Marine Corps Goes Woke

11 Trump associates have now been charged with crimes. 11 ...
Steve Bannon: Trump's political Svengali was charged with fraud in August 2020 for a fundraising …
Tom Barrack: Barrack was charged on seven counts on Tuesday. The allegations, according to the …
Elliott Broidy: Broidy, a top fundraiser for Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, pleaded guilty in …
Michael Cohen: The one-time fixer for Trump, Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison for a …
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Did 17 intelligence agencies crack the case ?

So what are you a Tranny. Fag. or one of the 70 genders you idiots made up.

Got news for you. Most of us think you are MENTALLY ILL if you are one of these. And we DON'T WANT TO SERVE WITH YOU.

You can think what ever you want Fuck Boy, I am 100% man. Your dumbass thinks these folks just started serving in the military, your a fucking idiot if you think that is the case.
You can think what ever you want Fuck Boy, I am 100% man. Your dumbass thinks these folks just started serving in the military, your a fucking idiot if you think that is the case.
Never seen a guy thinking he was a woman or wearing a skirt when I was in the Navy.

NOPE.....Just now when this WOKE BS came along. Doesn't matter. Truth hurts. We DON'T WANT TO SERVE WITH YOU.

It's that simple. I don't care if it hurts your feelings. Feelings have no damned place in the military. You have to RESPECT and trust those who you serve with. Not get into a foxhole with a dude that is mental wearing a skirt.

One thing about the military. At least in my generation. WE ARE BLUNT...........TO THE POINT..........AND DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

You don't like it. Go cry to someone who cares.

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