Marine Combat Vet Runs for Congress Vowing to Fight Socialism, Left Becomes Unglued

View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid

I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!
Maine, well Portland, which controls the state, has been over run by Far Left Progressive New Englanders, many from the Boston metro area. These people are anti American ideologues, and MMGW zealots hell bent on Fundamentally Transforming the U.S. into a Socialist nanny state just like Mass.

Go Marine!
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View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid

I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.

I am just question why you are interested in Mr Floyd when he is running for our side in a primary, when maybe you should be looking at people on your side, like AOC or Tahlib. You worry about yours, let us worry about ours.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid

I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.

I am just question why you are interested in Mr Floyd when he is running for our side in a primary, when maybe you should be looking at people on your side, like AOC or Tahlib. You worry about yours, let us worry about ours.
He wants so bad to say Uncle Tom
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid

I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.

The military in the United States is the ultimate socialist organization. They give you the clothes you wear which are all the same, and they give you the food you eat, they tell you where to go and what to do, how to think. They give you your medical care. They make you march in groups where everybody Marches is exactly the same.

Now some idiot right winger on the USMB will say I’m anti-military. But I was in headquarters battery, third Battalion 16 field artillery, eight infantry division and I thought the military was great. It changed my life.

The problem here is that Republicans have no more brains than God gives a goose. Tax cuts for billionaires are socialism. But it’s socialism that works for billionaires alone.
The military is not a socialist organization you retard. The US Government is Constitutionally required to proved a military and our taxes pay for it.
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.
Well, maiming and torturing is acceptable too.
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.
There is a lot more to being successful in the military than killing people.
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.

I don't know, we have let folks with their only sigificant job being community organizers be senators and then get elected Presdent. Seems fair.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid

I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.

I am just question why you are interested in Mr Floyd when he is running for our side in a primary, when maybe you should be looking at people on your side, like AOC or Tahlib. You worry about yours, let us worry about ours.

I thought we are all Americans. I know I am. Maybe you are an AmeriKKKan. You have your side; I have mine. Is that how that works?
I have a general interest in politics, and I have an interest in the candidates.
I don't "worry" about politics. Interest does not imply worry. What are you worried about?
Also, I like to take a look at all candidates. I'm not gonna make some knee jerk, partisan judgment right off teh bat, as you imply your 'side' seems to do, according to your words.
You spew has be informative. Thanks
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.

No, that is what YOU said I think, or meant. Now you are the great Karnak and can read minds?

That is like me insisting, that you are skeptical of Floyd because he was in the military, so you must not like the military! That would be a false statement on my part, now wouldn't it! Or maybe because he is Black? That to would be a false statement.

Point is, if he has a good service record, why shouldn't he run if so desires? Hell, he protected all our butts while he was in, so why not give him a good look see!

The military in the United States is the ultimate socialist organization. They give you the clothes you wear which are all the same, and they give you the food you eat, they tell you where to go and what to do, how to think. They give you your medical care. They make you march in groups where everybody Marches is exactly the same.

Now some idiot right winger on the USMB will say I’m anti-military. But I was in headquarters battery, third Battalion 16 field artillery, eight infantry division and I thought the military was great. It changed my life.

The problem here is that Republicans have no more brains than God gives a goose. Tax cuts for billionaires are socialism. But it’s socialism that works for billionaires alone.
The military is not a socialist organization you retard. The US Government is Constitutionally required to proved a military and our taxes pay for it.

that is a form of socialism
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.

I am just question why you are interested in Mr Floyd when he is running for our side in a primary, when maybe you should be looking at people on your side, like AOC or Tahlib. You worry about yours, let us worry about ours.

I thought we are all Americans. I know I am. Maybe you are an AmeriKKKan. You have your side; I have mine. Is that how that works?
I have a general interest in politics, and I have an interest in the candidates.
I don't "worry" about politics. Interest does not imply worry. What are you worried about?
Also, I like to take a look at all candidates. I'm not gonna make some knee jerk, partisan judgment right off teh bat, as you imply your 'side' seems to do, according to your words.
You spew has be informative. Thanks

Look at how these people think, lol.

Guy in the military. Guy is Black. Guy wants to fight Socialism. Guy wants to fight identity politics.

I say go for it, and let the man go right on ahead.

Caddo then implies there is something wrong with me, because a few on his side, are PROMOTING SOCIALISM, and maybe he should basically get his house in order 1st, and I point it out!

Damned if you, damned if you don't!

The military in the United States is the ultimate socialist organization. They give you the clothes you wear which are all the same, and they give you the food you eat, they tell you where to go and what to do, how to think. They give you your medical care. They make you march in groups where everybody Marches is exactly the same.

Now some idiot right winger on the USMB will say I’m anti-military. But I was in headquarters battery, third Battalion 16 field artillery, eight infantry division and I thought the military was great. It changed my life.

The problem here is that Republicans have no more brains than God gives a goose. Tax cuts for billionaires are socialism. But it’s socialism that works for billionaires alone.
The military is not a socialist organization you retard. The US Government is Constitutionally required to proved a military and our taxes pay for it.

that is a form of socialism
You have comprehension problems.
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.
There is a lot more to being successful in the military than killing people.

oh yes; and tell that to the folks 'down range' from a large, fully automatic rifle.
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.

I don't know, we have let folks with their only sigificant job being community organizers be senators and then get elected Presdent. Seems fair.

So, being a Senator has been a potential 'stepping stone' to a presidential bid for some time.

Sorry JFK wasn't up to your standards.
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.

No, that is what YOU said I think, or meant. Now you are the great Karnak and can read minds?

That is like me insisting, that you are skeptical of Floyd because he was in the military, so you must not like the military! That would be a false statement on my part, now wouldn't it! Or maybe because he is Black? That to would be a false statement.

Point is, if he has a good service record, why shouldn't he run if so desires? Hell, he protected all our butts while he was in, so why not give him a good look see!

I posted that question to weatherman 2020.

As far as your last sentence I gave Floyd a "look see" which should be obvious from my first post (#9) in the thread.
I spent quite a bit of time attempting to garner some facts of Mr. Floyd's history bit information in regard to him seems fairly limited.

So, in one post you state "I am just question why you are interested in Mr Floyd when he is running for our side in a primary, when maybe you should be looking at people on your side" and then in a later post you state "so why not give him a good look see!"

That really doesn't seem logical if someone (you) are telling me to keep to one side/my side but then you turn right around & say give Floyd a look.

So, do you know which side of the bed you woke up on this morning, or did you actually wake up yet?
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The military in the United States is the ultimate socialist organization. They give you the clothes you wear which are all the same, and they give you the food you eat, they tell you where to go and what to do, how to think. They give you your medical care. They make you march in groups where everybody Marches is exactly the same.

Now some idiot right winger on the USMB will say I’m anti-military. But I was in headquarters battery, third Battalion 16 field artillery, eight infantry division and I thought the military was great. It changed my life.

The problem here is that Republicans have no more brains than God gives a goose. Tax cuts for billionaires are socialism. But it’s socialism that works for billionaires alone.
The military is not a socialist organization you retard. The US Government is Constitutionally required to proved a military and our taxes pay for it.

that is a form of socialism
You have comprehension problems.

No; I do not.
Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.

No, that is what YOU said I think, or meant. Now you are the great Karnak and can read minds?

That is like me insisting, that you are skeptical of Floyd because he was in the military, so you must not like the military! That would be a false statement on my part, now wouldn't it! Or maybe because he is Black? That to would be a false statement.

Point is, if he has a good service record, why shouldn't he run if so desires? Hell, he protected all our butts while he was in, so why not give him a good look see!

I posted that question to weatherman 2020.

As far as your last sentence I gave Floyd a "look see" which should be obvious from my first post (#9) in the thread.
I spent quite a bit of time attempting to garner some facts of Mr. Floyd's history bit information in regard to him seems fairly limited.

OK, well thanks for looking.

On another note, I am hoping the rock star in Michigan runs again for something, and I am not talking about Kid Rock, lol.
Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.
You said he was only qualified to kill people.

That’s exactly why he should be in Congress.
Watch out Democrats!

So, you believe people that are "only qualified to kill people" is the one reason they "should be in Congress?"

That is an interesting concept.

I don't know, we have let folks with their only sigificant job being community organizers be senators and then get elected Presdent. Seems fair.

So, being a Senator has been a potential 'stepping stone' to a presidential bid for some time.

Sorry JFK wasn't up to your standards.

The point that was being raised was that a guy with these qualifications shouldn't be electable to Congress and yet Obama was elected with his only signifcant employment being a community organizer.

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