Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Longest Twitter Suspension Yet After Falsely Claiming COVID Vaccines And Masks Don't Work

From Trump's newspaper of choice:

What's the science behind masks? Do masks prevent or reduce COVID infection?
The coronavirus pandemic in Florida is an evolving news story so some information in this article could be out of date. To stay connected with our comprehensive coverage of COVID-19 in Florida, sign up for our Coronavirus Watch newsletter.

COVID numbers are rising again, with the more-contagious delta variant spreading rapidly among unvaccinated people. The CDC reversed course and urged even fully-vaccinated Americans to wear masks indoors again in areas of high COVID-19 transmission.

And the question arises again: do masks help?

There has been a changing and occasionally conflicting message on this topic from experts and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, so let's take a look at what we know now.

Short version: Yes. They do. A lot.

Repeated studies have shown that masks, when used properly, drastically reduce the amount of respiratory droplets you spread, and they reduce the amount you breathe in (but not as much). That slows down the spread of COVID, by reducing the droplets expelled by an infected person.

“We are not defenseless against COVID-19,” CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield said in an editorial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association last July. “Cloth face coverings are one of the most powerful weapons we have to slow and stop the spread of the virus particularly when used universally within a community setting. All Americans have a responsibility to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.”"""

If you wear a scarf instead of an N95 mask, you're not protected.
If you wear your mask beneath your nose, you're not protected.
If your mask is one of those flimsy blue things and has gaps on either side, you're not protected.

Twittwafle isn't science.

Just a leftard mouthpiece
How many years was the Dotard boy on Twitter until he tried to engineer a coup & got banned for running his big mouth & lying one too many times? How many Twitter followrs did your boy have on that "leftard mouthpiece", Clown?
Trust me, you won’t understand but ALL legit, real Americans EXPECT their right of freedom of speech to be honored at all times and by all entities. Why wouldn’t lowlife pieces of worth dogshit want to exercise said right anywhere and at all times?
MTG is an imbecile looking for attention. Nobody is taking away her free speech rights. She's more then welcome to hold town halls in her district & run her mouth all she wants to instead of getting on Twitter, violating their TOS & then pissing & moaning about something that she brought on herself.

Her & Trump can cry on each others shoulders. Neither one of them have enough brains to understand what signing a TOS even means, let alone abide by one.
People who called us a free speech violation are morons. Free speech is about the expression of opinion she was stating that mask and vaccines don't work as concrete fact and her statements poze risk to Public Health because people might believe her. Twitter has every right to suspend or ban anyone who make statements of fact which endanger public health or Public Safety.
Since masks don't work then next time you're wheeled into a hospital and/or need surgery, please tell the doc and nurses they can remove their masks because they don't protect you from getting any kind of bacterial infection, OK azzhat?
Oh hell, tell them they don't have to wash their hands and wear latex gloves, either, you stupid fucking idiot.

Poor little ignorant commie. I guess you should just STFU because you're obviously ignorant about science. Tell the class the difference in the size between bacteria and a virus. BTW, the last time I had surgery, even with all the protective gear the surgeons wore, I still got a bacterial infection. So obviously their PPE didn't protect me from anything.

Poor little ignorant commie. I guess you should just STFU because you're obviously ignorant about science. Tell the class the difference in the size between bacteria and a virus. BTW, the last time I had surgery, even with all the protective gear the surgeons wore, I still got a bacterial infection. So obviously their PPE didn't protect me from anything.

Concentrated exposure to germs: If you are in healthcare facility, you’re in an environment with other sick people who may have infections that could be spread. You’re also usually exposed to more people while you’re in a healthcare facility than you might normally be (workers, volunteers, and visitors, for example), and these people could unknowingly transfer germs from patient to patient.
People who called us a free speech violation are morons. Free speech is about the expression of opinion she was stating that mask and vaccines don't work as concrete fact and her statements poze risk to Public Health because people might believe her. Twitter has every right to suspend or ban anyone who make statements of fact which endanger public health or Public Safety.

If you wear a scarf instead of an N95 mask, you're not protected.
If you wear your mask beneath your nose, you're not protected.
If your mask is one of those flimsy blue things and has gaps on either side, you're not protected.

Whatever happened to our free speech rights?
You're lucky Trump didn't succeed in that little coup he had up his sleeve or we wouldn't have ANY. You think a guy who would actually overthrow an election that he lost would allow the Bill Of Rights to still stand? Or anyone to critisize what he did? Don't think so.
You're lucky Trump didn't succeed in that little coup he had up his sleeve or we wouldn't have ANY. You think a guy who would actually overthrow an election that he lost would allow the Bill Of Rights to still stand? Or anyone to critisize what he did? Don't think so.
It was the coup by the Dems that worked. That's why patriotic American protested on January 6.
She is posting lies.

Her account has been suspended for a week.

Lies like this are filling hospitals all over the nation. Children are are now being infected some are dying.

She's a raving barking mad lunatic. She worshipped trump and vice versa.
But America is full of ratbags and RWNJ.
And appropriately so.

As private media Twitter is at liberty to edit its content as it sees fit, where how it edits that content in no manner ‘violates’ free speech.

And as a private organization Twitter is at liberty to determine who will or will not participate; those who wish to participate must follow the rules and policies of the organization, consistent with the First Amendment right to freedom of association.
Cool, then they should get no protection from the federal government with regards to being sued for their content. Seems like those on the left want their cake and to eat it too. I can assure you that if Facebook and Twitter were bought out by Conservative leaning organizations the left’s tune would change very quickly.
Whatever happened to our free speech rights?

First of all, as you have been told many, many times, the constitution applies to the government.

Private business is not obligated to respect free speech rights.

Second, what does apply to business is contract law.

This is a case of simple contract law.

When mtg signed up on Twitter she signed a contract with the company that she would follow all their TOS rules and if she didn't she gave Twitter permission to suspend her account or even close it if she violated that contract.

mtg violated that contract. So Twitter exercised their right to enforce their contract with her and suspend her account.

She gave them permission to do so when she signed the contract.

If you want free speech laws to apply then you need to do your free speech with the government. The government can't prohibit your free speech rights.

A private company most certainly can especially when the client signs a contract giving the company the right to do so.
First of all, as you have been told many, many times, the constitution applies to the government.

Private business is not obligated to respect free speech rights.

Second, what does apply to business is contract law.

This is a case of simple contract law.

When mtg signed up on Twitter she signed a contract with the company that she would follow all their TOS rules and if she didn't she gave Twitter permission to suspend her account or even close it if she violated that contract.

mtg violated that contract. So Twitter exercised their right to enforce their contract with her and suspend her account.

She gave them permission to do so when she signed the contract.

If you want free speech laws to apply then you need to do your free speech with the government. The government can't prohibit your free speech rights.

A private company most certainly can especially when the client signs a contract giving the company the right to do so.
So....they seem to be advocating that it is a violation of our free speech if this forum suspends or bans us. Interesting.
She is posting lies.

Her account has been suspended for a week.

Lies like this are filling hospitals all over the nation. Children are are now being infected some are dying.

She's right of course...twitter is not there to protect truth they are there to protect the narrative.


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