
Many people in politics say many stupid things and tell many lies yet very few care when it's their candidate of choice lying and saying stupid stuff. So which is truly worse the politicians who lie and say stupid stuff or the people who overlook and ignore it as long as the person has the right letter next to their name?
Many people in politics say many stupid things and tell many lies yet very few care when it's their candidate of choice lying and saying stupid stuff. So which is truly worse the politicians who lie and say stupid stuff or the people who overlook and ignore it as long as the person has the right letter next to their name?

I would say that the voters who support them are worse. It's their fault.
Many people are saying that if Trump is elected, it will be the end of our Republic.

Maybe the Second Amendment people can do something about it.
Many people are saying that Hairclown is a transparent fraud.


Adam Gabbatt

Donald Trump is offering an exciting opportunity to his supporters today: Executive Membership of the Trump Campaign.

“Please know that not just anyone is eligible for Executive Membership,” Trump says in an email sent to supporters this morning.“It’s a power, duty, and responsibility reserved only for those supporters who have displayed a steadfast commitment to our movement.”

I like power, duty and responsibility as much as the next man, particularly if it is only reserved for specific individuals, so imagine how disappointed I was to learn that this was another Trump lie.


Donald Trump’s “executive” card. Photograph: Donald Trump
The truth is anyone can become a Trump executive member. All you need is to do is a) have access to a computer and b) go to his website.And pay a $35 fee.

It is unclear what executive membership actually means. At the moment it seems all you get is a gold card with the word “Trump” at the top.

This afternoon Trump’s executive membership was sullied even further, when the campaign actually advertised it on Facebook. It seems that, contrary to Trump’s assertion that “not just anyone is eligible for Executive Membership”, literally everyone is eligible for Executive Membership.

Oh, and another thing: when you opt for Trump membership through the Facebook advert, you’re taken to a donaldjtrump.com page where that membership is priced at $72.

That’s $37 more than the price of membership on the donaldjtrump.com page that reporters were sent this morning. To me it doesn’t seem very savvy to offer exactly the same product at two different prices, but then I’ve never written a best-selling book about business practices.

Although I also haven’t filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, so I guess it’s a tie.

Secret service speaks to Trump about 'second amendment' comments – live

who the hell is saying he's transparent ?
Many people are saying that Hillary should go to prison...

Wait, many people are actually saying that.
Many people are saying that privately, Trump can't believe all these idiots actually got him the nomination. And that he's angry that he's not in Tahiti right now making moves on the next Mrs. Trump.

Not me of course I'm not saying that, but many, many people are.
You know, there may be something to that NAMBLA rumor going on about Trump. It seems that yesterday, while he was railing against Hillary for having the father of the Orlando shooter sitting behind her, guess who he had sitting behind him? Yep, that's right, Mark Foley, you know, the politician who had to leave office for making sexual advances towards his pages? And, Foley had his 26 year old boyfriend with him (Foley is over twice his age).

Disgraced ex-congressman Mark Foley sits behind Trump at rally - CNNPolitics.com
Well, many more people are saying that they will vote for Clinton and not Trump. That is what the pols are telling us. In 2012, what they told us was correct, I think that the present pols are also correct.

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