Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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Here’s a question that no Truther has ever been able to answer;

How does a demolition crew set up three buildings to come down, two of which are over 100 stories tall but none of the people who work in those buildings ever saw them do it?
Here's a tip. If you put all the trolls like Predfan, faun and Admiral Tory on ignore, their garbage posts will go away, making it much easier to find the actual informative posts.
The trolls don't contribute anything but negative energy, misinformation and general distractions.

Their job is to create disinformation.,

You simply cannot answer questions. That's because you have nothing but bull shit.

Love how keeps evading the videos of evdence the OP gives that explosives brought the towers down,LOL
Which they all agreed the reason being was that early on, they recognized the futility of trying to save building #7.
Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire.
Do you not know the difference between a lie and a mistake? Bush was mistaken. He, remembers the second plane as being the first because of all of the replays. Now, he knows what he said was wrong, as do I. A lie would be knowing that you were wrong and still claiming that he saw the first plane hit, when no one did for some time.

You lie, because you know what you say is wrong and yet you refuse to accept it and keep spreading your imagined events.

For example, you backtracked on the beams being cut about 5 times in this thread, and even posted a video showing that the main structural support for the buildings is in the exterior beams. You lied, again and again after you were proven wrong.
Not wasting my time schooling you anymore.
The person who actually ordered the evacuation said he did so because of "heavy fires on many floors". Daniel Nigro was chief of operations on 9/11. So who are we to believe? You or the person who actually ordered the evacuation and the perimeter?

"Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire."

Well, yeah, that and drop a 104 story building on it.

Hmmmm. Building 6 was right next door and still standing.

Truther: “Jet fuel can’t melt steel!!!”

Truth: it didn’t have to melt it to weaken it.

except the moron troll ignores bld 7 that did NOT have jet fuel on it.:2up:Love his evasion on bld 6 as well.:abgg2q.jpg:
Why are most Americans so stupid they trust the government they know always lies to them, but suddenly they all fall in line and believe the lies about 9/11 ?
Dumb shit...Osama Bin Laden proudly took ownership for the 9/11 attacks. His video was played around the world to billions of people who speak Arabic. :eusa_doh:
Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.
Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »: Disinformation Agents and the CIA | Mondialisation - Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation
Notice how Angelo deflects the moment something so obvious and indisputable undermines his entire Hollywood conspiracy nonsense? Yep.

The only one deflecting is you and your lover predfan troll evading all the videos of evidence he has given you that explosives were used and you are obviously butthurt he exposed you as a disinformation agent paid here to troll:itsok:
Yes, what's left of it.


This is why you have no credibility this is not flight 93
Actually, this is great proof of why I do have credibility where Truthers don't. I see I made a mistake and I admit I was wrong. Mistakes happen. But when Truthers are shown they are wrong, they ignore their mistakes and cling to their Truther nonsense anyway
Nobody's proven me wrong about anything.

the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century,:2up:
"boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.....boom, boom, boom,boom boom ....""

predfan and patriot can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are now after you took them to school that explosives brought the towers down.

this is them right now after they got owned by you.:CryingCow:
those videos are kinda pathetic, angelo-----"PEOPLE HEARD BANGS" is all you have

Trolls like you, losing the argument always resort to personal insults....that is pathetic.

Trolls like you, losing the argument always resort to personal insults....that is pathetic.

the specialty of Parrot and prefan troll and the other paid shills i put on ignore years ago..:2up:
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9/11 was a crime within a crime within a crime. When you figure that out, I'll buy you a beer. is painfully clear that you’ve had more than enough alcohol for 100 lifetimes. You need to stay far away from beer (and all other substances as well).

yeah we know you have had more than enough alchohol AND that you wont stop smoking crack as well.:2up:
SooOOOoooo......tell me why we didn't bomb the House of Saudi after 9/11???
Um...because Saudi Arabia didn’t attack us. :lmao:

Why the fuck would you bomb someone who didn’t attack you? :eusa_doh:

oh the irony,thats what they DID do moron is bomb someone that did NOT attack them,afghanistan and Iraq,:cuckoo:

when they SHOULD have bombed Israel the fact there were some Israeli students arrested by police when they suspected them for their role in it after they were on the towers cheering after they fell.
but they wont bomb them of course since they are buddies of the company you work for,the evil CIA.:itsok:

Your boss at Langley sure has done a poor job of training you how to troll:haha:

oh and you just proved as well that same as fellow Langley resident predfan,you ALSO have alzhemiers diseace,you went off saying I was absurd saying you work for the CIA when you just CONFESSED earlier that you did.:haha:

or did you forget they keep records around here of your previous posts?:abgg2q.jpg:

But I spent 17 years in clandestine counter-intelligence operations for the CIA, and I can tell you unequivocally that the motive was real estate.
Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

you keep exposing to the whole board in every post your zero credibility you have.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Oh you mean that video the evil corrupt CIA you worship put out of a man that looked NOTHING like Bin Laden being SEVERAL poundsh heavier then him,that video?
LA RAM FAN is the only dillhole I know who could declare the CIA “evil corrupt” while simultaneously defending Osama Bin Laden.

But then again...he’s the same dillhole who “guaranteed” that the Raiders weren’t going to Las Vegas. :laugh:

Hey stupid fuck shill for the CIA, unlike you,i HAVE done extensive research on the CIA and KNOW how they murder women and children around the world all the time on a daily basis and how they start wars all the time and smuggle drugs into our country you fucking moron shill.:abgg2q.jpg:

many former CIA agents have even come forward before and talked about how they got out of the CIA once they saw how evil they are and wanted no part of it when they found out what they REALLY do.

oh let me guess,I made all that up is what your going to say?:rolleyes:

oh and the fact that you have fallen flat on your face in your lies that Bin Laden was behind the attacks makes YOU the dillhole.:haha:

Hey at least unlike you,I CAN admit it when i am proven wrong,you might want to try it sometime once in your miserable fucked up sad life when Angelo proves you wrong as he has done throughout this entire thread instead of making up lies in defeat.:abgg2q.jpg::rolleyes:

funny how you ALSO forgot to mention all the morons on here who thought i was crazy when i said the Rams would be back in LA by 2016 SIX years ago before it happened. you did not mention that one since you were one of those morons obviously and dont want to admit i took many people in the sports section to school back then,:laughing0301::lmao:
One for the jingo bootlickers........just how did every passenger body disintegrate , yet they found a terrorist passport intact @ ground zero......?


I can't even put into words how ridiculous that one was. I mean, they must think Americans are really, REALLY stupid. The intact passport proving who the evil bad guys are JUST SO HAPPENED to land at our feet! :lmao: Let's go to war!!!!

Why is it ridiculous? I have even heard conspiracy nuts claim that Iran stripped their passengers naked and were already dead when their passenger jet was shot down by the USS Vincennes in the Persian Gulf years ago. Any idea what happens to regular clothing when you fall thousands of feet through the air after your plane is destroyed by a missile?

That passport survived out of how many hijackers on the plane?
One for the jingo bootlickers........just how did every passenger body disintegrate , yet they found a terrorist passport intact @ ground zero......?
Um...the human body weighs approximately five gabillion times that of a passport. So while the wind can blow a passport everywhere, it cannot blow a human body anywhere.

Damn you are dumb.

oh my the Irony.:abgg2q.jpg:

you are calling someone dumb when it is obvious to us all that YOU did not graduate junior high school and as i proved,have alzheimers diseace not even remembering what you posted previously before.?

comedy gold from you as always,you are embarrassing yourself ending up with piles of shit on your face by the minute.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
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Why the fuck would you bomb someone who didn’t attack you? :eusa_doh:
That's every war since Pearl Harbor, including Afghanistan......
9/11 was a crime not an act of war by a terrorist group we're told, so instead of
exterminating them we pissed on the nest and now they've grown 10x worse 18 years later. (6000 dead troops and a million dead civilians later)
(IGreat....if you're the military industrial security complex....they're laughing all the way to the bank with trillions of our dollars.)
logic and common sense like that escapes him and his lover pred troll.:2up:
I will make this simple, yes or no do you see a plane

Maybe you can answer this question then. If the government was faking Shanksville, why wouldn't they put obvious plane parts all over the place? It always amazes me how the same people who believe the government successfully covered up a massive conspiracy for over 18 years would also be so inept they would forget to plant the parts that make their story plausible.

nice dodgeball game of yours that there was no plane that crashed there.:abgg2q.jpg:
Why is it human nature to see and believe complete nonsense when the facts are right there in front of you?

Truthers make no sense.

why is it indeed that predfan troll believes complete nonsense when the facts are right in front of him?

Bush dupes make no sense is the correction here that needs to be made.
The very same posters here howling about the election meddling FBI traitors , give them a pass for their 9/11 investigation.....
Speaking for myself, you have that backwards.
From what I've seen, most of ones calling people 'demented truthers' are the same ones calling people 'demented Trumpsters', so ,read into that for whatever it's worth.
those videos are kinda pathetic, angelo-----"PEOPLE HEARD BANGS" is all you have

Trolls like you, losing the argument always resort to personal insults....that is pathetic.

as always,one more time. Parrot and predfan did this running off with their tail between their legs when you took them to school with these videos.


i love their lies they make up that YOU are the one deflecting.:cuckoo:
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