we compare Trump to another well known republican , we all know as Richard Nixon, who was a known demagogue then it becomes interesting

Trump claims Democrats are a threat to democracy

Nixon would call them commies or communist who were a threat to democracy

Nixon loved to attack his opponents character and use mistruths against his enemies

Trump loves to use mistruth as his preferred weapon of character assassination and even has his own social media company.

He gave a new meaning to the words fake news

fake election

His tweets were all about attacking his enemies

Well Trump was impeached like Nixon but Trump was not removed from office

Nixon left office and Ford pardon him so he did not face criminal prosecution

Thus the Trump factor, if he had left office in time and turned it over to his VP who then would probably granted him a pardon then LG

Thus we can see how desperate Trump is to win this time around. If he won he then could resign in the 3rd year and have his VP pardon him of all crimes.

Tricky Dick the master
Tricky Trump the apprentice
You proved nothing. You're bent because your dear leader is rightfully labeled as a demagogue.
I looked up the definition of a demagogue and found multiple examples where Biden is being one but I can't find an example of Trump acting demagogic.... and I did look... words mean things and one should look up the word before slinging it at some one...
I looked up the definition of a demagogue and found multiple examples where Biden is being one but I can't find an example of Trump acting demagogic.... and I did look... words mean things and one should look up the word before slinging it at some one...
Poor baby.

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