Maps of approval rating for Trump from January to June 2017


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This is interesting


Donald Trump eked his way into the White House last fall on the strength of 78,000 votes in three states. He lost the popular vote by about two percentage points, earning the support of just under 46 percent of voters who cast a ballot. Since Nov. 8, polling has consistently shown that an even smaller percentage of the country thinks the president is doing a good job. The most recent weekly approval rating average from Gallup, for example, has Trump at 39 percent approval — seven percentage points lower than the support he got at the ballot box. On Monday, Gallup offered a more detailed set of data. Using interviews conducted over Trump’s first six months in office — during which his approval slipped slightly nationally — Gallup determined the average approval in each of the 50 states.

Unsurprisingly, those states that view Trump positively are also among those that supported him the most during last year’s election. Some states stick out, though: Texas, where Trump is viewed net negatively; and Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the three states that gave him that crucial 78,000-vote margin of victory. If Trump were to win only states where he had at least 50 percent approval in the first six months of this year, he’d end up with 99 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. (As we’ve seen so often before, not many people live in the big states Trump won in 2016.) If he won those where he’s at 45 percent or more? He’d snag 154 electoral votes. In the three states that gave Trump his 78,000-vote electoral college victory, he’s at 43 percent (Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) and 42 percent (Michigan) approval. If he hopes to repeat his victories in those states, Trump will need to see much better numbers in three years’ time.


This chart shows his demise over the last 6 months.
Analysis | In 47 states, a smaller part of the population now approves of Trump than voted for him

Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years
Trump won the election. That's the only approval that counts. The rest is probably manufactured by the same people who thought there is no way Trump could win.

God-Emperor Trump, our president!
Keep in mind, that the maps were brought to you by the Gallup polling organization. The same folks who said Hillary was winning by 10 points, one month before the election.
Trump won the election. That's the only approval that counts. The rest is probably manufactured by the same people who thought there is no way Trump could win.

God-Emperor Trump, our president!
"The rest is probably manufactured" nice, really nice... Stay ignorant my friend...
Trump won the election. That's the only approval that counts. The rest is probably manufactured by the same people who thought there is no way Trump could win.

God-Emperor Trump, our president!

This is America, we don't have 'God-Emperors' here, save that shit for North Korea.
Keep in mind, that the maps were brought to you by the Gallup polling organization. The same folks who said Hillary was winning by 10 points, one month before the election.

Trump won the popular vote.

Not hardly:

More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history. The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.Clinton's 2.1% margin ranks third among defeated candidates, according to statistics from US Elections Atlas. Andrew Jackson won by more than 10% in 1824 but was denied the presidency, which went to John Quincy Adams. In 1876, Samuel Tilden received 3% more votes than Rutherford B. Hayes, who eventually triumphed by one electoral vote.
I want to thank oreo for not posting that video of homosexual Shep Smith as he usually does!
Trump won the election. That's the only approval that counts. The rest is probably manufactured by the same people who thought there is no way Trump could win.God-Emperor Trump, our president!
Stay foolish.
Keep in mind, that the maps were brought to you by the Gallup polling organization. The same folks who said Hillary was winning by 10 points, one month before the election.
She beat him easily in the PV, and that 65K swing in the upper midwest has evaporated several times over.
I want to thank oreo for not posting that video of homosexual Shep Smith as he usually does!

Forgot to do that Thank You for reminding me. But here's another one you may be interested in.

This is over Trump Jr.'s meeting and Chris Wallace joins Shep Smith.

And here's your favorite

Trump won the election. That's the only approval that counts. The rest is probably manufactured by the same people who thought there is no way Trump could win.

God-Emperor Trump, our president!
Someone should tell Trump so he'll stop bringing it up.
Late Breaking News: Hillary Clinton is still not President.

Stay tuned for updates on this late breaking story.
The map matters. The map matters a great deal.

The GOP has less than one year to lower health care costs, or the voters will wipe the floor with them.

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