Marco Rubio; Could He Be "Bluffing Obama" Over The V.P. Spot? Secretly Wants It?


Have the other conservatives here been heaping praise upon you for your biting commentary? They must be. You are just so friggin' deep. Your analysis of the VP selection process and the effect that Romney's VP choice might have on the election is startling in its simplicity.
Let's get something straight. He is doing exactly what the Bush family tells him to do. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Does anyone out there have any insight of what is going on between Rubio&Romney?
Is Rubio playing the same game with the other 5/6 candidates on the short list?
Could it be Rubio is going thru a change of heart in this situation, maybe knowing that he could be the one to save america from going down the toilet?

We can only hope he is only pretending to not want the spot to pull a fast one on Obama who is terrified of a Romney/Rubio ticket.:death:

Us Conservatives and Indpendents can only dream.

Actually, Romney doesn't want Rubio, and Rubio doesn't want Romney.

Romney is still upset Rubio sat on the sidelines during most of the nomination fight.

Rubio doesn't want to get tarred with Romney's toxic anti-Hispanic record.

More to the point, Rubio doesn't get Romney anywhere. Romney actually polls WORSE in Florida with Rubio as a running mate.

Finally, Rubio would be the same mistake Sarah Palin was. A guy with no real record who appeals to the base more than the guy you are actually running, which just reminds everyone why they weren't thrilled with the guy they got. (Because everyone else sucked a bit more.)
if this ticket comes to play, the left will claim that Rubio wont help beef up romneys %. Yah, tell that to the million or so cubans in Florida (aside from Florida in general) then we will get stories from NBC that neither were born in the USA. But ,,,ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID !!!

Obsessing where people were born is your gig, man. I don't care and think it's a silly argument.

I voted for John McCain even though I knew he was born in Panama.

Of course, I think Robot Romney was assembled on the Planet Kolob, which is why I probably won't vote for him.
Let Rubio run. The majority of Non-Cuban Hispanics hate Cubans, for the special treatment they receive. Obama will still win 75-80% of the Hispanic vote.

P.S. Rubio is considered a coconut, brown on the outside, white on the inside.

And a majority of non-hispanics do not know this..

Aside from that, Rubio is a light weight and comes with baggage. For starters he lied about why his parents came to this country. And he's supported some really awful bills in congress.

All the veep candidates are doing what veep candidates do: They're staying shifty on the topic. Rubio flat-out says he won't be the veep, yet he tosses out a "foreign policy" speech the other day. What a coincidence! Politicians cannot be believed.

A couple of complicating factors this go-around are (1) as Joe says above, it's doubtful anyone is going to jump for joy at the thought of being attached at the hip to Romney (either literally or figuratively), and (2) there's still too much Tea Party influence in the GOP, and I'll bet that's part of the reason so many top-tier potential candidates stayed out. I'll bet they all had nightmares about Grover Norquist shoving one of those inane "pledges" in their face on the campaign trail.

I'm still thinking Rubio, Portman. But ya never know, I'm still holding out hope that it'll be Palin purely for the entertainment factor.


All the veep candidates are doing what veep candidates do: They're staying shifty on the topic. Rubio flat-out says he won't be the veep, yet he tosses out a "foreign policy" speech the other day. What a coincidence! Politicians cannot be believed.

A couple of complicating factors this go-around are (1) as Joe says above, it's doubtful anyone is going to jump for joy at the thought of being attached at the hip to Romney (either literally or figuratively), and (2) there's still too much Tea Party influence in the GOP, and I'll bet that's part of the reason so many top-tier potential candidates stayed out. I'll bet they all had nightmares about Grover Norquist shoving one of those inane "pledges" in their face on the campaign trail.

I'm still thinking Rubio, Portman. But ya never know, I'm still holding out hope that it'll be Palin purely for the entertainment factor.


Romney, at this point, is still polling pretty close with Obama. He's not going to rock the applecart unless something terrible happens.

Portman is the safe bet.

All the veep candidates are doing what veep candidates do: They're staying shifty on the topic. Rubio flat-out says he won't be the veep, yet he tosses out a "foreign policy" speech the other day. What a coincidence! Politicians cannot be believed.

A couple of complicating factors this go-around are (1) as Joe says above, it's doubtful anyone is going to jump for joy at the thought of being attached at the hip to Romney (either literally or figuratively), and (2) there's still too much Tea Party influence in the GOP, and I'll bet that's part of the reason so many top-tier potential candidates stayed out. I'll bet they all had nightmares about Grover Norquist shoving one of those inane "pledges" in their face on the campaign trail.

I'm still thinking Rubio, Portman. But ya never know, I'm still holding out hope that it'll be Palin purely for the entertainment factor.


Romney, at this point, is still polling pretty close with Obama. He's not going to rock the applecart unless something terrible happens.

Portman is the safe bet.

Yup, that's my guess. I forget the words, but Romney said something the other day that may signal one of his upcoming strategies, painting Obama more as a flashy celebrity than as a substantive leader. That's an interesting tactic, and it paints a potentially effective contrast. No doubt, Portman would fit there, he's not exactly a wild man. Seems like a good strategy, potentially.


All the veep candidates are doing what veep candidates do: They're staying shifty on the topic. Rubio flat-out says he won't be the veep, yet he tosses out a "foreign policy" speech the other day. What a coincidence! Politicians cannot be believed.

A couple of complicating factors this go-around are (1) as Joe says above, it's doubtful anyone is going to jump for joy at the thought of being attached at the hip to Romney (either literally or figuratively), and (2) there's still too much Tea Party influence in the GOP, and I'll bet that's part of the reason so many top-tier potential candidates stayed out. I'll bet they all had nightmares about Grover Norquist shoving one of those inane "pledges" in their face on the campaign trail.

I'm still thinking Rubio, Portman. But ya never know, I'm still holding out hope that it'll be Palin purely for the entertainment factor.


Romney, at this point, is still polling pretty close with Obama. He's not going to rock the applecart unless something terrible happens.

Portman is the safe bet.

Yup, that's my guess. I forget the words, but Romney said something the other day that may signal one of his upcoming strategies, painting Obama more as a flashy celebrity than as a substantive leader. That's an interesting tactic, and it paints a potentially effective contrast. No doubt, Portman would fit there, he's not exactly a wild man. Seems like a good strategy, potentially.


I agree with to it's "effectiveness" I dunno. McCain tried it for a short time too. "The steady hand on the till" was the meme until he saw it wasn't working. Romney's "Obama's a nice guy..but we can't afford him" isn't all that much better. He paints him as the "Castor oil" candidate. No one likes castor oil.
Romney, at this point, is still polling pretty close with Obama. He's not going to rock the applecart unless something terrible happens.

Portman is the safe bet.

Yup, that's my guess. I forget the words, but Romney said something the other day that may signal one of his upcoming strategies, painting Obama more as a flashy celebrity than as a substantive leader. That's an interesting tactic, and it paints a potentially effective contrast. No doubt, Portman would fit there, he's not exactly a wild man. Seems like a good strategy, potentially.


I agree with to it's "effectiveness" I dunno. McCain tried it for a short time too. "The steady hand on the till" was the meme until he saw it wasn't working. Romney's "Obama's a nice guy..but we can't afford him" isn't all that much better. He paints him as the "Castor oil" candidate. No one likes castor oil.

The tactic changes now. It becomes "we tried the flashy celebrity, that didn't work, now it's time for the weird boring guy." I don't know what priority this tactic would take in the grand scheme of things, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it.

Let Rubio run. The majority of Non-Cuban Hispanics hate Cubans, for the special treatment they receive. Obama will still win 75-80% of the Hispanic vote.

P.S. Rubio is considered a coconut, brown on the outside, white on the inside.


And I'm not just saying that either, scumbag
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Yup, that's my guess. I forget the words, but Romney said something the other day that may signal one of his upcoming strategies, painting Obama more as a flashy celebrity than as a substantive leader. That's an interesting tactic, and it paints a potentially effective contrast. No doubt, Portman would fit there, he's not exactly a wild man. Seems like a good strategy, potentially.


I agree with to it's "effectiveness" I dunno. McCain tried it for a short time too. "The steady hand on the till" was the meme until he saw it wasn't working. Romney's "Obama's a nice guy..but we can't afford him" isn't all that much better. He paints him as the "Castor oil" candidate. No one likes castor oil.

The tactic changes now. It becomes "we tried the flashy celebrity, that didn't work, now it's time for the weird boring guy." I don't know what priority this tactic would take in the grand scheme of things, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it.


Weird boring guy? Because two years of sustained growth after a recession that sent millions of American jobs overseas funded by the Bush tax cuts wasn't enough. The RNC said they would be returning to Bush's "repackaged" policies. Romney supports a budget that will eviscerate the educational system.

And Romney's lies. Like telling the American people about how he saved the Olympics without the government "stepping in" and there is footage of Romney thanking the Senate for the many "hundreds of millions of dollars" they gave him to "save the Olympics. His record as governor was among the worst in the nation and he has been on the wrong side of nearly every major domestic and foreign policy for the last three years.

Why do Republicans keep throwing the worst the nation has to offer out there? Do something good for the country, just once.
Rubio is playing chess and Obama is playing pick up sticks
try 'tiddly winks'. :doubt:

Why do you put, "Morality be the guide..." in your signature when clearly the morals of the Republican Party are bankrupt. Even the Catholic Bishops are taking them to task. Unless, you really believe that "starvation" is a great form of birth control?

Does anyone out there have any insight of what is going on between Rubio&Romney?
Is Rubio playing the same game with the other 5/6 candidates on the short list?
Could it be Rubio is going thru a change of heart in this situation, maybe knowing that he could be the one to save america from going down the toilet?

We can only hope he is only pretending to not want the spot to pull a fast one on Obama who is terrified of a Romney/Rubio ticket.:death:

Us Conservatives and Indpendents can only dream.

Please take Marc Rubio as your VEEP Mr. Romney?
look, its not that Rubio is my first choice, actually I am undecided bewteen the other two on the short list, Mitch Daniels & Bob McDonnell, McDonnell seems to have made it obvious he wants the job, but does anyone know if Mitch Daniels would take it if offered?

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