Marijuana abuse doubles in last 11 years

Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.4-7

Marijuana and Lung Health

Pothead websites dismissed with prejudice. Real, accurate info from trusted sources to combat the pothead myths.

The number one source is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dismissed as prejudice.

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer
From The Collective Evolution. No pro pot propaganda there.
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

There were especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.(Photo: Getty Images)

As attitudes and laws in the U.S. have become more tolerant of marijuana, the proportion of adults using and abusing the substance at least doubled between 2001 and 2013, according to a new study.

Although marijuana dependence and abuse was found to be on the rise, that is largely due to the overall increase in new users, researchers note, while existing marijuana users experienced a 15 percent decline in pot-related disorders.

About 4 percent of adults between 2001 and 2002 reported having used marijuana in the past year, compared to about 10 percent between 2012 and 2013. Similarly, 1.5 percent had abuse or dependence problems - so-called marijuana use disorder - at the start of the 21st Century, compared to about 3 percent from 2012 to 2013.

“What was quite clear is the prevalence of use among adults had more than doubled,” said Deborah Hasin, the study’s lead author from Columbia University in New York.

Twenty-three U.S. states allow for medical marijuana use, and four also allow recreational use, the researchers write in JAMA Psychiatry. More Americans also favor marijuana legalization than before, and fewer see the substance as risky.

Yet, the researchers write, little was known about how the prevalence of marijuana use and disorders changed during the first decade of the century.
For the new study, they compared data from face-to-face interviews with over 43,000 U.S. adults between 2001 and 2002 to data from over 36,000 people collected between 2012 and 2013.

They found that reports of having used marijuana in the past year more than doubled between the two time periods with especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.
The data also included information on whether participants were experiencing abuse or dependence.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Marijuana and 'abuse' are like oil and water. Its like abusing chocolate cake. You may be having too much but ohhhh its sooo good.
I'm not worried about someone driving or operating heavy machinery after having that extra slice of cake.
i usually don't worry about climbing a ladder or doing other physical activity after smoking two joints. practice, after all, can make perfect.
As we have observed for many years now, once you start down the road of Alcohol legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in the United States we've had legal Alcohol for many years, and now add to that it is legal to brew your own for recreational use, and you smell the drunks everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "Alcohol isn't as bad as other drugs because it is legal" drumbeat.


And as usual someone rushes in to defend pot by pointing fingers at alcohol.

Pot, meet kettle.
it is about equality; why does pot get a worse rap than alcohol?
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Aren't people free to abuse their own bodies?

Maybe if people had more to live for, they'd be less likely to do this.
If they are to be truly free to abuse their bodies, stop complaining about overdose deaths and close the useless rehab centers.

Why not tax Marijuana and then use this tax money to pay for such things?

Legalize all drugs and tax the hell out of it. You would get less contaminated drugs and take the tax money for rehab facilities.
Yeah, that's what we need, an entire society infected with Munchausen Syndrome. Facilitate people's decline into drug abuse and then take care of them.
beats just locking up more people on a for-profit basis under our form of capitalism.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.
pot may actually inhibit cancer.
More than it causes cancer? Potheads make me laugh claiming that sucking thick, dark, unfiltered, hallucinogenic smoke into their lungs is healthy and doesn't cause cancer. If only the Tobacco industry could have pulled that one off.
marijuana may actually inhibit forms of cancer; regardless of ingestion method.
If they are to be truly free to abuse their bodies, stop complaining about overdose deaths and close the useless rehab centers.

Why not tax Marijuana and then use this tax money to pay for such things?

Legalize all drugs and tax the hell out of it. You would get less contaminated drugs and take the tax money for rehab facilities.
Yeah, that's what we need, an entire society infected with Munchausen Syndrome. Facilitate people's decline into drug abuse and then take care of them.

People are going to get it no matter what. Why not have the government control it, less deaths and ER visits because of some dealer cutting drugs with deadly ingredients. This way pharmacy would control it and know who is using and abusing. Then we can use tax money from the sale of drugs to put into rehab centers and let people get real treatment and real solutions to recover from their addictions. All we do today is sweep the addiction to the back and demonize the abusers. Alcoholism didn't destroy the country when it went legal. We need solutions and the current way isn't working. Too many are self medicating and they need help.

Please tell me how keeping drugs illegal stops anything. The reason we have so many heroin users die because they can't afford prescription opiates.

How is your way better?
There's no easy answer to drugs, but giving up is not the answer. Donald Trump's wall will do a lot to keep them from getting here to begin with, bringing the total amount on the street to manageable levels. Then we work to get help for addicts and lock up poisoners for life, no parole. That's how we do it. Everyone talks about illegal immigration, but nobody talks about the rivers of drugs smuggled through our porous borders. Fix this problem and we'll be halfway there to fixing the rest.
is capitalism really just useless to the Right? we have a Commerce Clause; why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?
Aren't people free to abuse their own bodies?

Maybe if people had more to live for, they'd be less likely to do this.
If they are to be truly free to abuse their bodies, stop complaining about overdose deaths and close the useless rehab centers.

Why not tax Marijuana and then use this tax money to pay for such things?

Legalize all drugs and tax the hell out of it. You would get less contaminated drugs and take the tax money for rehab facilities.
Yeah, that's what we need, an entire society infected with Munchausen Syndrome. Facilitate people's decline into drug abuse and then take care of them.
Stop taking care of them. Let them go. Wouldn't you like to see legal krokodil?
no; i believe in better products at lower cost.
Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.4-7

Marijuana and Lung Health

Pothead websites dismissed with prejudice. Real, accurate info from trusted sources to combat the pothead myths.

The number one source is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dismissed as prejudice.

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer

I agree, ingesting it will help, however smoking it increases the risk because of the carcinogens released when exposed to high heat. Inhaling smoke into your lungs, no matter the smoke is a health risk.
pot may help protect against those specific risks.
Anyone against marijuana I simply say, try it. Where its legal o' course.

You'll soon know what a pinner is.
Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.4-7

Marijuana and Lung Health

Pothead websites dismissed with prejudice. Real, accurate info from trusted sources to combat the pothead myths.

The number one source is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dismissed as prejudice.

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer
From The Collective Evolution. No pro pot propaganda there.

British Journal of Cancer - Abstract of article: A pilot clinical study of [Delta]9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.4-7

Marijuana and Lung Health

Pothead websites dismissed with prejudice. Real, accurate info from trusted sources to combat the pothead myths.

The number one source is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dismissed as prejudice.

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer

I agree, ingesting it will help, however smoking it increases the risk because of the carcinogens released when exposed to high heat. Inhaling smoke into your lungs, no matter the smoke is a health risk.
pot may help protect against those specific risks.

All the evidence shows otherwise and also defies logic, however feel free to intake it anyway you want. None of my business.
Well marijuana legalization is supposed to be on the California ballot next year I believe, if it doesn't pass here then that is THE sing of the end of times.

I think its time to start considering a proper bong.
Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.4-7

Marijuana and Lung Health

Pothead websites dismissed with prejudice. Real, accurate info from trusted sources to combat the pothead myths.

The number one source is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dismissed as prejudice.

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer

I agree, ingesting it will help, however smoking it increases the risk because of the carcinogens released when exposed to high heat. Inhaling smoke into your lungs, no matter the smoke is a health risk.
pot may help protect against those specific risks.

All the evidence shows otherwise and also defies logic, however feel free to intake it anyway you want. None of my business.
which evidence? links, or just full of fallacy while claiming you are not really like that?
Well marijuana legalization is supposed to be on the California ballot next year I believe, if it doesn't pass here then that is THE sing of the end of times.

I think its time to start considering a proper bong.

California lawmakers quietly passed Friday the state’s most significant medical-marijuana legislation in almost two decades, but some leaders in the space worry that the law’s good intentions could get lost in the weeds. Paving the way for what supporters say is a much-needed regulatory framework for the state’s multibillion-dollar medical-cannabis industry, the California Senate and Assembly voted to approve the historic Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, which will require licenses for cannabis dispensaries and create a new state agency to oversee the industry.--

I believe we need simpler Commerce in our State.
Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.4-7

Marijuana and Lung Health

Pothead websites dismissed with prejudice. Real, accurate info from trusted sources to combat the pothead myths.

The number one source is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dismissed as prejudice.

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer

I agree, ingesting it will help, however smoking it increases the risk because of the carcinogens released when exposed to high heat. Inhaling smoke into your lungs, no matter the smoke is a health risk.
pot may help protect against those specific risks.

All the evidence shows otherwise and also defies logic, however feel free to intake it anyway you want. None of my business.

Long term studies of Jamaicans who are lifetime heavy smokers shows very little long term lung damage or lung cancer, even with those who also use tobacco.

Investigations of Very Heavy, Very Long-Term Cannabis Users - Jamaica
Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.4-7

Marijuana and Lung Health

Pothead websites dismissed with prejudice. Real, accurate info from trusted sources to combat the pothead myths.

The number one source is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dismissed as prejudice.

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer

I agree, ingesting it will help, however smoking it increases the risk because of the carcinogens released when exposed to high heat. Inhaling smoke into your lungs, no matter the smoke is a health risk.
pot may help protect against those specific risks.

All the evidence shows otherwise and also defies logic, however feel free to intake it anyway you want. None of my business.
which evidence? links, or just full of fallacy while claiming you are not really like that?

All ready posted the links, you can go back and look at my post or you can go to the American Lung association or the Cancer Society or using common sense you could figure out that inhaling smoke into your lungs can't be all that healthy. :dunno:
Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.4-7

Marijuana and Lung Health

Pothead websites dismissed with prejudice. Real, accurate info from trusted sources to combat the pothead myths.

The number one source is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dismissed as prejudice.

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer

I agree, ingesting it will help, however smoking it increases the risk because of the carcinogens released when exposed to high heat. Inhaling smoke into your lungs, no matter the smoke is a health risk.
pot may help protect against those specific risks.

All the evidence shows otherwise and also defies logic, however feel free to intake it anyway you want. None of my business.

Long term studies of Jamaicans who are lifetime heavy smokers shows very little long term lung damage or lung cancer, even with those who also use tobacco.

Investigations of Very Heavy, Very Long-Term Cannabis Users - Jamaica

Good for them, I'll take experts in lungs and cancer over this study. How is releasing carcinogenics into your lungs healthy to your body?

Now, vaporizing the stuff into you system would not produce the carcinogenics that are released with the high temperatures associated with smoking.

Marijuana and Lung Health

Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.

Smoking marijuana clearly damages the human lung. Research shows that smoking marijuana causes chronic bronchitis and marijuana smoke has been shown to injure the cell linings of the large airways, which could explain why smoking marijuana leads to symptoms such as chronic cough, phlegm production, wheeze and acute bronchitis.

As far as I am concerned smoke it all you want, but please don't try to sell me on your justification or ignorance.
The number one source is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dismissed as prejudice.

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer

I agree, ingesting it will help, however smoking it increases the risk because of the carcinogens released when exposed to high heat. Inhaling smoke into your lungs, no matter the smoke is a health risk.
pot may help protect against those specific risks.

All the evidence shows otherwise and also defies logic, however feel free to intake it anyway you want. None of my business.
which evidence? links, or just full of fallacy while claiming you are not really like that?

All ready posted the links, you can go back and look at my post or you can go to the American Lung association or the Cancer Society or using common sense you could figure out that inhaling smoke into your lungs can't be all that healthy. :dunno:

Already addressed in prior post as well. The number one source of information for the Lung Association is the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Which is a government agency that publishes very few positive facts about the plant.

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