Marist poll: strong majority supports Obama's military request against ISIS


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Obama s Request for Military Action against ISIS Receives Majority Support Many Americans Say Boots on the Ground are Needed Home of the Marist Poll Pebbles and Pundits


In a poll conducted just hours after President Barack Obama made the case for congressional authorization to use military force against ISIS, a majority of Americans tells the NBC News/Marist Poll they support their congressperson voting for the use of U.S. military action against the Islamic militants. However, residents divide about whether or not President Obama’s proposal will receive bipartisan support. With nearly seven in ten residents saying they are aware of the president’s request, the news of possible military action against ISIS has permeated Americans’ consciousness.

While the president is requesting limited use of U.S. ground troops, where do Americans stand? About two-thirds say at least some presence of ground forces are needed. In fact, about one in four Americans thinks a large number of boots on the ground is necessary.

Not surprisingly, partisan differences exist. Despite many Americans’ belief that the U.S and its allies will be victorious in defeating ISIS, confidence in President Obama’s strategy to combat ISIS is mixed...

Poll points:

  • 54% of Americans want their member of Congress to vote to authorize U.S. military action against ISIS. 32% are against such approval, and more than one in ten, 13%, is unsure. A majority of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents think their congressional representative should support the president’s request.
  • Residents divide about whether President Obama’s proposal will have bipartisan support in Congress. 44% think it will not, and 40% believe it will. 16% are unsure. A majority of Democrats, 56%, and a plurality of Republicans, 44%, say the president’s plan will not receive bipartisan support. A notable 20% of Republicans are unsure. Independents divide. 44% think partisanship will be put aside while 43% believe it will be front and center in the debate.
  • About two-thirds of Americans, 66%, think U.S. boots on the ground are necessary, to some degree, to combat ISIS. This includes 26% who support sending a large number of U.S. ground forces and 40% who back deploying a limited number of troops on the ground. 26% do not want any ground forces involved, and 7% are unsure.
  • Views about the use of ground troops differ based on party. 38% of Republicans, compared with 16% of Democrats and 25% of independents, support sending a large number of ground forces.
  • Many Americans, 66%, are optimistic that the U.S. and its allies will defeat ISIS. There is little partisan difference of opinion on this question.

54% to 32% - margin: +22%, way out of the MoE and a solid majority for the President.

Obama doesn't support military action other then than a few airstrikes a day. He only supports what he's not going to do. He'll pawn this off on the next president,

Count Obama out on this..
About two-thirds of Americans, 66%, think U.S. boots on the ground are necessary, to some degree, to combat ISIS.

Obama enabled isis by abandoning Iraq he a pathetic "leader" who does what he does for political reasons
good ole savior Obama. always a day frikken late and a dollar short.

SIX years he's allowed this TO FESTER. now he's beating his chest like war hawk

lets all cheer yea!
good ole savior Obama. always a day frikken late and a dollar short.

SIX years he's allowed this TO FESTER. now he's beating his chest like war hawk

lets all cheer yea!

He's not actually ,it's all for show, for the consumption of people like stat.
Neo-cons, you are not going to get many more troops on the ground, certrainly no more than a total of 9 or 10 thousand, if that.

In my opinion, we should come home, take care of America, and let the Muslims settle it themselves.
Neo-cons, you are not going to get many more troops on the ground, certrainly no more than a total of 9 or 10 thousand, if that.

In my opinion, we should come home, take care of America, and let the Muslims settle it themselves.

We only need special forces embedded with the Arabs and the Kurds
Kudo's to Obama, its rare but every once in a while he behaves like a real president. He articulated a reasonable strategy leaving himself flexibility and the option to extend as needed while also noting that putting our troops in harms way is very serious business. He has a habit of saying one thing and doing another so we'll see but taken at face value what I heard him say during his press conference, yeah god job Mr. President.
Neo-cons, you are not going to get many more troops on the ground, certrainly no more than a total of 9 or 10 thousand, if that.

In my opinion, we should come home, take care of America, and let the Muslims settle it themselves.

We only need special forces embedded with the Arabs and the Kurds
I would support that if we do put more troops on the ground, but no more than that.
Obama doesn't support military action other then than a few airstrikes a day. He only supports what he's not going to do. He'll pawn this off on the next president,

Count Obama out on this..
About two-thirds of Americans, 66%, think U.S. boots on the ground are necessary, to some degree, to combat ISIS.

Obama enabled isis by abandoning Iraq he a pathetic "leader" who does what he does for political reasons
You really are quite slow on the uptake. ..

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We always see support for going into these sorts of things. That is why it never ends.
Part of the lure is that the generations after the GD and WWII folks think they are the equivalent of "American Exceptionalism," rather than the truth that they are "American Mediocrity."
Hell yeah but most Americans ain't got an idea of what the hell Barry Hussein plans to do with the authorization including the republican majority in congress. Like everything else it's all about political maneuvering. Speculation is that Barry will bury it in a drawer someplace and blame republicans when his strategy or lack of it ain't working.
Oh, nonsense. BHO has asked the Congress to give him a detailed three-year force declaration. Nothing fuzzy about it if Congress does its job.
US government has become very good at getting the people to support their offensive combat operations. This isn't surprising. Make some boogeyman up turning little inconsequential threats into bigger ones, add time and patience, then start covering the bigger threat 24/7 on propaganda outlets and voila. People having been made frightened will grant authorization to the government to do whatever they want if it keeps us safe here at home.

But where will ever draw the line? After we defeat ISIS then what? Will everything be fine in the middle east? No? Then why is a current threat worth the lives of Americans if their sacrifice doesn't actually achieve anything? Isn;t some new threat just gonna follow ISIS?

Got used to hearing about Al-Qaeda so we got Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Penisula. Got used to being scared of that so got Boko Haram. Got used to that so we got ISIS. Once we get used to ISIS someone else will be the new 'clear and present danger' your children have to die to keep the rest of us safe from. It's a crock of crap.

Simple solution to making us safer: quit sending American combat forces abroad to drop bombs on people. That's why they're pissed with us.
As long as neo-cons and their businesses can keep making money keeping America "safe", those who embrace "American mediocrity" will keep insisting our forces get sent overseas.

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