Marine Corps Goes Woke

So let me get this straight, faggots, lesbians, trannies, freaks, losers and foreigners are willing to serve our country, but the true patriots conservatives, right wingers, racists and republicans are not.
I just don't think I give a damn about your wokeness problem. I'm not going to have to serve 6 months straight at sea with faggots, trannies, freaks .....

You are the fucking idiot, the Marine Corps has always been diverse, it is one of the strengths of the Corps, people from every background coming together to form one team Now they demand the Marines take guys who think they are women and wear skirts.

That Mental patient can go in your damned foxhole bro,
designed in the bowels of leftism
That must be somewhere in Joe's Depends pack.

The goal is "to reflect America, to reflect the society we come from," says Gen. David Berger, commandant of the Marine Corps.
The commandant of the Marines is an idiot. The goal of the Marines is to kick ass protecting America. If nothing but white boys show up, that tells you all you need to know of the rest. I can't wait to see America drawn into combat under Bowels Biddum to see his new revamped woke military of green haired trannies get their asses royally kicked.

Oh wait, they kinda just did a bit in Afghanistan, by an enemy not even shooting at them!
Nobody is weakening a thing. All the services have always evolved with the times, they have no choice but to do so. Everyone thinks their "time" was the best time for the service. When I joined all the old salts would talk about the "old days when they were young Marines", 20 years later it was us saying the exact same shit to the new Marines. One was never better than the other, just different. I talked this summer with a friend's son that just graduated Marine Corps boot camp and we shared stories of boot camp 30 years apart. There were some differences, but the end result was the same.

It is a fucking shame to see you all shit on people who have chosen to defend their country all because of partisanship
Wokeness is garbage. Mental patients don't belong in the Service. No one wants to SERVE WITH FREAKS.

Tell them to go join the French Foreign Legion. Maybe they will take them.
Excuse me? What branch did you say you served in? Isis, Hamas? We never got an answer to that question.

I have never been in the Military, but my family has served in every war since the Revolutionary war.. .. and got a coupled of land grants for their service...

You aren't a smart man..
They will be too high to commit suicide. They can rot in a roadside homeless camp with the rest of the drug addicts.
Draggies , dead Iraqi children.....
war vets are better off on opium -----good point.:rolleyes:
That must be somewhere in Joe's Depends pack.

The commandant of the Marines is an idiot. The goal of the Marines is to kick ass protecting America. If nothing but white boys show up, that tells you all you need to know of the rest. I can't wait to see America drawn into combat under Bowels Biddum to see his new revamped woke military of green haired trannies get their asses royally kicked.

Oh wait, they kinda just did a bit in Afghanistan, by an enemy not even shooting at them!
Wokeness is garbage. Mental patients don't belong in the Service. No one wants to SERVE WITH FREAKS.

Tell them to go join the French Foreign Legion. Maybe they will take them.

The Marine Corp turned down Rittenhouse.
I don't like this woke shit.... not one bit!

BabylonBee.....Fake News You Can Trust.

I just don't think I give a damn about your wokeness problem. I'm not going to have to serve 6 months straight at sea with faggots, trannies, freaks .....

Some of you fools are so ignorant it isn't even funny, just admit your coward ass doesn't want to serve don't blame it on being with faggots, trannies or anybody else.
Some of you fools are so ignorant it isn't even funny, just admit your coward ass doesn't want to serve don't blame it on being with faggots, trannies or anybody else.
I did 10 years bitch. I don't want to serve with Freaks. And only other Freaks want to serve with them. 6 months at sea with a dude that thinks he's a woman.

I don't care about your dang WOKENESS. That is destroying our country. I don't want wokeness.........I want killers there if we go to War............not some dude crying about how he is a she and is OPPRESSED.
I didn't know that.
Did you see Rittenhouse testify? Idiots like surada just make up stories that she wished happened and depends on others not knowing.

This is nothing. She has been around for years with fantastic tales. She used to tell tall tales about being a favorite of the king of Saudi Arabia and sitting on the lap of Uncle George Patton. She got jeered off many boards. Now she's back with fewer imaginings.
I did 10 years bitch. I don't want to serve with Freaks. And only other Freaks want to serve with them. 6 months at sea with a dude that thinks he's a woman.

I don't care about your dang WOKENESS. That is destroying our country. I don't want wokeness.........I want killers there if we go to War............not some dude crying about how he is a she and is OPPRESSED.
Well you ignorant piece of shit if you served 10yrs then those faggots and freaks were there during those 10yrs this is nothing new. I don't give a damn about your old school, redneck racist bullshit.
Well you ignorant piece of shit if you served 10yrs then those faggots and freaks were there during those 10yrs this is nothing new. I don't give a damn about your old school, redneck racist bullshit.
So what are you a Tranny. Fag. or one of the 70 genders you idiots made up.

Got news for you. Most of us think you are MENTALLY ILL if you are one of these. And we DON'T WANT TO SERVE WITH YOU.


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