Marines’ Benghazi Rescue Platoon Was Kept on Tarmac for Six Hours

Its simple, 4 Americans died, aid was never sent, and Hillary and Obama were in charge.
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." [Robert Gates] explained.
Gates was talking about in time to save Stephens....Monday Morning Quarterbacking!

When the word went out the compound was under attack no one had a clue how long it would last, so 'timely' only applies to the 'after the fact' knowledge that it lasted 13 hours. Even if to secure the US compound, search for survivors, and recover the dead YOU GO.

And the report that Obama / Hillary wanted a crack combat anti-terrorist team heading into a hostile fire zone WEARING CIVILIAN CLOTHES (until they got there and could change) IS THE DUMBEST F*ING THING I HAVE EVER HEARD OFF COMING FROM A PRESIDENT / COMMANDER AND CHIEF! :banana2::wtf:
A platoon of US Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain, was held on the base’s airstrip for six hours as administration officials debated whether to send them to Benghazi in uniform or in civilian clothes, one of the Republicans serving on the House Select Committee on Benghazi told Breitbart News Tuesday.
“The FAST team was sitting on the tarmac with no lift [aircraft]” to Benghazi, said Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R.-Ga.). “While they’re there, people are getting them to change clothes. You know? Civilian clothes, then back to military clothes, then back to military clothes, back to civilian–which indicates to me that there was evidently a fight or a disagreement between the DoD and the State Department.”


When Americans are under attack and fighting for their lives you send a Quick Reaction Force or a Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team immediately. You don't hesitate. You don't wait.

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."
- It is chaos, and Americans are fighting for their lives. THIS is their mission - to go, put themselves in harm's way, and save lives. It was hours to Benghazi, and during those hours en-route Intel could have been gathered (as much as possible), and they could have been briefed in the air. During that whole time in the air the situation could have been changing, but that is no reason NOT to send the highly trained team whose job it is to counter terrorism and terrorist attacks...and to save a US Ambassador.

"They would not have gotten there in time to save anyone."
- At the time the attack started they had no idea that was the case. They had no idea that 13 hours later Americans would still be fighting for their lives. Even if there is a slight chance someone might be alive YOU SEND THE F*ING CALVARY! THAT is the thing about 'You never leave a man behind' that Obama and Hillary will NEVER understand. If nothing else you send the team in that will kill these F*ers, who will secure the area, and who will get our people back, dead or alive!

Instead Barry and Hillary wasted 6 Hours (knowing they still had an approx. 12 hour flight once they took off) of extremely valuable time. They were unprepared - grasping for answers they should have already had knowing there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening on 9/11/12.
Next 8 years will see the end of the American Dream.

No that can't be right, ya'll said that if we elected Obama that would be the end of the United States. Then ya'll claimed it again in 2012. WTF, When is he going to do the deed?????????
Gates was talking about in time to save Stephens....Monday Morning Quarterbacking!

When the word went out the compound was under attack no one had a clue how long it would last, so 'timely' only applies to the 'after the fact' knowledge that it lasted 13 hours. Even if to secure the US compound, search for survivors, and recover the dead YOU GO.

And the report that Obama / Hillary wanted a crack combat anti-terrorist team heading into a hostile fire zone WEARING CIVILIAN CLOTHES (until they got there and could change) IS THE DUMBEST F*ING THING I HAVE EVER HEARD OFF COMING FROM A PRESIDENT / COMMANDER AND CHIEF! :banana2::wtf:

When the response team arrived at the CIA compound there was a brief Mortar assault that occurred and killed two of defenders and seriously wounded another. There were no further attacks as the team was escorted by the Libyan Army, who also escorted them back to the airport during the evacuation a few hours later.
A platoon of US Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain, was held on the base’s airstrip for six hours as administration officials debated whether to send them to Benghazi in uniform or in civilian clothes, one of the Republicans serving on the House Select Committee on Benghazi told Breitbart News Tuesday.
“The FAST team was sitting on the tarmac with no lift [aircraft]” to Benghazi, said Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R.-Ga.). “While they’re there, people are getting them to change clothes. You know? Civilian clothes, then back to military clothes, then back to military clothes, back to civilian–which indicates to me that there was evidently a fight or a disagreement between the DoD and the State Department.”


When Americans are under attack and fighting for their lives you send a Quick Reaction Force or a Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team immediately. You don't hesitate. You don't wait.

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."
- It is chaos, and Americans are fighting for their lives. THIS is their mission - to go, put themselves in harm's way, and save lives. It was hours to Benghazi, and during those hours en-route Intel could have been gathered (as much as possible), and they could have been briefed in the air. During that whole time in the air the situation could have been changing, but that is no reason NOT to send the highly trained team whose job it is to counter terrorism and terrorist attacks...and to save a US Ambassador.

"They would not have gotten there in time to save anyone."
- At the time the attack started they had no idea that was the case. They had no idea that 13 hours later Americans would still be fighting for their lives. Even if there is a slight chance someone might be alive YOU SEND THE F*ING CALVARY! THAT is the thing about 'You never leave a man behind' that Obama and Hillary will NEVER understand. If nothing else you send the team in that will kill these F*ers, who will secure the area, and who will get our people back, dead or alive!

Instead Barry and Hillary wasted 6 Hours (knowing they still had an approx. 12 hour flight once they took off) of extremely valuable time. They were unprepared - grasping for answers they should have already had knowing there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening on 9/11/12.
Next 8 years will see the end of the American Dream.

No that can't be right, ya'll said that if we elected Obama that would be the end of the United States. Then ya'll claimed it again in 2012. WTF, When is he going to do the deed?????????
The government targeting political groups.
Government forcing Americans to sell their homes to private business and buy products from private companies.
Government letting crime skyrocket for political gain.
Openly take cash from foreign nations in exchange for political favors with no ramifications.
Prosecuting people with falsified charges.

Yeah, the American Dream is over.
Hillary told you it was a spontaneous protest started because of a video

Nope, she never once said that. Neither did Susan Rice. It is however what passes for truth in the Faux bubble. So I'm sure you've heard it so many times now that you actually believe it. Everyone knows.....
A platoon of US Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain, was held on the base’s airstrip for six hours as administration officials debated whether to send them to Benghazi in uniform or in civilian clothes, one of the Republicans serving on the House Select Committee on Benghazi told Breitbart News Tuesday.
“The FAST team was sitting on the tarmac with no lift [aircraft]” to Benghazi, said Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R.-Ga.). “While they’re there, people are getting them to change clothes. You know? Civilian clothes, then back to military clothes, then back to military clothes, back to civilian–which indicates to me that there was evidently a fight or a disagreement between the DoD and the State Department.”


When Americans are under attack and fighting for their lives you send a Quick Reaction Force or a Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team immediately. You don't hesitate. You don't wait.

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."
- It is chaos, and Americans are fighting for their lives. THIS is their mission - to go, put themselves in harm's way, and save lives. It was hours to Benghazi, and during those hours en-route Intel could have been gathered (as much as possible), and they could have been briefed in the air. During that whole time in the air the situation could have been changing, but that is no reason NOT to send the highly trained team whose job it is to counter terrorism and terrorist attacks...and to save a US Ambassador.

"They would not have gotten there in time to save anyone."
- At the time the attack started they had no idea that was the case. They had no idea that 13 hours later Americans would still be fighting for their lives. Even if there is a slight chance someone might be alive YOU SEND THE F*ING CALVARY! THAT is the thing about 'You never leave a man behind' that Obama and Hillary will NEVER understand. If nothing else you send the team in that will kill these F*ers, who will secure the area, and who will get our people back, dead or alive!

Instead Barry and Hillary wasted 6 Hours (knowing they still had an approx. 12 hour flight once they took off) of extremely valuable time. They were unprepared - grasping for answers they should have already had knowing there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening on 9/11/12.
Next 8 years will see the end of the American Dream.

No that can't be right, ya'll said that if we elected Obama that would be the end of the United States. Then ya'll claimed it again in 2012. WTF, When is he going to do the deed?????????
The government targeting political groups.
Government forcing Americans to sell their homes to private business and buy products from private companies.
Government letting crime skyrocket for political gain.
Openly take cash from foreign nations in exchange for political favors with no ramifications.
Prosecuting people with falsified charges.

Yeah, the American Dream is over.

Selecting applications for government benefits for verification is the law. The IRS is required to verify a certain % of the applications. There was no guidelines for selecting these applications for verification. They pulled the applications based on certain terms in the names of groups. They simply should have had a way to randomly select applications. No connection exist between the IRS agent(a career bureaucrat) in charge of verification and the President.

Eminent Domain is being used by States and locals officials. In my state that's Republicans.

Letting crime skyrocket? some like another conspiracy to me.


It's not over....Was it over when the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor????? Hell no!.....

Hillary told you it was a spontaneous protest started because of a video

Nope, she never once said that. Neither did Susan Rice. It is however what passes for truth in the Faux bubble. So I'm sure you've heard it so many times now that you actually believe it. Everyone knows.....
Rice, Hillary, & Obama said it was a protest over a video. Hillary and Obama blamed the film maker, & threatened to arrest him (for exercising his right of free speech.) State Dept reps interviewed said they were shocked listening to Rice say it. It has been documented and reported by numerous sources over and over....more liberals trying to re-write history again.
The platoon was on notice after the deaths occurred. End of OP.

Really? I'm reading it all came down to clothing. Military or civilian. Isn't that oh so special and oh so liberal.

House GOP Benghazi report – Marines' rescue was delayed because no one could decide whether they should wear uniforms or civvies
  • On night of 2012 attacks, government officials whether Marines should wear military or civilian uniforms
  • Marines had to change FOUR TIMES in three hours
  • The U.S. also failed to scramble military assets in time to stop the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound
  • Top official at Hillary Clinton's State Department said he was sensitive to not diminishing security through overt presence

Read more: Marines' Benghazi rescue was delayed by debate over military uniforms
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
A platoon of US Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain, was held on the base’s airstrip for six hours as administration officials debated whether to send them to Benghazi in uniform or in civilian clothes, one of the Republicans serving on the House Select Committee on Benghazi told Breitbart News Tuesday.
“The FAST team was sitting on the tarmac with no lift [aircraft]” to Benghazi, said Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R.-Ga.). “While they’re there, people are getting them to change clothes. You know? Civilian clothes, then back to military clothes, then back to military clothes, back to civilian–which indicates to me that there was evidently a fight or a disagreement between the DoD and the State Department.”


When Americans are under attack and fighting for their lives you send a Quick Reaction Force or a Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team immediately. You don't hesitate. You don't wait.

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."
- It is chaos, and Americans are fighting for their lives. THIS is their mission - to go, put themselves in harm's way, and save lives. It was hours to Benghazi, and during those hours en-route Intel could have been gathered (as much as possible), and they could have been briefed in the air. During that whole time in the air the situation could have been changing, but that is no reason NOT to send the highly trained team whose job it is to counter terrorism and terrorist attacks...and to save a US Ambassador.

"They would not have gotten there in time to save anyone."
- At the time the attack started they had no idea that was the case. They had no idea that 13 hours later Americans would still be fighting for their lives. Even if there is a slight chance someone might be alive YOU SEND THE F*ING CALVARY! THAT is the thing about 'You never leave a man behind' that Obama and Hillary will NEVER understand. If nothing else you send the team in that will kill these F*ers, who will secure the area, and who will get our people back, dead or alive!

Instead Barry and Hillary wasted 6 Hours (knowing they still had an approx. 12 hour flight once they took off) of extremely valuable time. They were unprepared - grasping for answers they should have already had knowing there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening on 9/11/12.
Fuck off Boy who cried wolf. Stupid bastard.

House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton

No one is listening to you except for right wingers who listen to Rush and watch fox. You can all suck it. No one cares.

Oh we know that the likes of you and other liberals couldn't give a rats ass about any dead American that died as the result of D incompetence. Deaths only count when Republicans fuck up.

And Clinton is not exonerated. She left those men with Libyan militias as their security. Optics. She killed them.
The platoon was on notice after the deaths occurred. End of OP.

Really? I'm reading it all came down to clothing. Military or civilian. Isn't that oh so special and oh so liberal.

House GOP Benghazi report – Marines' rescue was delayed because no one could decide whether they should wear uniforms or civvies
  • On night of 2012 attacks, government officials whether Marines should wear military or civilian uniforms
  • Marines had to change FOUR TIMES in three hours
  • The U.S. also failed to scramble military assets in time to stop the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound
  • Top official at Hillary Clinton's State Department said he was sensitive to not diminishing security through overt presence

Read more: Marines' Benghazi rescue was delayed by debate over military uniforms
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It's true that the FAST team was kept on the tarmac for 3 hours due to confusion over whether they should be in uniform or not, along with other logistical issues.

The problem with your narrative is that it occurred nearly 7 hours after the attack in Benghazi was over, long after all US personnel had been evacuated to Tripoli and Rammstein.

The C-17 didn't even get to Rota to pick the FAST team up until noon on Sept. 12th.
A platoon of US Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain, was held on the base’s airstrip for six hours as administration officials debated whether to send them to Benghazi in uniform or in civilian clothes, one of the Republicans serving on the House Select Committee on Benghazi told Breitbart News Tuesday.
“The FAST team was sitting on the tarmac with no lift [aircraft]” to Benghazi, said Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R.-Ga.). “While they’re there, people are getting them to change clothes. You know? Civilian clothes, then back to military clothes, then back to military clothes, back to civilian–which indicates to me that there was evidently a fight or a disagreement between the DoD and the State Department.”


When Americans are under attack and fighting for their lives you send a Quick Reaction Force or a Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team immediately. You don't hesitate. You don't wait.

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."
- It is chaos, and Americans are fighting for their lives. THIS is their mission - to go, put themselves in harm's way, and save lives. It was hours to Benghazi, and during those hours en-route Intel could have been gathered (as much as possible), and they could have been briefed in the air. During that whole time in the air the situation could have been changing, but that is no reason NOT to send the highly trained team whose job it is to counter terrorism and terrorist attacks...and to save a US Ambassador.

"They would not have gotten there in time to save anyone."
- At the time the attack started they had no idea that was the case. They had no idea that 13 hours later Americans would still be fighting for their lives. Even if there is a slight chance someone might be alive YOU SEND THE F*ING CALVARY! THAT is the thing about 'You never leave a man behind' that Obama and Hillary will NEVER understand. If nothing else you send the team in that will kill these F*ers, who will secure the area, and who will get our people back, dead or alive!

Instead Barry and Hillary wasted 6 Hours (knowing they still had an approx. 12 hour flight once they took off) of extremely valuable time. They were unprepared - grasping for answers they should have already had knowing there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening on 9/11/12.





The sooner you come to grips with that, the better for everyone.
The obama regime intended that those people die. The regime needed bodies to bolster its claim that it was a video.

obama and that snake hillary made the oscar winning apology movie that was sent around the middle east. All the while, knowing that those four people were murdered by the regime.
A platoon of US Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain, was held on the base’s airstrip for six hours as administration officials debated whether to send them to Benghazi in uniform or in civilian clothes, one of the Republicans serving on the House Select Committee on Benghazi told Breitbart News Tuesday.
“The FAST team was sitting on the tarmac with no lift [aircraft]” to Benghazi, said Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R.-Ga.). “While they’re there, people are getting them to change clothes. You know? Civilian clothes, then back to military clothes, then back to military clothes, back to civilian–which indicates to me that there was evidently a fight or a disagreement between the DoD and the State Department.”


When Americans are under attack and fighting for their lives you send a Quick Reaction Force or a Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team immediately. You don't hesitate. You don't wait.

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."
- It is chaos, and Americans are fighting for their lives. THIS is their mission - to go, put themselves in harm's way, and save lives. It was hours to Benghazi, and during those hours en-route Intel could have been gathered (as much as possible), and they could have been briefed in the air. During that whole time in the air the situation could have been changing, but that is no reason NOT to send the highly trained team whose job it is to counter terrorism and terrorist attacks...and to save a US Ambassador.

"They would not have gotten there in time to save anyone."
- At the time the attack started they had no idea that was the case. They had no idea that 13 hours later Americans would still be fighting for their lives. Even if there is a slight chance someone might be alive YOU SEND THE F*ING CALVARY! THAT is the thing about 'You never leave a man behind' that Obama and Hillary will NEVER understand. If nothing else you send the team in that will kill these F*ers, who will secure the area, and who will get our people back, dead or alive!

Instead Barry and Hillary wasted 6 Hours (knowing they still had an approx. 12 hour flight once they took off) of extremely valuable time. They were unprepared - grasping for answers they should have already had knowing there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening on 9/11/12.
Fuck off Boy who cried wolf. Stupid bastard.

House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton

No one is listening to you except for right wingers who listen to Rush and watch fox. You can all suck it. No one cares.

Oh we know that the likes of you and other liberals couldn't give a rats ass about any dead American that died as the result of D incompetence. Deaths only count when Republicans fuck up.

And Clinton is not exonerated. She left those men with Libyan militias as their security. Optics. She killed them.

Bullcrap. The Benghazi Committee report that found no new evidence of wrongdoing is the Second committee to find no evidence of wrongdoing. You're pissing up a rope.
"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."

I fail to see how liberals created this tactic when it is a military textbook maneuver...

i fail to understand the hacks' obsession with benghazziiiiiiiiii when baby bush had 13 benghazzis and 50 dead.

oh yeah, they don't give a damn when it's one of theirs.
Its simple, 4 Americans died, aid was never sent, and Hillary and Obama were in charge.
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." [Robert Gates] explained.
Well that is pretty piss ass planing by leadership. Another Obama/Clinton failure. If you insist on a large scale weapons smuggling operation, you might want to have a few good guys around if it all goes to shit. Repeated requests for addition security were made by the people putting their lives on the line and were rejected by Clinton.
Its simple, 4 Americans died, aid was never sent, and Hillary and Obama were in charge.
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." [Robert Gates] explained.
well, when the news was that Ghadafi had the Arab Spring rebels on the run and cornered , we didnt waste any time at all getting in there to pound Ghadafi's army. If the people left in Benghazi were sending an sos for 6 or 7 hours, it was a crime not to make an attempt. We know now they only lasted 7 hours but at the time, the Command shouldnt have given up hope that they might hold out until help arrived. Seems that they just waited until it was all over. People criticize Bush for embassys being attacked, but he didnt do anything like that. He would have been raked over the coals. Bush has plenty other stuff to be criticized for though
Benghazi analysis...The TRUTH....Thank you, Rush....

We have two reports. We have the full-fledged 800-page report put together by the committee chairman, Trey Gowdy. We have a couple other Republicans, Mike Pompeo of Kansas and Jim Jordan, Ohio, and they put together their own summary of the 800-page report, which is -- well, as you might imagine, it's pared down. It gets in, gets it, and gets out. Both are really well done.

Man that was a waste.

That's why I just skipped to the end. I knew it would the usual wingnut CT bluster.

Only to little commie/Socialists, that want America to fail....thanks for letting us know!
Are you as annoying and immature in your everyday life with people you know as you are here?

I see your problem......


No one was being "violent". He was calmly asking if you're as much of a dickhead wingnut when you're off this board, that's all.
"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."

I fail to see how liberals created this tactic when it is a military textbook maneuver...

There have been many times in war history when a commander should know in his gut when to throw the text book out the window. This was probably one of them. Cant help but feel the decision to stand down was due to second guessing with political casualties in mind instead of human casualties in mind. An attempt, even failed would have been nice. Obama could have been on the phone as well with any allies, even if they said NO, an attempt could have been made.

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