Marines’ Benghazi Rescue Platoon Was Kept on Tarmac for Six Hours

A platoon of US Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain, was held on the base’s airstrip for six hours as administration officials debated whether to send them to Benghazi in uniform or in civilian clothes, one of the Republicans serving on the House Select Committee on Benghazi told Breitbart News Tuesday.
“The FAST team was sitting on the tarmac with no lift [aircraft]” to Benghazi, said Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R.-Ga.). “While they’re there, people are getting them to change clothes. You know? Civilian clothes, then back to military clothes, then back to military clothes, back to civilian–which indicates to me that there was evidently a fight or a disagreement between the DoD and the State Department.”


When Americans are under attack and fighting for their lives you send a Quick Reaction Force or a Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team immediately. You don't hesitate. You don't wait.

"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."
- It is chaos, and Americans are fighting for their lives. THIS is their mission - to go, put themselves in harm's way, and save lives. It was hours to Benghazi, and during those hours en-route Intel could have been gathered (as much as possible), and they could have been briefed in the air. During that whole time in the air the situation could have been changing, but that is no reason NOT to send the highly trained team whose job it is to counter terrorism and terrorist attacks...and to save a US Ambassador.

"They would not have gotten there in time to save anyone."
- At the time the attack started they had no idea that was the case. They had no idea that 13 hours later Americans would still be fighting for their lives. Even if there is a slight chance someone might be alive YOU SEND THE F*ING CALVARY! THAT is the thing about 'You never leave a man behind' that Obama and Hillary will NEVER understand. If nothing else you send the team in that will kill these F*ers, who will secure the area, and who will get our people back, dead or alive!

Instead Barry and Hillary wasted 6 Hours (knowing they still had an approx. 12 hour flight once they took off) of extremely valuable time. They were unprepared - grasping for answers they should have already had knowing there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening on 9/11/12.

Hillary was either napping, or in a private meeting with Huma
The U.S. military said nothing they could have done would have made a difference. But that doesn't fit with the politics of the Republican party so they reject what professional soldiers and generals say and instead continue to lie and use the deaths of these 4 people as a way to 'try' to make a few political points. Fail.

Republicans on the committee in Congress are morally reprehensible.
The U.S. military said nothing they could have done would have made a difference. But that doesn't fit with the politics of the Republican party so they reject what professional soldiers and generals say and instead continue to lie and use the deaths of these 4 people as a way to 'try' to make a few political points. Fail.

Republicans on the committee in Congress are morally reprehensible.

The DOD, in HINDSIGHT, made the statement - in part to cover their ass for NOT taking IMMEDIATE action, declared nothing they could do would have made a difference.

AGAIN, at the moment the attack is declared there is not one person in the world who can tell you how long that attack is going to last - if they tell you different they are lying their asses off. All that is known is there is a terrorist attack on a US compound with Americans in danger and fighting for their lives! PERIOD.
-- There were more than just 4 lives in danger in Benghazi and who needed rescuing!

'You', the highly trained anti-terrorist team in Spain, is (supposedly) the closest thing they have to a cavalry that can come to their aid. That being the case, they needed to launch immediately to TRY to get their in time, to rescue as many as possible, to secure the US compound, and to recover the bodies of dead Americans at the very least!

NON-Military / Liberals, of course, are ignorant to all of this.

The LAST thing this highly trained force needs to be doing is sitting their asses on a tarmac waiting to take off, changing in and out of civilian to combat-ready gear because some dumbass diplomat can't make up their mind whether they should go into a firefight wearing 'civies' or not and while waiting on the Commander and Chief and the Secretary of State to decide what the hell to do because they were completely unprepared for this situation DESPITE having known about the call for a terrorist attack that day for a month at LEAST and having known about the Al Qaeida call for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens!

Again, there were MORE than just 4 Americans who needed rescuing, ALL WHO WOULD HAVE DIED IF IT WOULD HAVE BEEN LEFT UP TO HILLARY AND OBAMA! The ONLY reason every single American there did not die in that attack was because of 3 ex-Navy SEALs who sacrificed their lives protecting them AND because our 'ENEMY' - ex-Qaddafi Libyan troops - came to the aid of the Americans when the terrorist attack, being perpetrated by our 'allies' (AL QAEIDA), and helped get those Americans to safety....because no American troops were coming for them!
- Where were they? Still sitting their asses on a tarmac playing 'diplomatic dress-up', waiting on the words from their Commander and Chief to 'go' for 6 hours...words that NEVER came!

That's right - the people Obama called 'our enemies' bailed his and Hillary's ass out, preventing Benghazi from being a complete slaughter of all US personnel by rescuing Americans from the terrorist attack being perpetrated by AL QAEIDA, the group Obama and Hillary called 'friends' and allied themselves with to overthrow Qaddafi!

Our 'enemies' did more for the Americans under attack that day, fighting for American lives in Libya, than the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and the US military!

The ONLY thing the President and Secretary of State did that whole time, WHILE the attack was going on, was to begin crafting the false story about a video, try to figure out at the last minute what they should do when they should have prepared for this much earlier (due to having at least a month's time and numerous warning signs - like the threats and 2 terrorist attacks on the US compound - this was coming), and jerking around the military response team that SHOULD HAVE BEEN LAUNCHED!
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Hillary told you it was a spontaneous protest started because of a video

Nope, she never once said that. Neither did Susan Rice. It is however what passes for truth in the Faux bubble. So I'm sure you've heard it so many times now that you actually believe it. Everyone knows.....
You cannot be this stupid. It is in the report that she lied to america, but told Chelsea and other world leaders that it was a terrorist attack. Even told the loved ones of the deceased that their deaths was because of a video, and that they would make sure that he would pay for it. You support that kind of thing.
allow me to quote Robert Gates ..

We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." he explained.

Suggestions that we could have flown a fighter jet over the attackers to "scare them with the noise or something," Gates said, ignored the "number of surface to air missiles that have disappeared from [former Libyan leader] Qaddafi's arsenals."

"I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft, over Benghazi under those circumstances," he said.

Mr Gates knows a little more than a gaggle of goober headed message board morons.


The report was written by members of congress who had access to all of the records and data.

You libs just cannot deal with the fact that obozo and clintoon allowed 4 americans to die rather than risk negative political fallout.

Those two criminals put their political careers ahead of their duties to protect American lives. They should rot in prison.
The platoon was on notice after the deaths occurred. End of OP.

Really? I'm reading it all came down to clothing. Military or civilian. Isn't that oh so special and oh so liberal.

House GOP Benghazi report – Marines' rescue was delayed because no one could decide whether they should wear uniforms or civvies
  • On night of 2012 attacks, government officials whether Marines should wear military or civilian uniforms
  • Marines had to change FOUR TIMES in three hours
  • The U.S. also failed to scramble military assets in time to stop the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound
  • Top official at Hillary Clinton's State Department said he was sensitive to not diminishing security through overt presence

Read more: Marines' Benghazi rescue was delayed by debate over military uniforms
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WHO the HELL would ask military members - our US Military - to go into combat wearing CIVILIAN clothes to rescue Americans being attacked by Al Qaeida for fear it might offend someone that they are wearing their uniforms and combat gear?

Oh yeah...a LIBERAL!
The plane could have left Spain and while in flight the fucking LIB pussies in Washington could have made their final 'wardrobe choice' before the plane landed.
No amount of bullshit Hillary asslicking will EVER change to FACT she LIED to cover her hippo ass because she was fucking incompetent.
Go ahead and vote for her.
You better not have a family member whose life depends on her making the right call.
The plane could have left Spain, and before it did leave Spain, the men were dead.
Hillary told you it was a spontaneous protest started because of a video

Nope, she never once said that. Neither did Susan Rice. It is however what passes for truth in the Faux bubble. So I'm sure you've heard it so many times now that you actually believe it. Everyone knows.....
Rice, Hillary, & Obama said it was a protest over a video. Hillary and Obama blamed the film maker, & threatened to arrest him (for exercising his right of free speech.) State Dept reps interviewed said they were shocked listening to Rice say it. It has been documented and reported by numerous sources over and over....more liberals trying to re-write history again.

In this information age we have the source material at the click of a button. They never said that. For example :

",,,,it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in -- in the wake of the revolution in Libya are -- are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there.

We'll wait to see exactly what the investigation finally confirms, but that's the best information we have at present."

'This Week' Transcript: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice

They were wrong in that there was not a protest like in Cairo, the extremist that came didn't join in a protest in progress, they just launched their assault.

I know that just doesn't fit the fox_bubble_view that they blamed it all on a video.......go figure.
I know that just doesn't fit the fox_bubble_view that they blamed it all on a video.......go figure.
Except the direct testimony under oath of the State Department Command Center personnel and those who were directly on the ground clearly stated there was NEVER any protest in Benghazi....'nada, zip, zilch'. NONE! According to testimony and the report the 1st incident of the video being introduced was by the Obama administration while the attack was already going on. (Already cited, and link provided)

But don't let the facts stop you.....
easy, it's over.

You can stand at the plate in a darkened stadium with only you and the moon laughing down at you.

It's over, easy
Hillary told you it was a spontaneous protest started because of a video

Nope, she never once said that. Neither did Susan Rice. It is however what passes for truth in the Faux bubble. So I'm sure you've heard it so many times now that you actually believe it. Everyone knows.....
You cannot be this stupid. It is in the report that she lied to america, but told Chelsea and other world leaders that it was a terrorist attack. Even told the loved ones of the deceased that their deaths was because of a video, and that they would make sure that he would pay for it. You support that kind of thing.

Then you should have no problem pulling up the quote where and when she told this lie.
I know that just doesn't fit the fox_bubble_view that they blamed it all on a video.......go figure.
Except the direct testimony under oath of the State Department Command Center personnel and those who were directly on the ground clearly stated there was NEVER any protest in Benghazi....'nada, zip, zilch'. NONE! According to testimony and the report the 1st incident of the video being introduced was by the Obama administration while the attack was already going on. (Already cited, and link provided)

But don't let the facts stop you.....

Hmm now why would you leave out this part of my post.

",,,,it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in -- in the wake of the revolution in Libya are -- are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there.

We'll wait to see exactly what the investigation finally confirms, but that's the best information we have at present."

'This Week' Transcript: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice

They were wrong in that there was not a protest like in Cairo, the extremist that came didn't join in a protest in progress, they just launched their assault.
Hillary told you it was a spontaneous protest started because of a video

Nope, she never once said that. Neither did Susan Rice. It is however what passes for truth in the Faux bubble. So I'm sure you've heard it so many times now that you actually believe it. Everyone knows.....
You cannot be this stupid. It is in the report that she lied to america, but told Chelsea and other world leaders that it was a terrorist attack. Even told the loved ones of the deceased that their deaths was because of a video, and that they would make sure that he would pay for it. You support that kind of thing.

Then you should have no problem pulling up the quote where and when she told this lie.
Okay I'll play your silly little game. What did she first come out and say?
Hmm now why would you leave out this part of my post.

...because you continue to try to push the idea that there was some sort of protest, that this was not planned. NO ONE walks around carrying dozens of RPGs and mortars/launchers.

The Obama administration, as documented, - like you - created his 'story' while completely ignoring the testimony and reports coming directly from those on the ground I Benghazi watching this unfold.

Pardon me if I put more credence in the direct testimony of those who were there than those trying to 'Deny, Lie, and justify'.
easyt, the game is over.

All you are doing is arguing about the score.

There is no appeal.
easyt, the game is over. All you are doing is arguing about the score.There is no appeal.

Thanks, I will file that right under:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
"I was named after sir Edmund Hillary"
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan."
because you continue to try to push the idea that there was some sort of protest

Did you miss this part?

"They were wrong in that there was not a protest like in Cairo, the extremist that came didn't join in a protest in progress, they just launched their assault."

Furthermore the quote they chopped up was from the night of 9-11-12. They admitted long ago that they were wrong about the extremist joining in an ongoing protest.

Surely you understand that in Benghazi many militias can bring those type of weapons to bear in a matter of hours right?
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easyt, the game is over. All you are doing is arguing about the score.There is no appeal.

Thanks, I will file that right under:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
"I was named after sir Edmund Hillary"
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan."
Your yelling changes nothing at all.

Benghazi is over. ACA is over. Lewinsky is over.

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