Mar-a-Lago Member Identifies on Social Media Man Who Carries Nuclear Football

If I were his family I'd be shitting bricks. Talk about having a huge target put on your back all of a sudden.

Hate to tell you, but the football is useless without the nuclear codes that the president carries on his person at all times. Exactly why would his family be targets if he doesn't have the codes? And you also have to consider the fact that he is next to the president almost all of the time, which means that in addition to protecting Trump, the SS is also looking out for him to a certain degree.

Because they could be kidnapped and he could be faced with the ethical decision of doing something to disarm or hurt the football that could cause it not to be useful during a nuclear attack, to the point that even if he were there with Trump, Trump couldn't use it.

Are you serious? Are you that simple?
Yes, this is what happens when you have a guy like Trump as President, a man who is member of his Mar-a-Lago resort identifies the man who carries the Nuclear Football for President Trump, and the brief case with the information Trump needs. Do you Trumpbots understand how dangerous this shit is???


Is Hillary President?
Why? He's in the secret service. Do you honestly think he's the one who carries it 24/7?

This may come as a shock to you, but if you were to follow any of President Donald Trump's encourages and, low and behold, there will be someone carrying the same briefcase and it will be someone else carrying the case.

Worse case scenario supposes someone slips in there and steals that case. What do you suppose they could do?

The person who carries the football isn't secret service, he's military.
And she knows because she is sleeping with 008.
If I were his family I'd be shitting bricks. Talk about having a huge target put on your back all of a sudden.

Hate to tell you, but the football is useless without the nuclear codes that the president carries on his person at all times. Exactly why would his family be targets if he doesn't have the codes? And you also have to consider the fact that he is next to the president almost all of the time, which means that in addition to protecting Trump, the SS is also looking out for him to a certain degree.

Because they could be kidnapped and he could be faced with the ethical decision of doing something to disarm or hurt the football that could cause it not to be useful during a nuclear attack, to the point that even if he were there with Trump, Trump couldn't use it.

Are you serious? Are you that simple?

Have you ever been put in a situation where your families life was at stake based on an ethical dilemma?

This is awesome. I can't wait to see how the Trump apologists rush to his defense with some "but Hillary" bullshit.
So you have two leaders together when a crisis happens what do you do ignore it until after the salad course or immediately handle the situation. Being able to handle problems as they occur without lossing your shit is the sign of a good leader. You libs are bitching about straws.

What do you do? Well first of all you should be prepared, and when you go somewhere you should plan ahead that if something does go down, you have a secure place to go to in order to set up a temporary situational room. You don't do it in the open air like that.
Murphy's Laws of Combat is very relevant especially "No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Being able to adapt to the situation is essential. Seems like Trump improvised very well and you're just looking for silly shit to whine about.
I am blowing Special Agent 72, so I know that Trump was not viewing classified info. Everything is ok. Carry on. I got to go buy some Scope.
It's no secret about who carries the "football. It's always a military aide carrying it. Read the Wikipedia article and look at the pictures of the guys carrying it

.Nuclear football - Wikipedia



That's not even what's important here. Trump's careless handling of classified materials following the launch of a ballistic missile by NK is the real story.
Have you ever used another sexes bathroom because Obama said that you could?
And has Mike Obama ever done the same


Yo yo yo!![/QUOTE]

Michael had to adjust his junk.

LOL @ people flipping their lids over the OP.

Somebody probably should lose their job. The End.
Murphy's Laws of Combat is very relevant especially "No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Being able to adapt to the situation is essential. Seems like Trump improvised very well and you're just looking for silly shit to whine about.

Tell me...what are the Army rules regarding cell phones and classified materials?

This is awesome. I can't wait to see how the Trump apologists rush to his defense with some "but Hillary" bullshit.
So you have two leaders together when a crisis happens what do you do ignore it until after the salad course or immediately handle the situation. Being able to handle problems as they occur without lossing your shit is the sign of a good leader. You libs are bitching about straws.

What do you do? Well first of all you should be prepared, and when you go somewhere you should plan ahead that if something does go down, you have a secure place to go to in order to set up a temporary situational room. You don't do it in the open air like that.
Murphy's Laws of Combat is very relevant especially "No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Being able to adapt to the situation is essential. Seems like Trump improvised very well and you're just looking for silly shit to whine about.

You are assuming he had a battle plan... So what stopped him from having a planned secure room to use? Melania was taking a shit in it? Ivanka and Jared were getting in a quickie in it? Do you understand how dumb your statement is about that situation? We aren't talking about a dynamic entry assault to an ISIS compound.

This is awesome. I can't wait to see how the Trump apologists rush to his defense with some "but Hillary" bullshit.
So you have two leaders together when a crisis happens what do you do ignore it until after the salad course or immediately handle the situation. Being able to handle problems as they occur without lossing your shit is the sign of a good leader. You libs are bitching about straws.

What do you do? Well first of all you should be prepared, and when you go somewhere you should plan ahead that if something does go down, you have a secure place to go to in order to set up a temporary situational room. You don't do it in the open air like that.
Murphy's Laws of Combat is very relevant especially "No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Being able to adapt to the situation is essential. Seems like Trump improvised very well and you're just looking for silly shit to whine about.

You are assuming he had a battle plan... So what stopped him from having a planned secure room to use? Melania was taking a shit in it? Ivanka and Jared were getting in a quickie in it? Do you understand how dumb your statement is about that situation? We aren't talking about a dynamic entry assault to an ISIS compound.
So your dinging me for making "assumptions" as you throw out a lot of assumptions, got it.
Perfectly in line with the choreography of reality shows. And that is what you voted for. Awesome.
Amazingly Trump is being Presidential and the reality show is how you morons react. I voted for a guy I thought would do a better job than that stupid broad you ran, so far I'm not disappointed. The reality distraction and entertainment has been you idiots. Rioting, burning, calling for killing people...yeah, you're the reality show. Trump is doing fine. You have issues.
Murphy's Laws of Combat is very relevant especially "No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Being able to adapt to the situation is essential. Seems like Trump improvised very well and you're just looking for silly shit to whine about.

Tell me...what are the Army rules regarding cell phones and classified materials?
First tell me how cell phones and classified material have anything to do with the immediate situation ?

This is awesome. I can't wait to see how the Trump apologists rush to his defense with some "but Hillary" bullshit.
So you have two leaders together when a crisis happens what do you do ignore it until after the salad course or immediately handle the situation. Being able to handle problems as they occur without lossing your shit is the sign of a good leader. You libs are bitching about straws.

What do you do? Well first of all you should be prepared, and when you go somewhere you should plan ahead that if something does go down, you have a secure place to go to in order to set up a temporary situational room. You don't do it in the open air like that.
Murphy's Laws of Combat is very relevant especially "No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Being able to adapt to the situation is essential. Seems like Trump improvised very well and you're just looking for silly shit to whine about.

You are assuming he had a battle plan... So what stopped him from having a planned secure room to use? Melania was taking a shit in it? Ivanka and Jared were getting in a quickie in it? Do you understand how dumb your statement is about that situation? We aren't talking about a dynamic entry assault to an ISIS compound.
So your dinging me for making "assumptions" as you throw out a lot of assumptions, got it.

No, you compared a combat situation with what happened, and that isn't even a remotely close assessment. There was absolutely NO REASON they shouldn't have been prepared. Mar-a-Lago is HIS resort. They know he will be there often. I've worked with writing Crisis Management plans as part of a program called CIM. If his government wasn't being sloppy, they would have had a plan in place to go to a secure location, and a back up location, and even a third location in case something like this happened.

This is awesome. I can't wait to see how the Trump apologists rush to his defense with some "but Hillary" bullshit.
So you have two leaders together when a crisis happens what do you do ignore it until after the salad course or immediately handle the situation. Being able to handle problems as they occur without lossing your shit is the sign of a good leader. You libs are bitching about straws.

What do you do? Well first of all you should be prepared, and when you go somewhere you should plan ahead that if something does go down, you have a secure place to go to in order to set up a temporary situational room. You don't do it in the open air like that.
Murphy's Laws of Combat is very relevant especially "No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Being able to adapt to the situation is essential. Seems like Trump improvised very well and you're just looking for silly shit to whine about.

You are assuming he had a battle plan... So what stopped him from having a planned secure room to use? Melania was taking a shit in it? Ivanka and Jared were getting in a quickie in it? Do you understand how dumb your statement is about that situation? We aren't talking about a dynamic entry assault to an ISIS compound.
Isn't that part of the CIA's plan? That's their job right? Other than your sexist disgusting behavior against the Trump women by blaming them for taking shit's and getting fucked what is the problem you unhinged loon?
Amazingly Trump is being Presidential and the reality show is how you morons react. I voted for a guy I thought would do a better job than that stupid broad you ran, so far I'm not disappointed. The reality distraction and entertainment has been you idiots. Rioting, burning, calling for killing people...yeah, you're the reality show. Trump is doing fine. You have issues.

Do you know what being presidential would look like in this situation? Going inside, to a more secure location. Limiting staff access to cell phones. Ensuring that you don't give up classified information to the Japanese Prime Minister or random dinner guests.

You were one of the people who repeatedly hammered Hillary Clinton for carelessness regarding her e-mails. The fact that Trump dealt with this situation where he did is about 600,000 times more careless than anything Hillary did.

You're not disappointed because you're a moron.
Murphy's Laws of Combat is very relevant especially "No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Being able to adapt to the situation is essential. Seems like Trump improvised very well and you're just looking for silly shit to whine about.

Tell me...what are the Army rules regarding cell phones and classified materials?
First tell me how cell phones and classified material have anything to do with the immediate situation ?

If intelligence agencies had faxed him pictures with information of the launch and they were looking at those on the table in the picture people could look at it.
Perfectly in line with the choreography of reality shows. And that is what you voted for. Awesome.
Amazingly Trump is being Presidential and the reality show is how you morons react. I voted for a guy I thought would do a better job than that stupid broad you ran, so far I'm not disappointed. The reality distraction and entertainment has been you idiots. Rioting, burning, calling for killing people...yeah, you're the reality show. Trump is doing fine. You have issues.
Thx 4 sharing the trumptard version of reality. If i want to hear that, i tune in to sean spicer or kellyanne conway. Your offal is redundant. As is your face. And then some, et al.

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