Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Longest Twitter Suspension Yet After Falsely Claiming COVID Vaccines And Masks Don't Work

Wow, another idiot. When stats show the outcomes in areas with and without mask mandates are virtually the same, that means masks are worthless. Also a German study proved masks are dangerous for kids. (see post 90)

The CDC is putting out propaganda, not science.

Right-wingers only have propaganda not science.
What was Cuomo charged with?
Was Cuomo arrested?
What investigation?

Bring charges against Cuomo, I don't care.
Seek the truth, that would be nice.

But honestly, Cuomo or Gaetz?

Which one, Cuomo or Gaetz is the pedophile?
You really think Gaetz is innocent? C'mon man.

Well they both are until proven guilty. But yup FUCK THEM BOTH!!!
She's right....That's why Twaffler banned her.

You're SO very full of shit.
This is the handiwork of Greene and Governor DeSantis and Asshole Abbott:

Four Broward County educators die from COVID-19 within 24 hours, as Florida's battle over masks in schools continues

August 13, 2021

And the REPUBLICAN-INDUCED SURGE has just gotten started.
You fuckers should be so proud.
The CDC and NIH funded 3 studies that prove masks don't work, of course they were buried, and there are 10s of thousands of fully vaccinated people getting infected. So tell the class what she got wrong.


If the were buried, azzhat, how would YOU know about them?????
So tell us what were the names of these studies?
You're lies help spread the disease, you filthy cockroach.
You're SO very full of shit.
This is the handiwork of Greene and Governor DeSantis and Asshole Abbott:

Four Broward County educators die from COVID-19 within 24 hours, as Florida's battle over masks in schools continues

August 13, 2021

And the REPUBLICAN-INDUCED SURGE has just gotten started.
You fuckers should be so proud.
Masks wouldn't have stopped that, meathead.
The CDC and NIH funded 3 studies that prove masks don't work, of course they were buried, and there are 10s of thousands of fully vaccinated people getting infected. So tell the class what she got wrong.


Since masks don't work then next time you're wheeled into a hospital and/or need surgery, please tell the doc and nurses they can remove their masks because they don't protect you from getting any kind of bacterial infection, OK azzhat?
Oh hell, tell them they don't have to wash their hands and wear latex gloves, either, you stupid fucking idiot.
Masks wouldn't have stopped that, meathead.

How do you know, fuckface? Send up your proof or shut your COVID hole.

In the 90s I spent a lot of time working in Japan, in Tokyo. People who had active or suspected URIs ALWAYS wore masks so as to protect a very crowded populace from catching it. Masks work. Cloth masks, not so much. N95 are the best.
My proof is the non-coverage of the non-story, shitferbrains.

Yeah, I didn't think you had shit to show.
How can you possibly know about non-coverage of something, buttface?
You people are a fucking joke
The proof is right in front of you.
Texas and Florida, two states that dropped all the safety rules, including masks, account for 40% of all the new cases.

From Fox News, butthead:

Texas, Florida accounting for nearly 40% of new COVID-19 hospitalizations in the U.S.
Published 22 hours ago​


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