MarcoBot Malfunctions: Gives Same Canned Answer 3 Times In A Row

This debate just cemented what those of us who were paying attention already knew...Rubio rote memorizes his talking points...he sounds overly scripted and rehearsed because he is overly scripted and rehearsed.

I don't get this up here and when you post like you should and I am really thankful.
I've been saying from the beginning Rubio is a very mediocre candidate. The media just adores him because he's physically good looking, young, and has a charming sounding voice.

When you get past all the vanity...there really isn't much there to go on. But the media doesn't care and keeps lifting him up for even the most trivial accomplishments. They've been talking about a "surging Rubio" for months now even when he hasn't been.

I really hope this performance puts an end to the wet dream the Media has for this guy. He's mediocre at best....and a straight up amateur at worst.
Rubio has been surging in the polls, I don't know what news sources you use. He articulates his views very well too. You are free to disagree with them but saying there's nothing there just make you look stupid.

For now it looks like he's the most electable candidate because the presidency is won by bring in the middle, especially Republicans since they are outnumbered. You can always tell who's moving up in the polls by the left wing smear machine. It's going full steam on Rubio right now.

Rubio cannot speak impromptu at all. He gives out a quick 10 second hit job remark, and moves onto his now infamous 25 second canned speech. That's been his game from the beginning, now it's just being exposed.

What makes this performance stand out so much is that it cements the image that he's been forming for months now...that he relies heavily on scripted speeches and that he can't think on his own two feet much at all. The water bottle gag and now this just heavily cement the "amateur" image he's created. Even if he is the nominee you can be guaranteed the Dems will be playing "MarcoBot" ads against him like crazy, and they'll be very effective.

Rubio surged a bit from Iowa last week, which I expect now will be short lived. Other than that he's just been stagnant for most of the past 4 months. He's surge from Iowa is probably the result of the establishment votes coalescing around him.
I've been saying from the beginning Rubio is a very mediocre candidate. The media just adores him because he's physically good looking, young, and has a charming sounding voice.

When you get past all the vanity...there really isn't much there to go on. But the media doesn't care and keeps lifting him up for even the most trivial accomplishments. They've been talking about a "surging Rubio" for months now even when he hasn't been.

I really hope this performance puts an end to the wet dream the Media has for this guy. He's mediocre at best....and a straight up amateur at worst.
Good. Then you brain damaged republicans have got nothing once again. Nice work.
There is nothing new with hearing the same responses over and over again...................They go to many places saying the same things.............after a time the debates mean nothing as the points have been said so many times that the only ones who don't know their position just haven't watched any of the debates.....

Perhaps the real deal is hoping they will change positions on the same question so they can attack that................................

This being said...............what they say versus what they have actually done in the past is all that counts...............gang of 8 anyone......................
One of the most heated moments during Saturday's GOP debate occurred when New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called out Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) for giving a "memorized, 25-second response" -- an argument Rubio went on to inadvertently support.

While responding to Christie's attacks, Rubio gave the same answer three times, repeating, "Obama knows what he's doing."

"There it is," Christie said after Rubio made the remark for the third time.

Rubio repeated the comment again later in the debate and was booed.

Video: Watch Marco Rubio Give The Same Canned Answer 3 Times In A Row

Sounds like Marco needs a tuneup.

Marco is like one of those dolls where you pull the string and it " talks ".

When his string is pulled he just recites the same phrases over and over just like those dolls.

And he has about as much intellectual firepower as those dolls too.
One of the most heated moments during Saturday's GOP debate occurred when New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called out Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) for giving a "memorized, 25-second response" -- an argument Rubio went on to inadvertently support.

While responding to Christie's attacks, Rubio gave the same answer three times, repeating, "Obama knows what he's doing."

"There it is," Christie said after Rubio made the remark for the third time.

Rubio repeated the comment again later in the debate and was booed.

Video: Watch Marco Rubio Give The Same Canned Answer 3 Times In A Row

Sounds like Marco needs a tuneup.

Marco is like one of those dolls where you pull the string and it " talks ".

When his string is pulled he just recites the same phrases over and over just like those dolls.

And he has about as much intellectual firepower as those dolls too.
As to the art of Talking in Circles by Hillary...................................

Her doll is programmed to say what the pundits want to hear that particular day................

Perhaps the nose on that doll should grow after each Lie..........................

That would be a hoot.
Pull on his string
he'll say phony things
robo Marco Puppet

Sorry didn't mean to steal your idea. I replied with the same thought ( but no cartoon ) on page 1 before I got here.
There is nothing new with hearing the same responses over and over again...................They go to many places saying the same things.............after a time the debates mean nothing as the points have been said so many times that the only ones who don't know their position just haven't watched any of the debates.....

Perhaps the real deal is hoping they will change positions on the same question so they can attack that................................

This being said...............what they say versus what they have actually done in the past is all that counts...............gang of 8 anyone......................
True under the irony heading how many times have we heard Chris Christie tell us he was appointed as a federal prosecutor after 9-11 and give us that story any time the subject of ISIS or terrorism comes. I'm sure he did a good job but lets hear what your going to now not what you did 15 years ago.
There is nothing new with hearing the same responses over and over again...................They go to many places saying the same things.............after a time the debates mean nothing as the points have been said so many times that the only ones who don't know their position just haven't watched any of the debates.....

Perhaps the real deal is hoping they will change positions on the same question so they can attack that................................

This being said...............what they say versus what they have actually done in the past is all that counts...............gang of 8 anyone......................
True under the irony heading how many times have we heard Chris Christie tell us he was appointed as a federal prosecutor after 9-11 and give us that story any time the subject of ISIS or terrorism comes. I'm sure he did a good job but lets hear what your going to now not what you did 15 years ago.
Same with Kasich. Zzzzzz
It was perfect, shows that he is nothing but a fraud. Could not come at a better time.
There is nothing new with hearing the same responses over and over again...................They go to many places saying the same things.............after a time the debates mean nothing as the points have been said so many times that the only ones who don't know their position just haven't watched any of the debates.....

Perhaps the real deal is hoping they will change positions on the same question so they can attack that................................

This being said...............what they say versus what they have actually done in the past is all that counts...............gang of 8 anyone......................
True under the irony heading how many times have we heard Chris Christie tell us he was appointed as a federal prosecutor after 9-11 and give us that story any time the subject of ISIS or terrorism comes. I'm sure he did a good job but lets hear what your going to now not what you did 15 years ago.
Same with Kasich. Zzzzzz
Same with all of them which includes Hillary and Bernie on the Democrats side.
There is nothing new with hearing the same responses over and over again...................They go to many places saying the same things.............after a time the debates mean nothing as the points have been said so many times that the only ones who don't know their position just haven't watched any of the debates.....

Perhaps the real deal is hoping they will change positions on the same question so they can attack that................................

This being said...............what they say versus what they have actually done in the past is all that counts...............gang of 8 anyone......................
True under the irony heading how many times have we heard Chris Christie tell us he was appointed as a federal prosecutor after 9-11 and give us that story any time the subject of ISIS or terrorism comes. I'm sure he did a good job but lets hear what your going to now not what you did 15 years ago.
Same with Kasich. Zzzzzz
Same with all of them which includes Hillary and Bernie on the Democrats side.
And Trump. How often do we get to hear "I'm going to replace it with something so much better".... before he finally admits he has no clue what he is going to do.
And then you get to Hillary. Her favorite response: "I'll look into it" "I'll take it under advisement" "I'll check with my staff". Soon to come "My lawyer advises me to take the 5th".
I've been saying from the beginning Rubio is a very mediocre candidate. The media just adores him because he's physically good looking, young, and has a charming sounding voice.

When you get past all the vanity...there really isn't much there to go on. But the media doesn't care and keeps lifting him up for even the most trivial accomplishments. They've been talking about a "surging Rubio" for months now even when he hasn't been.

I really hope this performance puts an end to the wet dream the Media has for this guy. He's mediocre at best....and a straight up amateur at worst.
Rubio has been surging in the polls, I don't know what news sources you use. He articulates his views very well too. You are free to disagree with them but saying there's nothing there just make you look stupid.

For now it looks like he's the most electable candidate because the presidency is won by bring in the middle, especially Republicans since they are outnumbered. You can always tell who's moving up in the polls by the left wing smear machine. It's going full steam on Rubio right now.

Rubio cannot speak impromptu at all. He gives out a quick 10 second hit job remark, and moves onto his now infamous 25 second canned speech. That's been his game from the beginning, now it's just being exposed.

What makes this performance stand out so much is that it cements the image that he's been forming for months now...that he relies heavily on scripted speeches and that he can't think on his own two feet much at all. The water bottle gag and now this just heavily cement the "amateur" image he's created. Even if he is the nominee you can be guaranteed the Dems will be playing "MarcoBot" ads against him like crazy, and they'll be very effective.

Rubio surged a bit from Iowa last week, which I expect now will be short lived. Other than that he's just been stagnant for most of the past 4 months. He's surge from Iowa is probably the result of the establishment votes coalescing around him.
That's a lie. I've heard him in long interviews and he wasn't reading anything. Let the libs run Marcobot ads, whatever the hell that is. They've got mountains of shit to mine.

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