Marine Combat Vet Runs for Congress Vowing to Fight Socialism, Left Becomes Unglued

I think it’s easier for a black Republican to get racist whites to vote for him then it is to get him to get the votes of other blacks.

You will never see a black Republican get the majority of black votes. But you will see the majority of his voters be white racists.
Racist post.
Yes it is...…..let us discover together------>

1. Does the military control the means of production? Yes they do, and they use other peoples money to purchase the goods.

2. Do they have freedom of choice? Nope, they are told what to do, and when to do it.

3. Is the military free an open? Nope, in fact it has more secrets than King Tuts Tomb.

4. Does everyone share everything? Yes they do!

5. Does everyone do their own thing in an attempt to accomplish a goal? Nope, they are given MARCHING ORDERS, for the collective to achieve an objective.

And the list goes on, but you catch my drift.
The military can buy anything it wants?

Hardly. THE PEOPLE decide what the military buys.

Ummm yeah.

Sure about that?

Here, I will have you answer your own hypothesis, and I know when you do, a lightbulb will go off------------>

WHERE is Trump getting part of the money for the wall, in fact a few billion? Is the money he is getting/taking, on budget, or OFF budget? (remember, if it was ON budget, he could NOT redirect it)

You see, the military has cash laying around off budget, that can be used anytime they wish. Probably not enough for a new weapons system, but when you say they can't buy what they want, you are only kidding yourself.
So some Generals said let’s build a wall instead of buying tanks?

You’re hilarious.

No, that money is under the prevue of the President, but it was garnered by the Military. This is the money used to do ops, off the books.

Here is another example-----------> Remember that 5 billion dollars that the military took to Iraq, and 6 months later it was discovered it had disappeared? Now, if that cash would have been on budget, it would NOT have taken 6 months to discover it was gone, and congress would have had a cow and investigated.

It is really an amazing thing------------> journalists for more than a decade, have been trying to figure out how this money appears by combing the budget. They can't find out how this happens, lol! (Shhhhhhhh, it is a national secret!)

They know it is NOT being printed, or they could find the source. They know that it isn't included in the budget anywhere, or they could find that too. And yet, it appears, and nobody really knows how much is there. Presidents just kinda smirk, lol.

Sooooooooooo, when you imply that Generals would allow this money to be used for a wall instead of tanks, you neglect to take into account, that the level of funding in that secy-secy Government slush fund, is not known. You can say that-------->Trump said it had this amount of money in it, and he took this out of it, but we BOTH know that if the government isn't willing to let everyone know where the funding is coming from, they sure as hell aren't going to accurately tell everyone, how much money is actually in it!
That’s not how it works at all. Do you understand that there are three coequal branches of government? The executive which is the president, the Congress which is legislative and oversight, and the judiciary, for obvious reasons.
When Congress lays out money and for what the president can’t decide it should be spent on something else. Because that’s taking away the congressional power of legislation and oversight.

It amazes me how Republicans are so for Donald Trump and they have no idea how the government actually works. They say they support this country but they don’t know anything about it other than noose parties they want to do on Saturday night and other evil sh!t.

Every President since FDR had this fund. If you don't like it, tell your Democratic friends in the House to vote however they do it away, since they are the branch in charge of the purse strings.

Good luck with that, lol. No Socialist/Leftist, is going to vote away a slush fund that the citizens have no control over.
I think it’s easier for a black Republican to get racist whites to vote for him then it is to get him to get the votes of other blacks.

You will never see a black Republican get the majority of black votes. But you will see the majority of his voters be white racists.
Chitt....g*d damn....get off ur azz and jam! As we go into the 378th year of righting the wrongs of the past, we see Capt. Jean Luc Picard as master of ceremonies in the annual "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" extravaganza. All of the "Stop the Hate" presenters are there for all of our pleasure. Of course they live quite well in that role and will never make things better to the point of relinquishing it. So let hail to them. On its year after year mission.
A black hard core right winger is a rare find, so kudos republicans. By the way, when are we ever gonna declare war like the constitution requires?
I think it’s easier for a black Republican to get racist whites to vote for him then it is to get him to get the votes of other blacks.

You will never see a black Republican get the majority of black votes. But you will see the majority of his voters be white racists.
You will never see a black Republican get the majority of black votes. But you will see the majority of his voters be white racists.
Read what you wrote. Now read it slower.

You make our case for us.
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.

I am just question why you are interested in Mr Floyd when he is running for our side in a primary, when maybe you should be looking at people on your side, like AOC or Tahlib. You worry about yours, let us worry about ours.

I thought we are all Americans. I know I am. Maybe you are an AmeriKKKan. You have your side; I have mine. Is that how that works?
I have a general interest in politics, and I have an interest in the candidates.
I don't "worry" about politics. Interest does not imply worry. What are you worried about?
Also, I like to take a look at all candidates. I'm not gonna make some knee jerk, partisan judgment right off teh bat, as you imply your 'side' seems to do, according to your words.
You spew has be informative. Thanks

Look at how these people think, lol.

Guy in the military. Guy is Black. Guy wants to fight Socialism. Guy wants to fight identity politics.

I say go for it, and let the man go right on ahead.

Caddo then implies there is something wrong with me, because a few on his side, are PROMOTING SOCIALISM, and maybe he should basically get his house in order 1st, and I point it out!

Damned if you, damned if you don't!

You're a poor frightened right winger who doesn't even know what the word socialism means.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
Ever notice that headlines and titles are over the top since 2016? I don't recall seeing a negative article from 2008 to 2016. Hmmm.

No, I recall negative quotes from the President during that era, you know: “bring a gun to a knife fight”, “punish our enemies” “get to the back of the bus.”
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid

I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

Goddamn, calling bullshit or going against anything Obama did or did not do was met with “racism” charges. Looks like blacks can only be criticized if they have an (R) next to their name.

Yet another validation that Democrats are full of shit.
Agreed Thunder. Caddo is the person, who questions a Marines integrity, but then cheers when a bartendress gets elected on his side. (excuse me, maybe I wasn't PC enough...….I meant mixologist, and a crazy one at that)

I questioned Mr. Floyd's resume & what Mr. Floyd has to offer in such a hotly contested race, which includes candidates that have much better qualifications for the elected seat.

If you believe that represents questioning someone's integrity then you are having some brain malfunction issue.

I am just question why you are interested in Mr Floyd when he is running for our side in a primary, when maybe you should be looking at people on your side, like AOC or Tahlib. You worry about yours, let us worry about ours.

I thought we are all Americans. I know I am. Maybe you are an AmeriKKKan. You have your side; I have mine. Is that how that works?
I have a general interest in politics, and I have an interest in the candidates.
I don't "worry" about politics. Interest does not imply worry. What are you worried about?
Also, I like to take a look at all candidates. I'm not gonna make some knee jerk, partisan judgment right off teh bat, as you imply your 'side' seems to do, according to your words.
You spew has be informative. Thanks

Look at how these people think, lol.

Guy in the military. Guy is Black. Guy wants to fight Socialism. Guy wants to fight identity politics.

I say go for it, and let the man go right on ahead.

Caddo then implies there is something wrong with me, because a few on his side, are PROMOTING SOCIALISM, and maybe he should basically get his house in order 1st, and I point it out!

Damned if you, damned if you don't!

You're a poor frightened right winger who doesn't even know what the word socialism means.
The trouble is, you don't know the Democrat socialist party is composed of people who are likely card-carrying members of the Communist Party, because the platform is the same shit.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid
They won't become unglued because he is a Marine, Its because he is Black and not following the mandated Democratic Party dogma for people of color.
There's an awful lot of CRC posters here using identity politics concerning this vet.
How dare that Black man turn his back on the benevolence the Democratic party has shown his race.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid
Nobody has become unglued. Click bait nonsense.
View attachment 262661

From accusations that he’s threatening AOC with violence to how dare he show himself as a Marine with a weapon in his hands.

Patriotic Marine Vet Vows To Fight Socialism In Congress, Gets Accused Of Threatening AOC - The Lid

I looked into Mr. Floyd's history but there seems to be very little info.
Former Marine machine gunner, three deployments, but then there isn't much else about his history out there.
He claims he is against 'identity politics.' I read this quote from Floyd: "The battle of this decade will be remembered as a fight against domestic socialism. I am ready to fight back against identity politics, entitlement, and elitism.” Then I read this quote from Floyd: A graduate of George Washington University, he’s a former vice president of the Black Conservative Federation. 'Black Conservative Federation' reeks of 'identity politics' IMO. So, already I'm calling BS on Floyd as he seems to be contradicting himself, just like the 'typical politician' does.
Besides killing folks with a big, fully automatic weapon, I wonder what Floyd really has to offer?
The seemingly near complete lack of personal background on this guy seems odd. He seems to mention "my family" a lot but not sure what he is referencing. Is he married, does he have children, is he gay?
If he is gay then is the Republican crowd gonna end up calling Floyd 'buttplug.'
Of course you call bullshit on a Black man not controlled by Democrats.

These Moon Bat Neggras hate it when a Black escapes from the Democrat welfare plantation.

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