Marching Glowsticks....Feds on Parade?


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021



Patriot Front is a reactionary Neo-Fascist group that arose as a result of Modern America.

Blah....Put a neo in front of Marxist dems and it amounts to the same thing.
LOL “White Supremacy” is such a big threat they have to make Feds dress up and pretend they are.

Have you ever seen the local and state police protect a rightwing group the way these guys are protected by a wall of police? Plus there are never any counterprotests. Where is Antifa and BLM to face off with these guys?

Nope, these guys are transported in, form up and do their little parade, with only media to take photos of the scary “radical right”. It is so blatantly scripted and fake, but of course the left buys into it and that is really their target audience for this show.



Patriot Front is a reactionary Neo-Fascist group that arose as a result of Modern America.

Blah....Put a neo in front of Marxist dems and it amounts to the same thing.

Do the FBI agents who do these things get overtime? Do they get guys from the IRS, and DHS to join in, and do they get to put in for overtime too?
LOL “White Supremacy” is such a big threat they have to make Feds dress up and pretend they are.

Have you ever seen the local and state police protect a rightwing group the way these guys are protected by a wall of police? Plus there are never any counterprotests. Where is Antifa and BLM to face off with these guys?

Nope, these guys are transported in, form up and do their little parade, with only media to take photos of the scary “radical right”. It is so blatantly scripted and fake, but of course the left buys into it and that is really their target audience for this show.

An enterprising conservative journalist needs to follow these idiots to where they form up, and follow some of them back to their FBI building.......take video of the whole thing and end this bullshit.....
So, if ANTIFA attacked them, they’d be charged with assaulting a Federal Agent?

No........the FBI guys pretending to be Antifa, would get called into the office to explain why they actually hurt the guys pretending to be white supremacists, since now Chuck is out with a sick day instead of going to the next city to pretend to be a white supremacist there.......
And this just happened to be on the same day that Biden told a bunch of affirmative action college grads that “white supremacy”, which is make-believe, is the biggest terror threat to America.
Sure, sure, Biden flaps his demented jaws about "white supremacy", not 24 hours later, the Feds respond with one of their very bad psy-ops.

I'm very proud of my children but if any of them joined the FBI/CIA I'd say, "Have you no shame? No honor? What are you doing?"

Does ANYONE buy that these uniformly dressed, all physically fit, creepy dudes are really any kind of "white supremacy" group?




Sure, sure, Biden flaps his demented jaws about "white supremacy", not 24 hours later, the Feds respond with one of their very bad psy-ops.

I'm very proud of my children but if any of them joined the FBI/CIA I'd say, "Have you no shame? No honor? What are you doing?"

Does ANYONE buy that these uniformly dressed, all physically fit, creepy dudes are really any kind of "white supremacy" group?


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View attachment 785600

Example #2 of why your belief system, your ideology, and your words are slowly but surely being rejected. You see conspiracies everywhere. You can't even tell what's real and what's not anymore. Congratulations. No brainwashing needed. You've done the job yourself. :auiqs.jpg:

By the way, this group? for real.
Example #2 of why your belief system, your ideology, and your words are slowly but surely being rejected. You see conspiracies everywhere. You can't even tell what's real and what's not anymore. Congratulations. No brainwashing needed. You've done the job yourself. :auiqs.jpg:

By the way, this group? for real.

Dude. Do you look at this group and seriously see a group of average "white supremacist" Americans?

That's for starters.

Secondly, do you STILL trust the FBI/CIA?

How cute. How....quaint
Dude. Do you look at this group and seriously see a group of average "white supremacist" Americans?

That's for starters.

Secondly, do you STILL trust the FBI/CIA?

How cute. How....quaint
Again, you have no evidence of this. But because your alt-right media sources pound it into your head 24x7, you believe it. If you've even done any reading or research outside of you usual biased sources, you'd know that these hardcores train for Armageddon. They believe a white race war with the rest of the world is inevitable.
Dude. Do you look at this group and seriously see a group of average "white supremacist" Americans?

That's for starters.

Secondly, do you STILL trust the FBI/CIA?

How cute. How....quaint

Wait....are you trying to suggest this entire group of people are Feds pretending to be white supremacist?

Was it also just Fed when this same group protested at SatanCon?

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