Many Republicans feel the government is weaponized against them

Um. O the judiciary doesn’t make sure the laws are followed…that’s law enforcements job…the executive branch

You are really doing a bang up job of showing us how little you know about simple civics
The judiciary has the last word on accusations of laws being broken. Police, FBI, CIA etc. can accuse but they cannot convict.
Every post you make proves what a dumbass you are.
The judiciary has the last word on accusations of laws being broken. Police, FBI, CIA etc. can accuse but they cannot convict.
Every post you make proves what a dumbass you are.
Haha me? You are the one that started by claimed the judiciary would provide the laws! Haha then claimed they’d enforce the laws!

Haha the judical branch says what is the law. that’s their role

Police, fbi are law enforcement…they enforce laws, legislature makes law, and the courts say what is law
Are you one of those who wants to defund FBI. That is bad as the idiots who want to defund the police.

Unfortunately both FBI and police have shown up at a family home to arrest a father of five for protesting at an abortion clinic and been shot.

A father of five has protesting at an abortion clinic has decided to blow up abortion clinics.

Some people on both sides of the abortion issue are so extreme they do crazy things. It is up to police and FBI to deal with the crazies.

Give them some grace.
The man had a date to appear. It was an act of government intimidation.
The man had a date to appear. It was an act of government intimidation.
You did not answer my question "Are you one of those who wants to defund FBI. That is bad as the idiots who want to defund the police".
Many Republicans feel the government is weaponized against them.
It is no coincidence that the confederacy felt the same way.
Our founding fathers defined a judiciary that would provide laws against threats to the nation they defined in the Constitution.

If I would have posted this 2 years ago, there would be 70% negative reactions.
Now there is over 50% positive reaction.
Bad sign for MAGA Republicans.
Many Republicans feel the government is weaponized against them.
It is no coincidence that the confederacy felt the same way.
Our founding fathers defined a judiciary that would provide laws against threats to the nation they defined in the Constitution.

Imagine that...

1) The Republicans have won the popular vote ONCE in the presidential election since the 1980s
1992 they got 37.5% of the vote (5.5% less than the Dems)
1996 40.7% (8.5% less than the Dems)
2000 47.9% (0.5% less than the Dems)
2004 50.7% (2.4% more than the Dems)
2008 45.7% (7.2% less than the Dems)
2012 47.2% (3.9% less than the Dems)
2016 46.1% (2.1% less than the Dems)
2020 46.8% (4.5% less than the Dems)

So, they've had three presidential terms out of eight, and they only won the popular vote once. And they think the system is against them.

The Senate

Based on the results of the last three elections (the amount of time it takes for everyone to go up for election) the Democrats have not had less votes than the Republicans since 2002

In 2002 the Reps had 192,000 more votes than the Dems. 51-48 for the Reps.
2004 Dems had 3.2 million more votes than the Reps. 55-44 for the Reps.
2006 Dems had 10 million more votes than the Reps. 49-49
2008 Dems +16 million. 41-57 Reps-Dems
2010 Dems +8.1 million. 47-51
2012 Dems +12 million. 45-53
2014 Dems + 3.5 million. 54-44
2016 Dems + 18.2 million 52-46
2018 Dems + 24.8 million. 53-45
2020 Dems +26.8 million. 50-48
2022 Dems +15.6 million. 49-49

So, Dems have had the majority every election since 2004, in that time the Reps have controlled the Senate 6 times out of 10, more than half the time.

Not only that, in this time the Republicans have put five Supreme Court justices on the court out of the eight that have been appointed.

So, with the exception of Bribe Me Thomas, the other eight justices were appointed when the US people voted for Democrat in the Senate, and six of those, a majority, when the people voted for Democrats in the Senate AND the Presidency.

The House
2012 and 1996 were also the only two times that the party in the House with the majority of votes didn't control the House (2012 234-201 Rep-Dem, 58.2 million-59.8 million) (1996 226-205 Rep-Dem 43.4 million-43.5 million) and both times the Republicans won.

So, how the hell Republicans feel the system is against them, is beyond me.

Then again, with the supposed "witch hunt" of Trump..... anything is possible.
Answer the question that was on topic.
My opinion on defunding the police or FBI isn't on topic. The FBI leadership is corrupt and needs purged.
They are refusing to investigate the Biden Crime family, spying on Americans, committing acts of terrorism on pro-life Americans, and former President Donald Trump, the whistleblowers in their own ranks and infiltrating and spying on Catholic churches because the mass is done in Latin.

FBI is like a Democrat goon squad and so is the IRS.
My opinion on defunding the police or FBI isn't on topic. The FBI leadership is corrupt and needs purged.
They are refusing to investigate the Biden Crime family, spying on Americans, committing acts of terrorism on pro-life Americans, and former President Donald Trump, the whistleblowers in their own ranks and infiltrating and spying on Catholic churches because the mass is done in Latin.

FBI is like a Democrat goon squad and so is the IRS.
You talk a lot but it does not make sense. You should change your name to nonsensealot

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