Marine Sues To Block Discipline Over Obama Facebook Critique...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
A U.S. Marine facing discipline and possible discharge for using his "Armed Forces Tea Party" Facebook page to criticize President Barack Obama has filed suit seeking to halt military proceedings against him.

Lawyers for Sergeant Gary Stein, 26, a meteorologist stationed at Camp Pendleton, were expected in federal court in San Diego on Wednesday to try to block the proceedings, arguing that the Marine Corps was violating his right to free speech. Stein ran into trouble for a critical comment he posted in an online debate over the punishment faced by NATO and U.S. military personnel over burning copies of the Koran in Afghanistan.

The Marine sergeant has said he is free to express personal political opinions when he is off-duty and out of uniform, and Defense Department rules allow soldiers to make political statements so long as they are not doing so as representatives of the armed services.

Military experts have said that by associating the name of his Facebook page with the armed forces, Stein essentially put himself in the position of speaking publicly while in uniform.

Stein posted a copy of his lawsuit, along with a letter sent to the Marine Corps on his behalf by U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter, a former Marine who supports Stein, on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

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Marine sues to block discipline over Obama Facebook critique - Yahoo! News Canada
Hmm I don't know, this Marine isn't going to have a very long Military career with all this political stuff.
Since when do Marines SUE?

This guy should be drummed out for thinking he's something special.
When you join the military you give up your rights, plain and simple. You follow the rules, no exceptions. He has no case and he is ruining his military career.
Yup. Barry is the CIC and anyone in the Military, no matter what they think privately, has to follow the rules.

Guys an idiot in my book.
This particular Marine is not very bright. Or maybe he's just desperate at this point. Either way, it can't be too good for his military career. He signed the papers; he knows that he's not allowed to publicly criticize his superiors. Gen McChrystal found that out for his public criticism of Obama, and this Marine is no Gen McChrystal.
Since when do Marines SUE?

This guy should be drummed out for thinking he's something special.

Nah, you just hate him because he's not a loyal programmed Obama-Bot like you. ;)

People, like me,who have actually bothered to serve their country in the military know that what this Marine did was wrong.

People, like YOU, who just sit back and throw verbal bombs but have never bothered to EARN that right by serving are pathetic.

You're nothing but a crybaby, a coward and an entitlement whore.
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Another shining example of the personal responsibility of the rightwingloon.
Since when do Marines SUE?

This guy should be drummed out for thinking he's something special.

Nah, you just hate him because he's not a loyal programmed Obama-Bot like you. ;)

How's Ron Paul's campaign coming along?
He won any primaries yet?

Come back anytime and we'll discuss the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama's not a monster and Paul isn't a savior.
Grow the hell up.
Another shining example of the personal responsibility of the rightwingloon.

Ravi the Raving Lunatic strikes again. Shouldn't you be off somewhere hysterically accusing everyone of being Racists? Why don't you go do that. Leave the adult conversations to the adults. :)
Another shining example of the personal responsibility of the rightwingloon.

Ravi the Raving Lunatic strikes again. Shouldn't you be off somewhere hysterically accusing everyone of being Racists? Why don't you go do that. Leave the adult conversations for the adults. :)

that would eliminate your retreading ass from the equation
And why is the Government allowed to monitor his Facebook Account? Seems very intrusive and unjust. And i don't care about that 'Once you sign onto the Military, you have no rights' shite either. They shouldn't be monitoring the man's Facebook Account. Period, end of story.
And why is the Government allowed to monitor his Facebook Account? Seems very intrusive and unjust. And i don't care about that 'Once you sign onto the Military, you have no rights' shite either. They shouldn't be monitoring the man's Facebook Account. Period, end of story.

Actually they can and do monitor the social accounts of Military members, when I was in the service a Filipina girl had photos of herself in her lingerie on her Myspace account, her commander saw the photos and she was ordered to remove them. My First Sergeant saw my Myspace page at the time and had OSI start an investigation on me because the song on my page was from a group called "La Coka Nostra" which means this cocaine of ours or something, they made me take a urinalysis but didn't tell me why, I didn't find out about the investigation until afterwards, you really don't have that many rights in the Military.
And why is the Government allowed to monitor his Facebook Account? Seems very intrusive and unjust. And i don't care about that 'Once you sign onto the Military, you have no rights' shite either. They shouldn't be monitoring the man's Facebook Account. Period, end of story.

Actually they can and do monitor the social accounts of Military members, when I was in the service a Filipina girl had photos of herself in her lingerie on her Myspace account, her commander saw the photos and she was ordered to remove them. My First Sergeant saw my Myspace page at the time and had OSI start an investigation on me because the song on my page was from a group called "La Coka Nostra" which means this cocaine of ours or something, they made me take a urinalysis but didn't tell me why, I didn't find out about the investigation until afterwards, you really don't have that many rights in the Military.

Yeah, that's pretty awful. Unfortunately, Big Brother grows bigger & bigger everyday. But hey, it's for your own good, right?

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