Marco Rubio; Could He Be "Bluffing Obama" Over The V.P. Spot? Secretly Wants It?

look, its not that Rubio is my first choice, actually I am undecided bewteen the other two on the short list, Mitch Daniels & Bob McDonnell, McDonnell seems to have made it obvious he wants the job, but does anyone know if Mitch Daniels would take it if offered?

Daniels has already said he won't. and he's said some things about Romney that are actually pretty critical.
so that leaves us with McDonnell and Portman? you know Romney would lean towards McDonnell to insure him the south.
so that leaves us with McDonnell and Portman? you know Romney would lean towards McDonnell to insure him the south.

If ROmney is having to fight for the South, he shouldn't be wasting all of our time.

The GOP should have the South by default. The very fact that Romney is having to fight for NC, VA and FL is kind of sad and telling.

Not that I want to give teh Weird Mormon Robot any advice, because I want Obama to beat him like a runaway sister wife so the GOP actually starts doing the interspection it should have done after 2008.


Romney needs to make inroads in the Midwest. Obama can lose Virginia and still easily win. Romney can't win if he can't peel off Rust Belt states like PA, OH, WI or MI.

If Obama won all the states Kerry won in 2004, he'd have 246 Electoral votes. He just needs to pick up 24 more to win.

If Romney won all the states that McCain won in 2008, he'd have a mere 179*. ( *Assumes that he can't carry that proportional 1 EV in Nebraska) He needs to find 91 more.

There are 113 EV's in states (or that one district in NE) that bush carried that McCain Couldn't.

There are also two states that McCain won that Romney has to worry about.

Missouri, where McCain only won by a hair, and they never like Romney or Mormons in general. Arizona, where the GOP's anti-immigrant rhertoric has inflamed hispanics.

And no VP pick is going to change that math.
The 2012 Republican National Convention, August 27, 2012, in Tampa, Florida.

the short list in early August might be more appropriate - the choice is actually up to the delegates attending the convention ... Romney has all summer to decide, and to get it ironed-out.
well it looks like Romney will choose according to what region he needs to win, too early to project. who knows, it may end up being none of the above,,,maybe even a Romney/Lassie ticket,,,he does need the Dog Vote.

Does anyone out there have any insight of what is going on between Rubio&Romney?
Is Rubio playing the same game with the other 5/6 candidates on the short list?
Could it be Rubio is going thru a change of heart in this situation, maybe knowing that he could be the one to save america from going down the toilet?

We can only hope he is only pretending to not want the spot to pull a fast one on Obama who is terrified of a Romney/Rubio ticket.:death:

Us Conservatives and Indpendents can only dream.

I do admire your optimism...

But the country has been flushed with our economic future.

What we will get out of this is a double flush production.
well, my projection is, lets say the economy is still tanking by june/july, and polls continue to show Obama at a 45% approval and in big trouble in Ohio/Pennsylvania, and maybe even Wisconsin, if McDonnell is the next one on the list(assuming Rubio&Daniles back out) he may go for McDonnell to pick up Virginia and NC. now keep in mind, Romney should take NH and Nevada easily, as well as Iowa, the map is going to look so much different this november, I even tried to come up with a scenario where Romney could win without the 3 most important states.
well, my projection is, lets say the economy is still tanking by june/july, and polls continue to show Obama at a 45% approval and in big trouble in Ohio/Pennsylvania, and maybe even Wisconsin, if McDonnell is the next one on the list(assuming Rubio&Daniles back out) he may go for McDonnell to pick up Virginia and NC. now keep in mind, Romney should take NH and Nevada easily, as well as Iowa, the map is going to look so much different this november, I even tried to come up with a scenario where Romney could win without the 3 most important states.

You can come up with scenarios all day.

Your projection is based on the economy getting worse when it's probably going to improve over the summer. But even so, most people realize that it is better than it was when Obama took office, which is really, all he needs to accomplish.

Looking at all the RCP polls, Romney is trailing in every state you list. Some of them so badly that RCP isn't even putting MI or WI in the toss up column.

Does anyone out there have any insight of what is going on between Rubio&Romney?
Is Rubio playing the same game with the other 5/6 candidates on the short list?
Could it be Rubio is going thru a change of heart in this situation, maybe knowing that he could be the one to save america from going down the toilet?

We can only hope he is only pretending to not want the spot to pull a fast one on Obama who is terrified of a Romney/Rubio ticket.:death:

Us Conservatives and Indpendents can only dream.

Rubio won't be on the ticket. He's too young and green.

Romney's argument is going to be "Obama, nice guy, way in over his head." It's hard to make that argument if Rubio is standing beside you on the podium.
I agree with to it's "effectiveness" I dunno. McCain tried it for a short time too. "The steady hand on the till" was the meme until he saw it wasn't working. Romney's "Obama's a nice guy..but we can't afford him" isn't all that much better. He paints him as the "Castor oil" candidate. No one likes castor oil.

The tactic changes now. It becomes "we tried the flashy celebrity, that didn't work, now it's time for the weird boring guy." I don't know what priority this tactic would take in the grand scheme of things, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it.


Weird boring guy? Because two years of sustained growth after a recession that sent millions of American jobs overseas funded by the Bush tax cuts wasn't enough. The RNC said they would be returning to Bush's "repackaged" policies. Romney supports a budget that will eviscerate the educational system.

And Romney's lies. Like telling the American people about how he saved the Olympics without the government "stepping in" and there is footage of Romney thanking the Senate for the many "hundreds of millions of dollars" they gave him to "save the Olympics. His record as governor was among the worst in the nation and he has been on the wrong side of nearly every major domestic and foreign policy for the last three years.

Why do Republicans keep throwing the worst the nation has to offer out there? Do something good for the country, just once.

This "sustained growth" you talk about is the weakest economic recovery on record, and has been fueled by a couple trillion dollars from the Fed.
the economy isnt about to jumpstart again, all small businessses that are on edge are gonna stick it till they see Romney Win, If Obama wins, many will not expand, or just close down and move it elsewhere.
did u all watch the stock market this week? its still STAGNANT !!
the economy isnt about to jumpstart again, all small businessses that are on edge are gonna stick it till they see Romney Win, If Obama wins, many will not expand, or just close down and move it elsewhere.
did u all watch the stock market this week? its still STAGNANT !!

Stagnant after reaching four year highs, you mean?

I think you also are a bit delusional if you think guys who really know business are going to sit on their hands waiting for Romney. They have plans no matter wich guy wins.

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