Mar-a-Lago Member Identifies on Social Media Man Who Carries Nuclear Football

Yes, this is what happens when you have a guy like Trump as President, a man who is member of his Mar-a-Lago resort identifies the man who carries the Nuclear Football for President Trump, and the brief case with the information Trump needs. Do you Trumpbots understand how dangerous this shit is???


Maybe you leftist lunatics and the media should relax. It is not like Trump personally installs firewalls, or drills the holes for CCTV, or scans rooms for bugs. You are being idiots. The SS runs continuous security checks, on the ground, in cyber land, and on the air. You leftist jack-offs have the intellectual sophistication of a toddler. IDIOTS!

He was in a public, open air environment. White House staff were using cell phones to light reports so he could view them.

This is the exact opposite of how these kinds of materials should be handled. My husband has top secret clearance. They can't even take cell phones into the facility where the information is used.

If my husband acted like Trump, he would lose his job.

The only reason you think this is acceptable is because you are clearly ignorant about protocols around top secret or classified materials.

This is awesome. I can't wait to see how the Trump apologists rush to his defense with some "but Hillary" bullshit.
Over what exactly? Can you pinpoint what we're supposed to be upset about here?

Discussing classified information in a non secure environment is what you should be upset about. Ever hear of directional microphones? They are useful at long distances in open air environments.

Riiiiight. The Secret North Korea Missile Launch...shhhhh
Until Trump took that call nobody knew...oh wait the Japanese PM was getting the info at the same time. Well shit, no impeachment here.
Maybe you leftist lunatics and the media should relax. It is not like Trump personally installs firewalls, or drills the holes for CCTV, or scans rooms for bugs. You are being idiots. The SS runs continuous security checks, on the ground, in cyber land, and on the air. You leftist jack-offs have the intellectual sophistication of a toddler. IDIOTS!

He was in a public, open air environment. White House staff were using cell phones to light reports so he could view them.

This is the exact opposite of how these kinds of materials should be handled. My husband has top secret clearance. They can't even take cell phones into the facility where the information is used.

If my husband acted like Trump, he would lose his job.

The only reason you think this is acceptable is because you are clearly ignorant about protocols around top secret or classified materials.
Does your husband go globe trotting on secret missions and fight Blofeld's space lasers too, sweetheart?

The open air environment can be secured, moron.
Do Trumpbots even understand... that because someone else did something wrong doesn't mean it is ok for Trump to? Hillary, Biden, Obama... None of those people are in charge of the security of the United States right now. Trump is. So regardless of what those people did in the past, None of what they did matters anymore. Do you understand that? What Trump DOES RIGHT NOW matters. This is the present, Hillary and Co. are the past. QUIT EXCUSING TRUMP for what he does. It's either right or wrong... and he is doing shit right now that is hurting the security of the country.
Maybe you leftist lunatics and the media should relax. It is not like Trump personally installs firewalls, or drills the holes for CCTV, or scans rooms for bugs. You are being idiots. The SS runs continuous security checks, on the ground, in cyber land, and on the air. You leftist jack-offs have the intellectual sophistication of a toddler. IDIOTS!

He was in a public, open air environment. White House staff were using cell phones to light reports so he could view them.

This is the exact opposite of how these kinds of materials should be handled. My husband has top secret clearance. They can't even take cell phones into the facility where the information is used.

If my husband acted like Trump, he would lose his job.

The only reason you think this is acceptable is because you are clearly ignorant about protocols around top secret or classified materials.
You have no possible way of knowing if the materials in the photos are actually even classified. Less still you weren't even privy to the actual coversation in question, so forget about claiming to know it was classified or how that particular information was to be handled, even if it were.
I knew you guys were desperate but, but this is boring... Even by y'alls standards.
Yes, this is what happens when you have a guy like Trump as President, a man who is member of his Mar-a-Lago resort identifies the man who carries the Nuclear Football for President Trump, and the brief case with the information Trump needs. Do you Trumpbots understand how dangerous this shit is???


trump morons
Maybe you leftist lunatics and the media should relax. It is not like Trump personally installs firewalls, or drills the holes for CCTV, or scans rooms for bugs. You are being idiots. The SS runs continuous security checks, on the ground, in cyber land, and on the air. You leftist jack-offs have the intellectual sophistication of a toddler. IDIOTS!

He was in a public, open air environment. White House staff were using cell phones to light reports so he could view them.

This is the exact opposite of how these kinds of materials should be handled. My husband has top secret clearance. They can't even take cell phones into the facility where the information is used.

If my husband acted like Trump, he would lose his job.

The only reason you think this is acceptable is because you are clearly ignorant about protocols around top secret or classified materials.
You have no possible way of knowing if the materials in the photos are actually even classified. Less still you weren't even privy to the actual coversation in question, so forget about claiming to know it was classified or how that particular information was to be handled, even if it were.
I knew you guys were desperate but, but this is boring... Even by y'alls standards.
The left are being total assholes. I just watched Erin Burnett freak out about this for 15 minutes on CNN. They don't know what they were using their phones to look at. You are absolutely right.
Yes, this is what happens when you have a guy like Trump as President, a man who is member of his Mar-a-Lago resort identifies the man who carries the Nuclear Football for President Trump, and the brief case with the information Trump needs. Do you Trumpbots understand how dangerous this shit is???


trump morons
Typical Jillian comment. 100% snark; 0% substance. What a pathetic dumbass.
If I were his family I'd be shitting bricks. Talk about having a huge target put on your back all of a sudden.

Why? He's in the secret service. Do you honestly think he's the one who carries it 24/7?

This may come as a shock to you, but if you were to follow any of President Donald Trump's encourages and, low and behold, there will be someone carrying the same briefcase and it will be someone else carrying the case.

Worse case scenario supposes someone slips in there and steals that case. What do you suppose they could do?

This is awesome. I can't wait to see how the Trump apologists rush to his defense with some "but Hillary" bullshit.
So you have two leaders together when a crisis happens what do you do ignore it until after the salad course or immediately handle the situation. Being able to handle problems as they occur without lossing your shit is the sign of a good leader. You libs are bitching about straws.
Riiiiight. The Secret North Korea Missile Launch...shhhhh

There could have been pictures of the missile launch that could have given away locations of cameras or intel about satellites, which would have been classified. Anything related to the technology that we used to get information about the missile launch and capabilities would be classified. Anything about our potential responses to the missile launch would be classified until sanitized for release to the media. Any details our intelligence services might have about the capabilities of this weapon would be classified. Any information we have about NK's nuclear capabilities would be classified. It is literally impossible that nothing classified was discussed following this missile launch.

The room is non-secure, and you don't know exactly who was present, which is a very poor security practice.

Discussing this information in front of the Prime Minister of Japan is careless, and careless in the type of way that Hillary was careless with her e-mails, which you all lost your shit about.

Using a cell phone with any of these materials would be a violation of security protocols for both top secret classified materials. If a military person did it, they would likely lose their job.

Maybe instead of making excuses for Trump, you should start thinking like someone who actually cares about our national security.
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Why? He's in the secret service. Do you honestly think he's the one who carries it 24/7?

This may come as a shock to you, but if you were to follow any of President Donald Trump's encourages and, low and behold, there will be someone carrying the same briefcase and it will be someone else carrying the case.

Worse case scenario supposes someone slips in there and steals that case. What do you suppose they could do?

The person who carries the football isn't secret service, he's military.

This is awesome. I can't wait to see how the Trump apologists rush to his defense with some "but Hillary" bullshit.
So you have two leaders together when a crisis happens what do you do ignore it until after the salad course or immediately handle the situation. Being able to handle problems as they occur without lossing your shit is the sign of a good leader. You libs are bitching about straws.

What do you do? Well first of all you should be prepared, and when you go somewhere you should plan ahead that if something does go down, you have a secure place to go to in order to set up a temporary situational room. You don't do it in the open air like that.
It's no secret about who carries the "football. It's always a military aide carrying it. Read the Wikipedia article and look at the pictures of the guys carrying it

.Nuclear football - Wikipedia



Those are old pictures... not current ones. Do you understand the difference between the two circumstances?
Do Trumpbots even understand... that because someone else did something wrong doesn't mean it is ok for Trump to? Hillary, Biden, Obama... None of those people are in charge of the security of the United States right now. Trump is. So regardless of what those people did in the past, None of what they did matters anymore. Do you understand that? What Trump DOES RIGHT NOW matters. This is the present, Hillary and Co. are the past. QUIT EXCUSING TRUMP for what he does. It's either right or wrong... and he is doing shit right now that is hurting the security of the country.
Have you ever used another sexes bathroom because Obama said that you could?
And has Mike Obama ever done the same

Yo yo yo!!
Yes, this is what happens when you have a guy like Trump as President, a man who is member of his Mar-a-Lago resort identifies the man who carries the Nuclear Football for President Trump, and the brief case with the information Trump needs. Do you Trumpbots understand how dangerous this shit is???


you're a fuckin' idiot

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