Mariupol: Over 1000 Ukrainian soldiers surrender

No, you are a lying propagandist that is trying to excuse the mass murder of innocent civilians while ignoring reality Pootin is a Nazi himself!

Pootin is using the excuse of Nazism and protecting Roosians in the Ukraine but the real fact is Pootin is just wanting the Ukraine resources so he can line his pockets on the deaths of innocent men, women and children.

Also when will Pootin invade Finland seeing Finland will join NATO?

Remember Finland is not the Ukraine and is a member of the E.U. and everyone knows Finland is also with Neo - Nazis…

So I can provide links of Neo -Nazis within Roosia borders and I can show for a fact your country is committing genocide, and yet all you care about is spewing lies and propaganda!
You don't have the stones to argue the origin of the swastika itself in front of the readers.
Still selling that propaganda that Pootin told you is the truth?

Tell me something and why are there nearly 50 to 70k Neo-Nazi’s in Russia and Pootin has done nothing to eliminate them?
You don't have the stones to argue the origins of the swastika in front of the others.
1026 Ukrainian marines surrendered today in Mariupol. The Russians take care of their wounded. It is but a matter of days or even hours until the entire city is liberated.

This appears to be propaganda. There were some Ukrainian soldiers captured, but numerous Ukrainian sources have said "several hundred" broke through and linked up with Azov.

"Russian forces captured the Ilyich metal plant in northern Mariupol on April 13, though some elements of defending Ukrainian forces escaped to link up with Ukrainian forces in Azovstal despite Russian claims of a mass surrender. The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that 1026 servicemen of Ukraine’s 36th Marine Brigade surrendered at the Ilyich metal plant (in northern Mariupol) on April 13 and Russian troops released a video of around 30 Ukrainian troops they claim were captured during an attempt to breakout from Ilyich to the north.[1] Several independent Ukrainian outlets and government officials contrarily reported that the 36th Marine Brigade broke out of llyich to link up with Ukrainian forces at the Azovstal plant.[2] The commanders of the 36th Brigade and the Azov Regiment (the primary Ukrainian defenders in Azovstal) additionally released a joint video on April 13.[3]"

This appears to be propaganda. There were some Ukrainian soldiers captured, but numerous Ukrainian sources have said "several hundred" broke through and linked up with Azov.

"Russian forces captured the Ilyich metal plant in northern Mariupol on April 13, though some elements of defending Ukrainian forces escaped to link up with Ukrainian forces in Azovstal despite Russian claims of a mass surrender. The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that 1026 servicemen of Ukraine’s 36th Marine Brigade surrendered at the Ilyich metal plant (in northern Mariupol) on April 13 and Russian troops released a video of around 30 Ukrainian troops they claim were captured during an attempt to breakout from Ilyich to the north.[1] Several independent Ukrainian outlets and government officials contrarily reported that the 36th Marine Brigade broke out of llyich to link up with Ukrainian forces at the Azovstal plant.[2] The commanders of the 36th Brigade and the Azov Regiment (the primary Ukrainian defenders in Azovstal) additionally released a joint video on April 13.[3]"

If so, what they did was to slip across the line (sewers?) established a few days earlier when Russian forces captured the Mariupol fishing village. This village capture split Azov into two parts, with about 30% of Azov on the west side of the splitting line, the mass of surrenders coming from the eastern Ilych portion.
In other words, the Institute fails to tell the reading prisoners that Azov had been split.
Going down is always easier than going up.
Therefore, if a bully appears in a school classroom, it is likely that the class will become worse in behavior and academic performance than vice versa.
But if the school administration and the police take a resolute stance against bullies, then this problem can be solved very soon.
But if we imagine that the school management BENEFITS from the fact of the presence of bullies in the classroom? For example, they have a share in the distribution of drugs among students. Then, of course, they need such hooligans, who will be able to distribute drugs and crack down on those who will oppose it.
And the corrupt police will take the same position at school and among disgruntled parents.

This is an example of how the nazis, which there are initially few, they receive power and strength.
Like the german nazis, who were brought to power by german Big Capital, the ukrainian nazis were allowed to rule the country with their terrorist methods, by the ukrainian oligarchs and the Western Capital that owns them.
And if the nazis get freedom of action, then they spread their ideas among the population, especially young people. It took 8-10 years for the German nazis to convert the german population into beasts or a herd, obediently obeying the beasts. The Ukrainian nazis had about the same amount of time to corrupt its population with nazism..
About the Russian nazis - never, even in the most destructive years of the 90s for Russia, this nazi trash did not go beyond marginal scum.
The West does not know about Putin's earlier years dealing with bullies.
This appears to be propaganda. There were some Ukrainian soldiers captured, but numerous Ukrainian sources have said "several hundred" broke through and linked up with Azov.

"Russian forces captured the Ilyich metal plant in northern Mariupol on April 13, though some elements of defending Ukrainian forces escaped to link up with Ukrainian forces in Azovstal despite Russian claims of a mass surrender. The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that 1026 servicemen of Ukraine’s 36th Marine Brigade surrendered at the Ilyich metal plant (in northern Mariupol) on April 13 and Russian troops released a video of around 30 Ukrainian troops they claim were captured during an attempt to breakout from Ilyich to the north.[1] Several independent Ukrainian outlets and government officials contrarily reported that the 36th Marine Brigade broke out of llyich to link up with Ukrainian forces at the Azovstal plant.[2] The commanders of the 36th Brigade and the Azov Regiment (the primary Ukrainian defenders in Azovstal) additionally released a joint video on April 13.[3]"

Up to 100 Ukrainians left the Ilych plant to leave the city in northern direction. They received artillery and airstrikes, the attempt failed, 42 of them surrendered. That was of a big mistake of the Ukrainians as the Russians have an official corridor for them to leave the city. But many Ukrainians are full of propaganda and don´t dare to use this corridor or to surrender, they stay somewhere in the city, don´t fight or surrender. By the way, you still can walk from the Ilych pant to the Azovstal plant without encountering Russian forces. The same bogus BBC article that shows this map claims both plants are in different pockets:
Up 100 Ukrainians left the Ilych plant to leave the city in northern direction. They received artillery and airstrikes, the attempt failed, 42 of them surrendered. That was of a big mistake of the Ukrainians as the Russians have an official corridor for them to leave the city. But many Ukrainians are full of propaganda and don´t dare to use this corridor or to surrender, they stay somewhere in the city, don´t fight or surrender. By the way, you still can walk from the Ilych pant to the Azovstal plant without encountering Russian forces. The same bogus BBC article that shows this map claims both plants are in different pockets:
Then they were on the east side of the split of Azov forces. What some may wish to know was where on this map the British mercenary, Aiden Aislin was captured.
Utter nonsense. The HRE was not a modern country but it was founded 1200 years ago. The states, dukedoms ect had far reaching competences and sometimes even fought each other but in the end they had to provide their troops when the Emperor called. The Emperor could unseat the Pope not just by force, but by law.

WWI started because the Germans have outpaced the France and Britain in all terms. In 1910, both nations were still in 1850 technologically, the British share of global industry contracted from 2/3 to 1/7 in this 60 years.

When did the HRE Emperor ever muster all his under-lords?

According to RCC canon law, nobody can unseat a Pope. It's a lifetime position and no emperor is above the Pope. Pope's did have the power to remove Emperors by declaring them heretics. The Pope is considered to be the voice of God on earth. No man is above him.

The French & British succeeded in stopping the German army in 1914, so apparently they weren't as behind as you say. Of course, it's very possible that German decision making was so bad that the Germans couldn't win even with superior technology. Germans are great industrialists, but terrible leaders - almost as stupid as Russians.
Bunch of hardcore nazis sanctioned by the government plays authority in the city - with pistol point at every Russian speaking citizen.

Aha. ... Since when supports a wrong German and true Nazi like you the illegal Russian war in the Ukraine?
When did the HRE Emperor ever muster all his under-lords?

According to RCC canon law, nobody can unseat a Pope. It's a lifetime position and no emperor is above the Pope. Pope's did have the power to remove Emperors by declaring them heretics. The Pope is considered to be the voice of God on earth. No man is above him.
"The emperor was widely perceived to rule by divine right, though he often contradicted or rivaled the pope, most notably during the Investiture controversy."

The French & British succeeded in stopping the German army in 1914, so apparently they weren't as behind as you say. Of course, it's very possible that German decision making was so bad that the Germans couldn't win even with superior technology. Germans are great industrialists, but terrible leaders - almost as stupid as Russians.
Russia, the third major enemy was out of the war in 1918. They made peace with Germany after the October Revolution, which weakened their supply. Germany got its own communist Revolution in November 2018 which halted supply and overthrew the government. The Emperor left Germany. When Germany surrendered, no allied soldiers were in Germany.


This implies a massive superiority of Germany militarily. It was the German plan to end the hostilities in the west quickly to be able to fight Russia. This situation proves that the war has been forced upon Germany, even the party SPD, which today rules Germany in a coalition with Green party and FDP, acknowledged the necessity of preparing for war, voting in favor of the funds required in the parliament which could have denied this funds.
The plan did not work out but luckily for Germany the Russian forces were not as strong as expected.

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