March for our Lives represents the future

And a sad sad future it is.

Yeah how sad, a world where people want to stay alive.

Nah, gimme death and murder and mayhem any day. :eusa_dance:

Yeah all those murderer will just stop murdering because these kids have a whine fest

This is the new occupy wall street whine fest
This is the muttering of an idiot.

History repeats itself.

Tell me what did the occupy whiners accomplish?

Inasmuch as you're still posting about them, apparently plenty.

Like what?
"I'm going to the gun range, my Glock and I are gonna celebrate that it's still in my hand!!. what did this march change again???" - Supercilious Wayne LaPierre
I cherish my guns - but I'm not worried about these kids trying to take them away. They just want responsible and reasonable gun controls - like most responsible gun owners.

Something like this is what I've feared for some time. I've said for many years that the NRA is the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Their never-give-an-inch attitude must change - or the kids will change them.

These kids want sensible gun control just like most responsible gun owners want.

Ban assault weapons. Ban high-capacity magazines. Universal background checks. Address mental health, domestic abuse and reporting issues. Enhanced National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

If NRA gun nuts don't back off - we may end up with severe gun control and a national gun registry.

It's sadly funny that the Justice Department is reportedly going to ban bump stocks. What kind of retards allowed them to be legal in the first place? I realize that bump stocks are easy to replicate - but the penalty for using them should be severe.

Actually I believe the bump stocks were legalized under The Obama adm, I would imagine with repub backing.

My problem with the current protests and hyperbole is that no one has come out with any real answers. Assault weapons are already illegal, the high mag ban sounds good but would not have had any impact in the vast majority of these tragedies. I'd even go along with the background checks but again I don't see how it would have prevented these shootings.

Sadly it leaves me viewing the current protests as some perhaps needed venting but not really of any use.
"Simply being anti-NRA is not a solution. March FOR something, not just against everything." - Tomi Lahren

"These protestors are the most effective gun sales people in America. I'm at Cabelas buying a new conceal & carry handgun before #2A is taken from us. I'm about 25th in line, apparently everyone else had the same concern"
March for our Lives and the younger generation represents the future. Trump and his supporters represent the past.
And a sad sad future it is.

Yeah how sad, a world where people want to stay alive.

Nah, gimme death and murder and mayhem any day. :eusa_dance:

Yeah all those murderer will just stop murdering because these kids have a whine fest

This is the new occupy wall street whine fest
This is the muttering of an idiot.

History repeats itself.

Tell me what did the occupy whiners accomplish?
At the very least the youth today have gotten under the skin of a numb skull named skull pilot.
skull pilot does not realize what an absolute idiot he is to the vast majority of the world.
skull pilot is deplorable, I think he may relize it.
Optimism. That's what I see today from our youth at marches across America. They are going to be the generation that ends the gun violence epidemic.
LOL illegals will not vote for gun control what's wrong with liberal thinking? :itsok:
He who laughs last, laughs longest. You are on the wrong side of history.

When you can muster the votes to amend the Constitution let us know, until then you got nothing.

Oh that's already documented, pre-Constitution. You see son, we started out with the DofI claiming the inalienable rights to "Life, LIberty and the Pursuit of Happiness". Guess which one of those got top billing.
The march is the youth of today mandating their rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
People like you are getting in their way of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, son.
Please do elaborate...
And a sad sad future it is.

Yeah how sad, a world where people want to stay alive.

Nah, gimme death and murder and mayhem any day. :eusa_dance:

Yeah all those murderer will just stop murdering because these kids have a whine fest

This is the new occupy wall street whine fest
This is the muttering of an idiot.

History repeats itself.

Tell me what did the occupy whiners accomplish?
At the very least the youth today have gotten under the skin of a numb skull named skull pilot.
skull pilot does not realize what an absolute idiot he is to the vast majority of the world.
skull pilot is deplorable, I think he may relize it.

You know if you are going to call other people idiots you might want to learn how to fucking spell.
And what makes you think for one second that I give a flying fuck what people like you think of me?

I don't crave approval like you do.

And if you can't understand that a comparison of one failed "movement" to this movement that will fail is nothing more than just that , a comparison,then you better go back to school Corky
March for our Lives and the younger generation represents the future. Trump and his supporters represent the past.

Ah, okay. I see. So you dismiss as outdated anyone who disagrees with your mindless fixation on guns instead of the people who use them for mass shootings and instead of the multiple failures of local and federal law enforcement personnel to intervene after receiving numerous warnings about Cruz. Nah, it's just all the fault of those evil guns, guns, guns.

Tell me: What would you be saying if Cruz had used a car and had run over and killed 17 students as they were leaving school? You know that we've had several cases in the last two years of people using cars to kill multiple victims, right? So what would you be saying if Cruz had used a car instead of a rifle?
March for our Lives and the younger generation represents the future. Trump and his supporters represent the past.

If a profanity laced, ignorant loon is your version of the future, then we're all done. This generation coming up doesn't have the slightest clue about anything.
Tens of thousands of people crying to the government to protect them.

It's sad sad sad

When these idiots learn that the government not only can't but won't protect them they will wish they had the second amendment rights they are so willing to throw away
Some early estimates, from journalists, of #MarchForOurLives crowd sizes:
800,000 - D.C.
175,000 - NYC
50,000 - Boston
20,000 - Parkland, Fla
15,000 - Chicago
10,000 - San Francisco
10,000 - San Diego
Some early estimates, from journalists, of #MarchForOurLives crowd sizes:
800,000 - D.C.
175,000 - NYC
50,000 - Boston
20,000 - Parkland, Fla
15,000 - Chicago
10,000 - San Francisco
10,000 - San Diego


Flocks of sheep

March for our Lives and the younger generation represents the future. Trump and his supporters represent the past.

If a profanity laced, ignorant loon is your version of the future, then we're all done. This generation coming up doesn't have the slightest clue about anything.
Tens of thousands of people crying to the government to protect them.

It's sad sad sad

When these idiots learn that the government not only can't but won't protect them they will wish they had the second amendment rights they are so willing to throw away

Thats exactly right. These idiots are the products of an indoctrination system that has nothing to do with the US constitution.
March for our Lives and the younger generation represents the future. Trump and his supporters represent the past.

The GOP put up 16 racially diverse candidates in 2016 while the Democrats put up 6 white people including an old socialist and a lying, cheating has been. Yea, pretty obvious which party is moving forward and which one isn't.
Norwegian-Americans are not considered diverse. It is not the GOP that is the problem, it is Trumpism. Saying Trumpism is becoming more diverse is putting lipstick on a pig.

Typical. Stick your head in the sand, use those liberal talking points and ignore the truth.

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