Marco Rubio Presidential Hope, R.I.P.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.
Well, you just show why conservatism isn't the greatest political philosophy of all timne, Frank. The is the same story we see over and over again with conservatives. Politicians of the conservative persuasion say a lot of things that really make wholesale (voter) conservatives happy.

but it always seems to end the same way - They actually stand for nothing adn political grandstanding is what they often do best. that isn;t to say conservatism doesn't have its merits. It just shows that both LOLberal and conservative politicans are identical. Theya re both for larger and larger government. Only the LOLberals dont deny it, while conservatives do.

Anyway, sorry for your loss of yet another believed to be true conservative. Let me know if you actually find one of those, will ya?
Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.

Comrade Frank, like several of the white nationalists here, is drinking early this morning.
Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.

What it it about Rubio that has you upset?

Has he changed his stance on Immigration Bill? Has he been dishonest with you?

I don't get it.

Look, there's what you want and then there's what you can get.

I'd like to see all the illegals sent packing back into Mexico. But that just ain't gonna happen. Forget it, it ain't gonna happen.

So we have to settle for what we can get.

And to you ignorant, dumb as fukking dirt libtards...

Mxico has been a socialist State since before the Cristero War in the 1920s.

THAT, my dear ignorant dimocrap idiots, is why Mexico can't take care of its own citizens.

Every socialist Country that has ever existed in the History of Man has failed. Every one of them. Every sinlge one.

Mexico had a non-socialist gubmint for a few years, but then because Mexicans are stupid, re-elected the socialists.

And Mexico ain't poor. Not by a long-shot. It's just that, in the socialist hierarchy there are two distinct groups, the Elites and the Proletariat. And if you ain't in the elite?? Sucks to be you.

Know what Mexico's #2 source of income is? Right behind some of the biggest Oil Reserves on Earth?

Money sent home from the United States by Mexicans in the United States.

The 'illegals' will naturally vote dimocrap UNLESS we educate them. Stupid people always vote dimocrap. Always.

But if we can impress on them the FACT that their socialist mother Country didn't even care enough to try to provide for them, we can turn them.

And talk about racists? The Mexican elites? The Mexican Prols?

Mexico is one of the more racist Countries around. So are most Latin Countries.

Those people who are escaping the racism and socialism of Mexico? They're about as Spanish as my Collie.

They're Mestizo..... Mostly Indians. And the ruling elites in Mexico HATE them.

We can turn them to the forces of goodness and light. But it will take time and effort.

There is hope for them.

For American dimocraps? They're just too stupid to bother with
Rubio's big mistake was his speech in Spanish where he said that there would be no border enforcement until there was full legalization. He was saying the exact opposite in English. That statement is what did him in.
I think he blew it with his phony immigration bill. Now I heard he is trying to amend it when conservatives complain that border security isn't really a top priority in the bill. .
Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.

Comrade Frank, like several of the white nationalists here, is drinking early this morning.

Have you noticed that everyone but YOU had something intelligent to say?
Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.

What it it about Rubio that has you upset?

Has he changed his stance on Immigration Bill? Has he been dishonest with you?

I don't get it.

Look, there's what you want and then there's what you can get.

I'd like to see all the illegals sent packing back into Mexico. But that just ain't gonna happen. Forget it, it ain't gonna happen.

So we have to settle for what we can get.

And to you ignorant, dumb as fukking dirt libtards...

Mxico has been a socialist State since before the Cristero War in the 1920s.

THAT, my dear ignorant dimocrap idiots, is why Mexico can't take care of its own citizens.

Every socialist Country that has ever existed in the History of Man has failed. Every one of them. Every sinlge one.

Mexico had a non-socialist gubmint for a few years, but then because Mexicans are stupid, re-elected the socialists.

And Mexico ain't poor. Not by a long-shot. It's just that, in the socialist hierarchy there are two distinct groups, the Elites and the Proletariat. And if you ain't in the elite?? Sucks to be you.

Know what Mexico's #2 source of income is? Right behind some of the biggest Oil Reserves on Earth?

Money sent home from the United States by Mexicans in the United States.

The 'illegals' will naturally vote dimocrap UNLESS we educate them. Stupid people always vote dimocrap. Always.

But if we can impress on them the FACT that their socialist mother Country didn't even care enough to try to provide for them, we can turn them.

And talk about racists? The Mexican elites? The Mexican Prols?

Mexico is one of the more racist Countries around. So are most Latin Countries.

Those people who are escaping the racism and socialism of Mexico? They're about as Spanish as my Collie.

They're Mestizo..... Mostly Indians. And the ruling elites in Mexico HATE them.

We can turn them to the forces of goodness and light. But it will take time and effort.

There is hope for them.

For American dimocraps? They're just too stupid to bother with

Who in Mexico would be 'racist' toward the Mestizos, other Mestizos?
Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.

Comrade Frank, like several of the white nationalists here, is drinking early this morning.

Remember how you get on the conservatives for calling someone a commie or a socialist? Calling Frank "comrade" is just about as bad.

I bet one of your key phrases is "Ni un paso atras"
What's truly scary is how fast Rubio has been corrupted in this. He hasnt even completed his first term yet.
If they don't secure the border first, they won't secure the border at all. I don't care what they say ... they haven't done it in the past, no reason to think they will do it now.
What's truly scary is how fast Rubio has been corrupted in this. He hasnt even completed his first term yet.

What is amazing is how fast Republicans jump on and off the bandwagon

They did the same thing in the GOP primaries with their favored candidate of the week
What's truly scary is how fast Rubio has been corrupted in this. He hasnt even completed his first term yet.

What is amazing is how fast Republicans jump on and off the bandwagon

They did the same thing in the GOP primaries with their favored candidate of the week

Didn't Democrats like you have a giant orgasm over Hillary during the 2008 primaries? I thought as much.

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