March for Our Lives Funded Through 501c4 Dark Money

Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
after the democrats put legislation into play to take all semi-automatic guns, you still think they're NOT coming for them?

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

what else has to be done before people stop saying "we're not coming for your guns!" when here's a bill to do just that?
IF they stop selling semiautomatic weapons, the gun manufacturers will quickly replace them with something you can kill people with, don't worry.
Every gun is semiautomatic
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.

All they needed were rooms for themselves, money for stage the entertainers were free. Do you think they paid all those people to show up?

They had to have ordered the staging weeks ago. You can't throw that kind of stuff together overnight. They also had to get their 501(c)(4) application approved almost instantaneously, before anyone donated any money anonyously. That just highlights the mistreatment of the TEA party groups by the IRS.


You don't understand how 501c4 groups work.

They don't need to wait for their application to be approved - as soon as they file, they can start accepting donations.

That's why all that nonsense that you guys kept screaming about years ago was bullshit - none of those "tea party" groups were prevented from operating.
Yes...they were. Denied tax exempt status.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
after the democrats put legislation into play to take all semi-automatic guns, you still think they're NOT coming for them?

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

what else has to be done before people stop saying "we're not coming for your guns!" when here's a bill to do just that?
IF they stop selling semiautomatic weapons, the gun manufacturers will quickly replace them with something you can kill people with, don't worry.
Every gun is semiautomatic
You are forgetting guns that are full semi automatic.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.

All they needed were rooms for themselves, money for stage the entertainers were free. Do you think they paid all those people to show up?

They had to have ordered the staging weeks ago. You can't throw that kind of stuff together overnight. They also had to get their 501(c)(4) application approved almost instantaneously, before anyone donated any money anonyously. That just highlights the mistreatment of the TEA party groups by the IRS.


You don't understand how 501c4 groups work.

They don't need to wait for their application to be approved - as soon as they file, they can start accepting donations.

That's why all that nonsense that you guys kept screaming about years ago was bullshit - none of those "tea party" groups were prevented from operating.
People who want to remain anonymous aren't going to donate if they aren't sure a group will get 501(c)(4) status.

Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
after the democrats put legislation into play to take all semi-automatic guns, you still think they're NOT coming for them?

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

what else has to be done before people stop saying "we're not coming for your guns!" when here's a bill to do just that?
IF they stop selling semiautomatic weapons, the gun manufacturers will quickly replace them with something you can kill people with, don't worry.
Every gun is semiautomatic
Not true. Revolvers and shot guns are not semiautomatic, for example.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
after the democrats put legislation into play to take all semi-automatic guns, you still think they're NOT coming for them?

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

what else has to be done before people stop saying "we're not coming for your guns!" when here's a bill to do just that?
IF they stop selling semiautomatic weapons, the gun manufacturers will quickly replace them with something you can kill people with, don't worry.
Every gun is semiautomatic
You are forgetting guns that are full semi automatic.
I love watching people who have no clue about guns talk like they know it all
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
after the democrats put legislation into play to take all semi-automatic guns, you still think they're NOT coming for them?

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

what else has to be done before people stop saying "we're not coming for your guns!" when here's a bill to do just that?
IF they stop selling semiautomatic weapons, the gun manufacturers will quickly replace them with something you can kill people with, don't worry.
Every gun is semiautomatic
Not true. Revolvers and shot guns are not semiautomatic, for example.
Any gun that has more than one bullet is semi
By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.

All they needed were rooms for themselves, money for stage the entertainers were free. Do you think they paid all those people to show up?

They had to have ordered the staging weeks ago. You can't throw that kind of stuff together overnight. They also had to get their 501(c)(4) application approved almost instantaneously, before anyone donated any money anonyously. That just highlights the mistreatment of the TEA party groups by the IRS.


You don't understand how 501c4 groups work.

They don't need to wait for their application to be approved - as soon as they file, they can start accepting donations.

That's why all that nonsense that you guys kept screaming about years ago was bullshit - none of those "tea party" groups were prevented from operating.
People who want to remain anonymous aren't going to donate if they aren't sure a group will get 501(c)(4) status.



Actually, unless people have a particularly shady reason for donating, I don't think whether or not they're anonymous makes much of a difference.

If you take a look at all of those groups, you'll see that none of them lacked donations.

As for the 501c4 funding this protest, what makes you think their application has already been approved?
March for our lives is funded through a 501c4 that doesn’t disclose donors. Smelling Soros again.
'March For Our Lives' Now Operating Under Liberal Dark Money Nonprofit Advocacy Group

And there it is, right on time like a good parrot train.

Oh noes! George Soros funding "life" stuff!! How tragic for merchants of death! Gaaaah!

Yet another dystopian thread all butthurt about the fact that kids want to not get shot.
Oh the horror. Why that's un-Amurrikan.
These kids are being used as tools of the left.
By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.

All they needed were rooms for themselves, money for stage the entertainers were free. Do you think they paid all those people to show up?

They had to have ordered the staging weeks ago. You can't throw that kind of stuff together overnight. They also had to get their 501(c)(4) application approved almost instantaneously, before anyone donated any money anonyously. That just highlights the mistreatment of the TEA party groups by the IRS.


You don't understand how 501c4 groups work.

They don't need to wait for their application to be approved - as soon as they file, they can start accepting donations.

That's why all that nonsense that you guys kept screaming about years ago was bullshit - none of those "tea party" groups were prevented from operating.
Yes...they were. Denied tax exempt status.

Not a single tea party group was denied tax exempt status.
March for Our Lives Funded Through 501c4 Dark Money

So what? I thought NaziCons liked dark money. mean when Obama used IRS as a weapon to stop conservatives from starting 501c4s and 527’s ?

Sure. Except that didn't actually happen, and you're a moron. are wrong.
Obama Justice Department Was Involved In IRS Targeting, Lerner Emails Reveal

You should try reading your links before you post them.
March for Our Lives Funded Through 501c4 Dark Money

So what? I thought NaziCons liked dark money. mean when Obama used IRS as a weapon to stop conservatives from starting 501c4s and 527’s ?

Sure. Except that didn't actually happen, and you're a moron.
Well sure it did. If it didn’t, why were they protected?

It didn't happen.

Not a single conservative was stopped from starting a 501c4, or a 527.
March for Our Lives Funded Through 501c4 Dark Money

So what? I thought NaziCons liked dark money. mean when Obama used IRS as a weapon to stop conservatives from starting 501c4s and 527’s ?

Sure. Except that didn't actually happen, and you're a moron. are wrong.
Obama Justice Department Was Involved In IRS Targeting, Lerner Emails Reveal

You should try reading your links before you post them.
You should read the fact that this group was certified on March 8th.
March for Our Lives Funded Through 501c4 Dark Money

So what? I thought NaziCons liked dark money. mean when Obama used IRS as a weapon to stop conservatives from starting 501c4s and 527’s ?

Sure. Except that didn't actually happen, and you're a moron.
Well sure it did. If it didn’t, why were they protected?

It didn't happen.

Not a single conservative was stopped from starting a 501c4, or a 527.
So what? I thought NaziCons liked dark money. mean when Obama used IRS as a weapon to stop conservatives from starting 501c4s and 527’s ?

Sure. Except that didn't actually happen, and you're a moron. are wrong.
Obama Justice Department Was Involved In IRS Targeting, Lerner Emails Reveal

You should try reading your links before you post them.
You should read the fact that this group was certified on March 8th.


Seriously, you need to take some remedial reading classes or something.

This group registered on March 8th.
So what? I thought NaziCons liked dark money. mean when Obama used IRS as a weapon to stop conservatives from starting 501c4s and 527’s ?

Sure. Except that didn't actually happen, and you're a moron.
Well sure it did. If it didn’t, why were they protected?

It didn't happen.

Not a single conservative was stopped from starting a 501c4, or a 527.


I'm sorry that the truth is so upsetting to you.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.

All they needed were rooms for themselves, money for stage the entertainers were free. Do you think they paid all those people to show up?

They had to have ordered the staging weeks ago. You can't throw that kind of stuff together overnight. They also had to get their 501(c)(4) application approved almost instantaneously, before anyone donated any money anonyously. That just highlights the mistreatment of the TEA party groups by the IRS.


You don't understand how 501c4 groups work.

They don't need to wait for their application to be approved - as soon as they file, they can start accepting donations.

That's why all that nonsense that you guys kept screaming about years ago was bullshit - none of those "tea party" groups were prevented from operating.
People who want to remain anonymous aren't going to donate if they aren't sure a group will get 501(c)(4) status.



Actually, unless people have a particularly shady reason for donating, I don't think whether or not they're anonymous makes much of a difference.

If you take a look at all of those groups, you'll see that none of them lacked donations.

As for the 501c4 funding this protest, what makes you think their application has already been approved?
ROFL! The CEO of Mozilla had to step down because he donated money to a group that supports traditional marriage.

Looking at the experience of TEA groups shows that it made raising money very difficult for them. Why do you suppose they sued the IRS?

You're just plain full of shit and an apologist for government tyranny.

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