Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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One for the jingo bootlickers........just how did every passenger body disintegrate , yet they found a terrorist passport intact @ ground zero......?


they are going to have to consult their handlers on that one before posting thats a given,:abgg2q.jpg:
One for the jingo bootlickers........just how did every passenger body disintegrate , yet they found a terrorist passport intact @ ground zero......?


they are going to have to consult their handlers on that one before posting thats a given,:abgg2q.jpg:

yeah sure, wake me when the WOB >>war on bullsh*t << marines takes down our deep state LRA

I love the trolls here thinking they're making me mad trying to flame shit up.
When everybody in the room is an asshole - the asshole is probably you.

Which I'm more than willing to man up for

SooOOOoooo......tell me why we didn't bomb the House of Saudi after 9/11???


9/11 was a crime within a crime within a crime. When you figure that out, I'll buy you a beer. is painfully clear that you’ve had more than enough alcohol for 100 lifetimes. You need to stay far away from beer (and all other substances as well).
Oh you mean that video the evil corrupt CIA you worship put out of a man that looked NOTHING like Bin Laden being SEVERAL poundsh heavier then him,that video?
LA RAM FAN is the only dillhole I know who could declare the CIA “evil corrupt” while simultaneously defending Osama Bin Laden.

But then again...he’s the same dillhole who “guaranteed” that the Raiders weren’t going to Las Vegas. :laugh:
you just confessed you worked for the CIA,
Holy I work for the CIA. I’m not sure if that blows or if that’s way cool. :laugh:

You know what’s really funny? You’re too dumb to realize that you defeat your own position. If the CIA was half as “evil corrupt” as you cry about and you had actually uncovered that 9/11 was a false flag, you would literally already be dead.

Just the fact of your mere existence is indisputable proof that you’re spewing nonsense. You wouldn’t be alive right now if 1/10th of your bullshit was true.
One for the jingo bootlickers........just how did every passenger body disintegrate , yet they found a terrorist passport intact @ ground zero......?
Um...the human body weighs approximately five gabillion times that of a passport. So while the wind can blow a passport everywhere, it cannot blow a human body anywhere.

Damn you are dumb.
One for the jingo bootlickers........just how did every passenger body disintegrate , yet they found a terrorist passport intact @ ground zero......?
Um...the human body weighs approximately five gabillion times that of a passport. So while the wind can blow a passport everywhere, it cannot blow a human body anywhere.

Damn you are dumb.

i'm sorry, did you not realize the 'fireball' from the jets 'fuel' BURNT everything , including the passengers, their luggage ,and the entire WTC into oblivion?

Why the fuck would you bomb someone who didn’t attack you? :eusa_doh:
That's every war since Pearl Harbor, including Afghanistan......
9/11 was a crime not an act of war by a terrorist group we're told, so instead of
exterminating them we pissed on the nest and now they've grown 10x worse 18 years later. (6000 dead troops and a million dead civilians later)
(IGreat....if you're the military industrial security complex....they're laughing all the way to the bank with trillions of our dollars.)
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The video doesn’t even show what you claim it shows.... :lmao:
I see you dent graduate junior high ether
Dumbfunck, the building starts collapsing some 7 seconds before those "explosions." Controlled demolitions set off explosives before the building comes down, not after. :cuckoo:

In reality, from which you are far divorced, there was a penthouse at the top of building 7 on the east side...


In this video (at 0:03), that penthouse (on the left) can be seen falling into the interior of the building as the roof collapsed. Windows below it start popping out from the pressure. At 0:10, the exterior of the building begins to fall. At 0:11, more windows on the right side begin blowing out; in what you idiotically think of as controlled explosions.

^^^ That video proves that the interior of the building collapsed about 7 seconds before the exterior followed.

Like I said, Truthers are crazy. :cuckoo:
However, as evidence continues to mount that the official narrative itself is the irrational narrative, it becomes ever more clear that the reason for this media campaign is to prevent legitimate questions about that day from receiving the scrutiny they deserve, even smearing victims’ families and ailing first responders to do so. For too long, “Never Forget” has been nearly synonymous with “Never Question.

Yet, failing to ask those questions — even when more Americans than ever now favor a new investigation and discount the official explanation for WTC 7’s collapse — is the ultimate injustice, not only to those who died in New York City on September 11, but those who have been killed in their names in the years that have followed.

More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story As New Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative
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