Marine Vet Told to Leave Six Flags in NJ Due to Patriotic T-Shirt

Yeah, you know, when you're right, you're right.

If an image of a firearm makes them shit their pants, calling them pussies may damage their fragile psyches beyond repair.

I don't want any suicides on my conscience.

Have their mommies tuck them in and don't forget to leave the night light on.

I think that you calling them pussies on a message board isn't actually going to mean much of anything to the Six Flags corporation.

In fact, I think it'll demonstrate exactly how powerless your whining is.

Then why on earth would you care?

Your actions undermine your words.

Cause I think it's pathetic. It's just as pathetic as the liberals who bitch and whine constantly about the most ridiculous claims of "racism".

Six Flags doesn't like t-shirts with guns. They own the damn park, they get to make the rules.

The fucking grown-up thing to do is wear a different shirt next time, not bitch and whine about how this is all part of the massive persecution you guys face.

Go change your depends...we'll wait.

Why do veterans always think that the fact that they served in the military is a magical card they can play in any argument?

Your past doesn't concern me. Your present state of whining about Six Flag's dress code does.

Not playing a card. You questioned my manhood. I'm totally secure in mine. A persons past speaks to their manhood. Apparently your past is speaking...crickets?

Well, my past is not speaking, cause it's none of your damn business. I too am secure in my manhood - secure enough that I really don't give a shit what you think about it, and feel no need to get into a dick-measuring contest with you.

I wouldn't say that I was "questioning your manhood", though. At least that's not what I intended.

In order to get into a dick measuring contest one must have a dick. Now man the fuck up Doc. We'll give you a few days to grow one.
I think that you calling them pussies on a message board isn't actually going to mean much of anything to the Six Flags corporation.

In fact, I think it'll demonstrate exactly how powerless your whining is.

Then why on earth would you care?

Your actions undermine your words.

Cause I think it's pathetic. It's just as pathetic as the liberals who bitch and whine constantly about the most ridiculous claims of "racism".

Six Flags doesn't like t-shirts with guns. They own the damn park, they get to make the rules.

The fucking grown-up thing to do is wear a different shirt next time, not bitch and whine about how this is all part of the massive persecution you guys face.

Why would that be the grown up thing to do.

Protest is many times did I hear that?

I'm protesting stupidity.

Fear of a gun, hey, I get that.

Fear of a PICTURE of a gun, that is ridiculous.

And the initiators of such a policy deserve to be ridiculed over it.
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

I guess you are confused about the "return fire" part. That means you fire if fired at.

I am tired of the head games played by liberals where everyone is supposed to freak out at gun owners or any symbols that support the 2nd amendment. That attitude is why yet another child was suspended from school over a toy nerf gun.

Who are the idiots who see this and take it as a threat? You have to be completely brainwashed to even think that way.

Who? Every person who defends Six Flags and this silly uneducated knee jerk reaction to a t-shirt. We live in a definite brainwashed era where actual thinking is outside the norm
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

I guess you are confused about the "return fire" part. That means you fire if fired at.

Saying "I'm going to shoot you if you shoot at me" is still a threat.

I mean, I don't feel threatened - but it's still a threat.
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

Exactly where was the shirt threatening to kill people?
So much for "Home of the Brave" if a t shirt with picture of an M16 scares you.
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

Exactly where was the shirt threatening to kill people?
So much for "Home of the Brave" if a t shirt with picture of an M16 scares you.

Why would a t-shirt scare me?
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

I guess you are confused about the "return fire" part. That means you fire if fired at.

Saying "I'm going to shoot you if you shoot at me" is still a threat.

I mean, I don't feel threatened - but it's still a threat.

ho-boy. No reasoning with this one :rolleyes:
Marine Vet Told to Leave Six Flags in NJ Due to Patriotic T-Shirt


A Marine combat veteran was denied admission to a New Jersey amusement park because he was wearing a patriotic Fourth of July shirt with a picture of a military rifle on it.

Mario Alejandro, 33, a veteran of the 2003 Iraq invasion, was stopped by a security guard when he and his family tried to enter Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, N.J., because his black shirt bore a drawing of an M-26 military rifle in red, white and blue, and the slogan, “Keep Calm and Return Fire,” reports.

Marine Vet Told to Leave Six Flags in NJ Due to Patriotic T-Shirt - Tea Party Command Center

i am sure you meant M16......, RIGHT ?
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

Exactly where was the shirt threatening to kill people?
So much for "Home of the Brave" if a t shirt with picture of an M16 scares you.

Why would a t-shirt scare me?
I have no idea, seems pretty childish. So tell me why does a t-shirt threaten you?
I'm of the opinion that ruining your daughter's trip to six flags in "protest" is decidedly not acting grown up.

His t-shirt (and probably his desire to see his name on his favorite websites) were more important to him than having a fun family day.
I think that you calling them pussies on a message board isn't actually going to mean much of anything to the Six Flags corporation.

In fact, I think it'll demonstrate exactly how powerless your whining is.

Then why on earth would you care?

Your actions undermine your words.

Cause I think it's pathetic. It's just as pathetic as the liberals who bitch and whine constantly about the most ridiculous claims of "racism".

Six Flags doesn't like t-shirts with guns. They own the damn park, they get to make the rules.

The fucking grown-up thing to do is wear a different shirt next time, not bitch and whine about how this is all part of the massive persecution you guys face.

So let's get this straight.. When someone is an owner at Six Flags and wants to deny service based upon a political hot button that is LIBERAL - it's great.. he's within his rights.. but when a Baker refuses to make a queer cake, you pansyasses meltdown .. HYPOCRITES ALL OF YOU.. STFU with your BS already. It's old. Isn't it the "GROWN UP" thing to do for the gheys to go to a different bakery????
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