Marines’ Benghazi Rescue Platoon Was Kept on Tarmac for Six Hours

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."

I fail to see how liberals created this tactic when it is a military textbook maneuver...
Really what text book are you referring to. Going into dangerous situation is the job of FAST teams
Man that was a waste.

That's why I just skipped to the end. I knew it would the usual wingnut CT bluster.

Only to little commie/Socialists, that want America to fail....thanks for letting us know!
Are you as annoying and immature in your everyday life with people you know as you are here?

I see your problem......


No one was being "violent". He was calmly asking if you're as much of a dickhead wingnut when you're off this board, that's all.

I was SUPPOSEDLY TROLLING you....I've been a bad boy again,and have been admonished by a MOD.... I feel vindicated!
A platoon of US Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain, was held on the base’s airstrip for six hours as administration officials debated whether to send them to Benghazi in uniform or in civilian clothes, one of the Republicans serving on the House Select Committee on Benghazi told Breitbart News Tuesday.
“The FAST team was sitting on the tarmac with no lift [aircraft]” to Benghazi, said Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R.-Ga.). “While they’re there, people are getting them to change clothes. You know? Civilian clothes, then back to military clothes, then back to military clothes, back to civilian–which indicates to me that there was evidently a fight or a disagreement between the DoD and the State Department.”


When Americans are under attack and fighting for their lives you send a Quick Reaction Force or a Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team immediately. You don't hesitate. You don't wait.

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."
- It is chaos, and Americans are fighting for their lives. THIS is their mission - to go, put themselves in harm's way, and save lives. It was hours to Benghazi, and during those hours en-route Intel could have been gathered (as much as possible), and they could have been briefed in the air. During that whole time in the air the situation could have been changing, but that is no reason NOT to send the highly trained team whose job it is to counter terrorism and terrorist attacks...and to save a US Ambassador.

"They would not have gotten there in time to save anyone."
- At the time the attack started they had no idea that was the case. They had no idea that 13 hours later Americans would still be fighting for their lives. Even if there is a slight chance someone might be alive YOU SEND THE F*ING CALVARY! THAT is the thing about 'You never leave a man behind' that Obama and Hillary will NEVER understand. If nothing else you send the team in that will kill these F*ers, who will secure the area, and who will get our people back, dead or alive!

Instead Barry and Hillary wasted 6 Hours (knowing they still had an approx. 12 hour flight once they took off) of extremely valuable time. They were unprepared - grasping for answers they should have already had knowing there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening on 9/11/12.

Since you're a self proclaimed expert now, maybe you could have saved 240 U.S. Marines that were at that U.S. Embassy in Lebanon during the Reagan administration when they were attacked? Maybe you could have saved 60 people that were killed during the Bush administration when 13 of our embassies were attacked. (Where was all the help then?)

Hey maybe with your expert analysis you can figure them all out?

And what in the hell did you think a Republican would say?--LOL They had to come up with something to explain that $7 million taxpayer dollars they just blew through on this investigation.

The dumdums who come up with this nonsense are simpletons of the highest order Congressman Westmoreland number one among them.


Three hours and 5 minutes flying time and the Marine platoon that Westmoreland was talking about wasn't even involved until the day after the attack.

You assume that Algeria, Tunisia and Libya would have authorized flying though their airspace. Not a given.
The dumdums who come up with this nonsense are simpletons of the highest order Congressman Westmoreland number one among them.


Three hours and 5 minutes flying time and the Marine platoon that Westmoreland was talking about wasn't even involved until the day after the attack.

You assume that Algeria, Tunisia and Libya would have authorized flying though their airspace. Not a given.
Why couldnt you draw that blue line over the medditeranian? last time I checked Benghazi is on the ocean.
The dumdums who come up with this nonsense are simpletons of the highest order Congressman Westmoreland number one among them.


Three hours and 5 minutes flying time and the Marine platoon that Westmoreland was talking about wasn't even involved until the day after the attack.

You assume that Algeria, Tunisia and Libya would have authorized flying though their airspace. Not a given.
Why couldnt you draw that blue line over the medditeranian? last time I checked Benghazi is on the ocean.

Because it is 49 hours by road. 3.5 hours by air.
The platoon was on notice after the deaths occurred. End of OP.

Really? I'm reading it all came down to clothing. Military or civilian. Isn't that oh so special and oh so liberal.

House GOP Benghazi report – Marines' rescue was delayed because no one could decide whether they should wear uniforms or civvies
  • On night of 2012 attacks, government officials whether Marines should wear military or civilian uniforms
  • Marines had to change FOUR TIMES in three hours
  • The U.S. also failed to scramble military assets in time to stop the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound
  • Top official at Hillary Clinton's State Department said he was sensitive to not diminishing security through overt presence

Read more: Marines' Benghazi rescue was delayed by debate over military uniforms
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td, the men were dead before anyone went on notice.

Do you understand that?
The platoon was on notice after the deaths occurred. End of OP.

Really? I'm reading it all came down to clothing. Military or civilian. Isn't that oh so special and oh so liberal.

House GOP Benghazi report – Marines' rescue was delayed because no one could decide whether they should wear uniforms or civvies
  • On night of 2012 attacks, government officials whether Marines should wear military or civilian uniforms
  • Marines had to change FOUR TIMES in three hours
  • The U.S. also failed to scramble military assets in time to stop the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound
  • Top official at Hillary Clinton's State Department said he was sensitive to not diminishing security through overt presence

Read more: Marines' Benghazi rescue was delayed by debate over military uniforms
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
td, the men were dead before anyone went on notice.

Do you understand that?

So your saying no one heard they're call for help or it took someone all those hours to make a decision after they got the call for help? It was late at night, maybe Obama was just sleeping
The platoon was on notice after the deaths occurred. End of OP.

Really? I'm reading it all came down to clothing. Military or civilian. Isn't that oh so special and oh so liberal.

House GOP Benghazi report – Marines' rescue was delayed because no one could decide whether they should wear uniforms or civvies
  • On night of 2012 attacks, government officials whether Marines should wear military or civilian uniforms
  • Marines had to change FOUR TIMES in three hours
  • The U.S. also failed to scramble military assets in time to stop the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound
  • Top official at Hillary Clinton's State Department said he was sensitive to not diminishing security through overt presence

Read more: Marines' Benghazi rescue was delayed by debate over military uniforms
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
td, the men were dead before anyone went on notice.

Do you understand that?

So your saying no one heard they're call for help or it took someone all those hours to make a decision after they got the call for help? It was late at night, maybe Obama was just sleeping
Read the report. They were dead before anyone could be mobilized and sent.
The platoon was on notice after the deaths occurred. End of OP.

Really? I'm reading it all came down to clothing. Military or civilian. Isn't that oh so special and oh so liberal.

House GOP Benghazi report – Marines' rescue was delayed because no one could decide whether they should wear uniforms or civvies
  • On night of 2012 attacks, government officials whether Marines should wear military or civilian uniforms
  • Marines had to change FOUR TIMES in three hours
  • The U.S. also failed to scramble military assets in time to stop the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound
  • Top official at Hillary Clinton's State Department said he was sensitive to not diminishing security through overt presence

Read more: Marines' Benghazi rescue was delayed by debate over military uniforms
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
td, the men were dead before anyone went on notice.

Do you understand that?

So your saying no one heard they're call for help or it took someone all those hours to make a decision after they got the call for help? It was late at night, maybe Obama was just sleeping

It wasn't "late at night". What "call for help" are you referring to?

The attack started at 3pm EST.
Sorry, 12 hours later.

Here's the timeline: App G Attack Timelines.pdf

Stevens was killed in the initial attack on the Consulate, around 10PM Benghazi time on Sept. 11th (4PM EST).

At 12PM Benghazi time the next day, the C-17 landed in Rota to pick up the FAST team. It sat on the tarmac until 4PM, when it took off for Benghazi.

Okey dokey. Why did it take so long for any help to be sent? First meeting convened at 7:30 PM? A consulate under enemy fire? And it takes 3 hours for a meeting to happen?

"The attack started at 9.42pm local time - 3.42pm in Washington. It was brutal, and prolonged. Calls for assistance began immediately and the first notice of the attack was distributed in Washinton atr 4.05pm, with the White House situation room among those involved.

But it says, it took hours for the White House to convene a meeting to decide what to do - by which time it was 7.30pm in Washington.

'In the four hours since the initial attack on the Benghazi Mission compound, the Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi, with help from the team from the Annex, survived the initial onslaught, located the remains of their fallen colleague Smith, franticly searched for Stevens, escaped under heavy gunfire from the Mission compound to the Annex, avoided an ambush along the route, and arrived at the Annex only to withstand and repel additional attacks there,' the report says.

'By stark contrast, in those same four hours, principals in Washington had merely managed to identify forces that could potentially deploy to Libya and convened a meeting to discuss those forces.'

The meeting include Hillary Clinton's State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills. It should have included the then vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral James 'Sandy' Winnefeld, but he said he could not attend because there was an official dinner at his residence.

Leon Panetta, the defense secretary, had ordered deployment two hours after the attack began, but the people taking part in the White House meeting 'felt the need to "work through" the assets'.

What happened next, the report, says, depends on whether you believe Panetta - who was adamant he had ordered deployment - or a series of other witness and minutes, who spoke about '"getting forces ready to deploy" in a future tense'.

'Another summary described the deployment of assets in response to Benghazi as "likely" and "possibly" that evening,' the report says.

One senior military official testified that forces had not been ordered to deploy but to prepare to deploy.

The report calls the cause of the failure to get properly-equipped forces to Benghazi in time a 'lingering question' and says the failure '—at best illustrates a rusty bureaucratic process not in keeping with the gravity and urgency of the events happening on the ground'.

Read more: 'Move on': Clinton dismisses damning House report on Benghazi
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Sorry, 12 hours later.

Here's the timeline: App G Attack Timelines.pdf

Stevens was killed in the initial attack on the Consulate, around 10PM Benghazi time on Sept. 11th (4PM EST).

At 12PM Benghazi time the next day, the C-17 landed in Rota to pick up the FAST team. It sat on the tarmac until 4PM, when it took off for Benghazi.

Okey dokey. Why did it take so long for any help to be sent? First meeting convened at 7:30 PM? A consulate under enemy fire? And it takes 3 hours for a meeting to happen?

"The attack started at 9.42pm local time - 3.42pm in Washington. It was brutal, and prolonged. Calls for assistance began immediately and the first notice of the attack was distributed in Washinton atr 4.05pm, with the White House situation room among those involved.

But it says, it took hours for the White House to convene a meeting to decide what to do - by which time it was 7.30pm in Washington.

'In the four hours since the initial attack on the Benghazi Mission compound, the Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi, with help from the team from the Annex, survived the initial onslaught, located the remains of their fallen colleague Smith, franticly searched for Stevens, escaped under heavy gunfire from the Mission compound to the Annex, avoided an ambush along the route, and arrived at the Annex only to withstand and repel additional attacks there,' the report says.

'By stark contrast, in those same four hours, principals in Washington had merely managed to identify forces that could potentially deploy to Libya and convened a meeting to discuss those forces.'

The meeting include Hillary Clinton's State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills. It should have included the then vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral James 'Sandy' Winnefeld, but he said he could not attend because there was an official dinner at his residence.

Leon Panetta, the defense secretary, had ordered deployment two hours after the attack began, but the people taking part in the White House meeting 'felt the need to "work through" the assets'.

What happened next, the report, says, depends on whether you believe Panetta - who was adamant he had ordered deployment - or a series of other witness and minutes, who spoke about '"getting forces ready to deploy" in a future tense'.

'Another summary described the deployment of assets in response to Benghazi as "likely" and "possibly" that evening,' the report says.

One senior military official testified that forces had not been ordered to deploy but to prepare to deploy.

The report calls the cause of the failure to get properly-equipped forces to Benghazi in time a 'lingering question' and says the failure '—at best illustrates a rusty bureaucratic process not in keeping with the gravity and urgency of the events happening on the ground'.

Read more: 'Move on': Clinton dismisses damning House report on Benghazi
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I already posted the official timeline, which proves your article wrong.

The "first" meeting was at 4:20 EST, 40 minutes after the first attack started. It was in the Situation Room. The President met with Gates and the Joint Chiefs half an hour after that.

The assault on the embassy was not "long and prolonged", it was over in minutes.
Its simple, 4 Americans died, aid was never sent, and Hillary and Obama were in charge.

Millions of taxpayer dollars have been spent for a Republican dog & pony Benghazi show. The book 13 hours, which was written by CIA operatives fighting this battle cleared Hillary Clinton of any negligence over Benghazi.

Instead, Republicans used this tragedy to commercialize it into a campaign donation box, and at great taxpayer expense. They should be required to pay that money back.

A platoon of US Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain, was held on the base’s airstrip for six hours as administration officials debated whether to send them to Benghazi in uniform or in civilian clothes, one of the Republicans serving on the House Select Committee on Benghazi told Breitbart News Tuesday.
“The FAST team was sitting on the tarmac with no lift [aircraft]” to Benghazi, said Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R.-Ga.). “While they’re there, people are getting them to change clothes. You know? Civilian clothes, then back to military clothes, then back to military clothes, back to civilian–which indicates to me that there was evidently a fight or a disagreement between the DoD and the State Department.”


When Americans are under attack and fighting for their lives you send a Quick Reaction Force or a Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team immediately. You don't hesitate. You don't wait.

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."
- It is chaos, and Americans are fighting for their lives. THIS is their mission - to go, put themselves in harm's way, and save lives. It was hours to Benghazi, and during those hours en-route Intel could have been gathered (as much as possible), and they could have been briefed in the air. During that whole time in the air the situation could have been changing, but that is no reason NOT to send the highly trained team whose job it is to counter terrorism and terrorist attacks...and to save a US Ambassador.

"They would not have gotten there in time to save anyone."
- At the time the attack started they had no idea that was the case. They had no idea that 13 hours later Americans would still be fighting for their lives. Even if there is a slight chance someone might be alive YOU SEND THE F*ING CALVARY! THAT is the thing about 'You never leave a man behind' that Obama and Hillary will NEVER understand. If nothing else you send the team in that will kill these F*ers, who will secure the area, and who will get our people back, dead or alive!

Instead Barry and Hillary wasted 6 Hours (knowing they still had an approx. 12 hour flight once they took off) of extremely valuable time. They were unprepared - grasping for answers they should have already had knowing there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening on 9/11/12.
The report blamed Leon Panetta for his indecision and fear of political repercussions.

Even so, had the Marine QRF launched immediately they still would not have made it to the Benghazi compound in time to prevent anything.

It would have taken an aircraft carrier stationed off shore at Libya to make a difference.

I am sure the Navy is re-evaluating what it needs to do in order to provide forward deployed platforms for Marine QRF's in the future.

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