Many Texas Schools Teach Creationism

Creationism is a theory like any other.

I don't see how a mention of it along with all the others is a problem.

Really is it so tough to say, "There are several theories regarding the inception of life on the planet and they are..."?

After all we do not know with any certainty how life began or how the universe came into being. All we have are theories.

Creationism makes testable claims which have been completely refuted.

The Earth is not 6,000 years old, and yet YEC's continue to make that ridiculous claim and want it taught to a new crop of idiots.
We have brains which are larger than necessary for survival. We are meant to think. We are meant to pursue truths.

Truth is a virtue. Teaching lies and refusing to teach critical thinking is an offense to God. The mysteries and wonders of the Universe far exceed Man's mental illusions.
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Creationism is a theory like any other.

I don't see how a mention of it along with all the others is a problem.

Really is it so tough to say, "There are several theories regarding the inception of life on the planet and they are..."?

After all we do not know with any certainty how life began or how the universe came into being. All we have are theories.

Creationism makes testable claims which have been completely refuted.

The Earth is not 6,000 years old, and yet YEC's continue to make that ridiculous claim and want it taught to a new crop of idiots.

Except that those who believe in a God or creation type event do not inherently believe in a 6000 year timeframe.. nor do all those who believe in God think that the ones who wrote down the biblical stories were 100% spot on in their timeframes, considering that watches, calendars, etc were not even accurate yet

What next?? Because the bible does not mention dinosaurs, the existence of their fossils disproves creation or God??

give it a rest, sparky
We don't even understand gravity yet, one of the four Fundamental Forces and people want to talk about how they're smarter than God?

I don't see anyone saying they are smarter than God.

And there is much about gravity we do understand.

The understanding of Gravity is key to a Unified Field Theory. It will unlock everything, all the mysteries.

And I disagree, we know less about Gravity than my dog knows about driving my truck. He's seen me do it and that's about as much as he can fathom.

Same with us. We know shit about gravity
Creationism is a theory like any other.

I don't see how a mention of it along with all the others is a problem.

Really is it so tough to say, "There are several theories regarding the inception of life on the planet and they are..."?

After all we do not know with any certainty how life began or how the universe came into being. All we have are theories.

Creationism makes testable claims which have been completely refuted.

The Earth is not 6,000 years old, and yet YEC's continue to make that ridiculous claim and want it taught to a new crop of idiots.

There are problems with the 6000 year old thing.

For one it assumes we have defined a year the same way for the entire history of man and we obviously haven't.

And are all Christians so called young earth believers or is it only some?
According to the Reading and Writing and Religion II a report by the Texas Freedom Network, many Texas children are being taught creationism including the myth that the earth is only 6,000 years old. So what do you think of this development? What should we do about it? Should creationism be taught in schools?

I can't post a link right now because I don't have enough posts however a simple google search will provide you with enough sources.

It's better than teaching in favor of socialism and that capitalism is evil as government schools across the country do already

No, it isn't. Raising a whole new crop of retards is not a good thing in any way, shape, or form. You fools don't even realize you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction. It's a snowballing retardation effect!

Nobody is going to believe God blinked the universe like Jeanie blinked JR Ewing's dinner 6,000 years ago except the wacko far Christian right who already believe it. Most Christians don't think there's any conflict between God and evolution.

However, over half the country believe that economic freedom is bad and government control is good. Hence the Socialist in the White House and dearth of economic learning that most Americans ever get.

The idiocy that is causing far more damage in this country is very, very clear.
Read the post and get back to me with your definition of "socialist", and your reasoning with solid examples why BHO is a socialist. Or Romney for that matter.
JakeStarkey said:
The atheist and the fundamentalist can be equally dangerous to the welfare of humanity.

Most Fundies are not dangerous to anyone but Satan. Most atheists are dangerous to everyone but Satan, their father/god.

Satan is a just another supernatural mythological creature belonging to Christianity and Islam.

Do you believe Satan exists?

If so does that make you a closet Satanist? :eek:

But then again isn't anyone claiming to be a Satanist just a closet Christian?:eusa_whistle:
Read the post and get back to me with your definition of "socialist", and your reasoning with solid examples why BHO is a socialist. Or Romney for that matter.

There is capitalism, which is economic freedom, and there is socialism, which is government control over the economy. Obama in every occasion as advocated the latter. Someone who supports socialism is a ... wait for it ... socialist. He advocated single payer, he even wrote about his support for Marxism.

BTW, if you learned how to use the quote function, you might get more responses.
Regulation of an economy is not socialism unless the government runs the industry, hiring and firing and paying the employees, operating all of the facilities etc, like the VA. so·cial·ism /ˈsōSHəˌlizəm/ noun noun: socialism 1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

By both your comment and the definition we find that Obama is not a socialist. And, by the by, my VA and military experiences since the 1970s have almost always surpassed private industry, with the single exception of Trinity Mother Francis, in Tyler, Texas, where I was referred by VA, which also picked up any additional expenses.
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Regulation of an economy is not socialism unless the government runs the industry, hiring and firing and paying the employees, operating all of the facilities etc, like the VA. so·cial·ism /ˈsōSHəˌlizəm/ noun noun: socialism 1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

By both your comment and the definition we find that Obama is not a socialist. And, by the by, my VA and military experiences since the 1970s have almost always surpassed private industry, with the single exception of Trinity Mother Francis, in Tyler, Texas, where I was referred by VA, which also picked up any additional expenses.
The owner of an asset is the one that controls it. Obama has moved the energy, financial services, energy and other industries to work for the benefit of government policy. He also has maximized that control. In no instance did he stop saying regulation is enough, he only stopped when he was stopped. Yeah, he's a socialist.
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I will do it up here, Kaz, so everyone can see that you cut my post to get an out of context situation. You are flatly, completely wrong. Here is the full quote, which will show immediately above what you pulled.

Regulation of an economy is not socialism unless the government runs the industry, hiring and firing and paying the employees, operating all of the facilities etc, like the VA. so·cial·ism /ˈsōSHəˌlizəm/ noun noun: socialism 1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

By both your comment and the definition we find that Obama is not a socialist. And, by the by, my VA and military experiences since the 1970s have almost always surpassed private industry, with the single exception of Trinity Mother Francis, in Tyler, Texas, where I was referred by VA, which also picked up any additional expenses.


Regulation of an economy is not socialism unless the government runs the industry, hiring and firing and paying the employees, operating all of the facilities etc

The owner of an asset is the one that controls it. Obama has moved the energy, financial services, energy and other industries to work for the benefit of government policy. He also has maximized that control. In no instance did he stop saying regulation is enough, he only stopped when he was stopped. Yeah, he's a socialist.
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No, the creationists believes that Big Bang was such an event. However, there is nothing behind the Idea of a Great Creator except philosophical constructs, which are . . . philosophical not empirical.

Then what caused the Big Bang? Happenstance?

Yeah, right. A PERFECT combination of atoms, molecules, elements, gravity, time, weak and strong nuclear and electromagnetism just happened to get together in an infinitely small, infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitely massive, infinitely powerful with infinite energy in a blob to explode with infinite fury in order to create a Perfect universe?

You got a real brain there, Sir Isaac. :cuckoo:

Not knowing what caused the Big Bang is not evidence the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

Not knowing at this time what caused the Big Bang is not evidence of the existence of a Flying Spaghetti Monster which caused it.

That you even know there was a Big Bang is thanks to SCIENCE, not religion.

Insisting the Earth is only 6,000 years old is as ignorant as insisting the sun revolves around the Earth.

Why has this "missing link" become so elusive to scientists in it's claim that we share an ancestry with apes? Apparently it requires more faith to believe that ALL life evolved from one moment in time, known as the miracle of life, than to say all life was individually created.
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Then what caused the Big Bang? Happenstance?

Yeah, right. A PERFECT combination of atoms, molecules, elements, gravity, time, weak and strong nuclear and electromagnetism just happened to get together in an infinitely small, infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitely massive, infinitely powerful with infinite energy in a blob to explode with infinite fury in order to create a Perfect universe?

You got a real brain there, Sir Isaac. :cuckoo:

Not knowing what caused the Big Bang is not evidence the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

Not knowing at this time what caused the Big Bang is not evidence of the existence of a Flying Spaghetti Monster which caused it.

That you even know there was a Big Bang is thanks to SCIENCE, not religion.

Insisting the Earth is only 6,000 years old is as ignorant as insisting the sun revolves around the Earth.

Why has this "missing link" become so elusive to scientists in it's claim that we share an ancestry with apes? Apparently it requires more faith to believe that ALL life evolved from one moment in time, known as the miracle of life, than to say all life was individually created.

shakles, all evolution theory and empirical data can do in the long run is suggest, but its suggestions about the origin of species has nothing to do with creation.
I will do it up here, Kaz, so everyone can see that you cut my post to get an out of context situation. You are flatly, completely wrong. Here is the full quote, which will show immediately above what you pulled.

Regulation of an economy is not socialism unless the government runs the industry, hiring and firing and paying the employees, operating all of the facilities etc, like the VA. so·cial·ism /ˈsōSHəˌlizəm/ noun noun: socialism 1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

By both your comment and the definition we find that Obama is not a socialist. And, by the by, my VA and military experiences since the 1970s have almost always surpassed private industry, with the single exception of Trinity Mother Francis, in Tyler, Texas, where I was referred by VA, which also picked up any additional expenses.


Regulation of an economy is not socialism unless the government runs the industry, hiring and firing and paying the employees, operating all of the facilities etc

The owner of an asset is the one that controls it. Obama has moved the energy, financial services, energy and other industries to work for the benefit of government policy. He also has maximized that control. In no instance did he stop saying regulation is enough, he only stopped when he was stopped. Yeah, he's a socialist.

If Obama writing that he's a Marxist, saying he's for single payer medical care, running two campaigns for President as an anti-capitalist while advocating the destruction of private energy, financial services and medical companies and maximizing government control in every position on every issue he's been involved in doesn't convince you he's a socialist, then I realize I won't convince you he's a socialist.

So uncle.
(1) when did he write he's a Marxist, (2) single payer is not socialism because it does not advocate that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole, (3) did not run as an anti-capitalist (he is a strong corporatist), (4) did not endorse the destruction of private energy, and (5) clearly had not endorsed maximizing government control in every position on every issue he's been involved

You make claims you cannot endorse.

Kaz, my GOP can beat Dems on level grounds but when we have such nonsense as above being put out to an electorate that is generally much more learned and aware than the far right, we are more likely to lose.
(2) single payer is not socialism

The best you could argue is that it's fascism, but fascism is socialism, it's just a lighter version of it.

This conversation is too silly Jake. You like Obama, you don't like the word socialism. So he isn't one no matter how much he is.

I did write incorrectly he said he was Marxist, actually he wrote favorably about Marxism, but I can't say to my knowledge he said he was or wasn't actually one.
Not knowing what caused the Big Bang is not evidence the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

Not knowing at this time what caused the Big Bang is not evidence of the existence of a Flying Spaghetti Monster which caused it.

That you even know there was a Big Bang is thanks to SCIENCE, not religion.

Insisting the Earth is only 6,000 years old is as ignorant as insisting the sun revolves around the Earth.

Why has this "missing link" become so elusive to scientists in it's claim that we share an ancestry with apes? Apparently it requires more faith to believe that ALL life evolved from one moment in time, known as the miracle of life, than to say all life was individually created.

shakles, all evolution theory and empirical data can do in the long run is suggest, but its suggestions about the origin of species has nothing to do with creation.

I was comparing evolutionary theory to the belief of creationism, suggesting that there would need to be more faith (by definition) to believe in the evolutionary theory. The conceived idea that ALL life can be proven (without exception) to have traced itself back [evolve] from that same exact single moment in our earth's development, referred to as "the miracle of life". Now to suggest that each group of species was individually created would require much less of a leap of belief to take.

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