Map of Yemen


Nov 14, 2012
It is really remarkable that, nowadays, the black Al-Qaeda and ISIS Zones prosper like the bubos wherever the US intervenes.

Green: Yemeni army and Houthi rebels
Red: Hadi loyalists and Saudi/US-Coalition mercs
Black: "Democrats" and ISIS


"The Hadi loyalists and the Saudi-led Coalition Forces won the battle of Aden in August of this year; however, since this integral victory, they have found themselves unable to make any progress on the ground, despite have the superior weaponry and an air force to combat the Yemeni Army and their popular committees.

It seems that the Hadi loyalists and the Saudi-led Coalition Forces have doubted the military prowess of the Yemeni Army and their popular committees; most notably, the Houthis fighters, who have proven not only tough, but also, very prudent in battle.

With the Hadi loyalists stabilized for the time being, the Yemeni Army and the Houthis launched a massive counter-offensive in the southern part of the country and a large counter-assault inside Saudi Arabia in order to cutoff the Coalition supply route to the Jizan Region.

Two weeks ago, the Yemeni Army and Houthis did the unthinkable – they captured the imperative city of Rabuah in the Al-Asir Governorate, marking the first time that they have taken complete control of a Saudi city.

Not only was the capture of Rabuah embarrassing for the Saudi-led Coalition, but also, incredibly important; it is so important that the United Arab Emirates decided to beef up their forces in Saudi Arabia to attempt to retake the city – they have been unsuccessful so far.

On top of all of this, the Yemeni Republican Guard and Houthis are on the move in southern Yemen after reversing the gains made by the Hadi loyalists inside the city of Ta’iz in late August.

Last week, the Yemeni Republican Guard and the Houthis imposed full control over several sites in the Dhale’, Shabwa, and Lahj Governorates, including the strategic city of Damt; this has paved the way for the resistance forces to concentrate their attention on the largest military base in Yemen: Al-Anad.

The battle for Al-Anad Military Base is set to begin any day; if captured, the Yemeni Republican Guard and Houthis will have access to the large port-city of Aden."

Complete Map of Yemen: Battlefield Update Around the Country
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for those confused by captain blei and his Iranian filth------that which he calls the
YEMENI ARMY------are Iranian shills. The People of Yemen are under siege----
by the AXIS POWER in a manner similar to the siege of France by the Irano-islamo Nazi alliance axis.........for now. Sit tight----the people of Yemen will not give up
for those confused by captain blei and his Iranian filth------that which he calls the
YEMENI ARMY------are Iranian shills. The People of Yemen are under siege----
by the AXIS POWER in a manner similar to the siege of France by the Irano-islamo Nazi alliance axis.........for now. Sit tight----the people of Yemen will not give up

Actually, w hat is more likely is that Yemen will partition like it was before unification in 1989, because those two groups never wanted to be in the same country.

So when I listen to a Islamist like Bleipeter and a Zionist Shill like IRosie arguing over who is right, I have to ask the same question I always ask.

for those confused by captain blei and his Iranian filth------that which he calls the
YEMENI ARMY------are Iranian shills. The People of Yemen are under siege----
by the AXIS POWER in a manner similar to the siege of France by the Irano-islamo Nazi alliance axis.........for now. Sit tight----the people of Yemen will not give up

Actually, w hat is more likely is that Yemen will partition like it was before unification in 1989, because those two groups never wanted to be in the same country.

So when I listen to a Islamist like Bleipeter and a Zionist Shill like IRosie arguing over who is right, I have to ask the same question I always ask.

Why the fuck am I an Islamist???
for those confused by captain blei and his Iranian filth------that which he calls the
YEMENI ARMY------are Iranian shills. The People of Yemen are under siege----
by the AXIS POWER in a manner similar to the siege of France by the Irano-islamo Nazi alliance axis.........for now. Sit tight----the people of Yemen will not give up

Actually, w hat is more likely is that Yemen will partition like it was before unification in 1989, because those two groups never wanted to be in the same country.

So when I listen to a Islamist like Bleipeter and a Zionist Shill like IRosie arguing over who is right, I have to ask the same question I always ask.


there is an issue of international waterways which the alliance of Iran, Russia and
the Iranian shills in Yemen ---houthis and Hezbollah plants can CONTROL
once they control the seaports of Yemen----mostly ADEN and TAIZ. Remember
the SUEZ canal crisis and issues in the past over the PANAMA CANAL------similar
there is an issue of international waterways which the alliance of Iran, Russia and
the Iranian shills in Yemen ---houthis and Hezbollah plants can CONTROL
once they control the seaports of Yemen----mostly ADEN and TAIZ. Remember
the SUEZ canal crisis and issues in the past over the PANAMA CANAL------similar

Well, that might be important to the Zionists, but the rest of us, not so much.

He is a secular, democratically elected President! Jesus!

A secular president who was democratically appointed by his father? Really?
Don´t listen to irosie. She took the wrong meds again. The Yemini army is the Yemini army.

that which is called the YEMEMI army right now is the army of a Shiite shill
president whom the people of Yemen despise------as is usual a few unlikely
persons of opportunist nature have joined the temporary "winners"
there is an issue of international waterways which the alliance of Iran, Russia and
the Iranian shills in Yemen ---houthis and Hezbollah plants can CONTROL
once they control the seaports of Yemen----mostly ADEN and TAIZ. Remember
the SUEZ canal crisis and issues in the past over the PANAMA CANAL------similar

Well, that might be important to the Zionists, but the rest of us, not so much.

In fact, It is far more important to the Russians, Chinese, Iranians in a POSITIVE
sense, and far more important to the USA, Turkey, The EU countries and the
oil countries of the mid east in a negative sense-------- than it is to Israel. The motive of Russia a China and Iran is both economic and strategic imperialism

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