Marjorie Taylor Greene Said She May Run for President

Boy that would be great, the heads of Democrats would explode.

---Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Said She May Run for President on the Infowars Podcast---

That would be great. I'd love to see her get into office! She would be like 2nd gear to Trump's 1st! The Left think they did good getting Trump out and instead, all it got them is Joe the useless clusterfuck, then Marjorie! I love it!
The fact that we allow this to continue says a lot about us.

Allow it to continue? You are the one's who STARTED it, you dumb fucker!

And who do you think you are that you even have any say in stopping it now.

Think you're gonna tell others how to think, act and vote, little commie?

The Left will be bug splat after the results come in from the mid-terms, and this time, folks will be all over the elections to prevent a repeat of 2020.
Allow it to continue? You are the one's who STARTED it, you dumb fucker!

And who do you think you are that you even have any say in stopping it now.

Think you're gonna tell others how to think, act and vote, little commie?

The Left will be bug splat after the results come in from the mid-terms, and this time, folks will be all over the elections to prevent a repeat of 2020.
I'm sure your post makes sense to you.

That's nice.
Boy that would be great, the heads of Democrats would explode.

---Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Said She May Run for President on the Infowars Podcast---

Go for it, lady!

Then we'll be treated to another GOP candidate like Trump taken behind the woodshed by voter's.
Good. She will have a national stage to be able to speak common sense, even though she won't win.

She will speak her mind, and let the front runner know where Reps like her stand in congress.
Common sense??!! Are you shitting me? The woman is a total loon! I hope she does run. It could be the final nail in the Republican coffin


Republicans believe in liberty, economic prosperity, preserving American values and traditions, and restoring the American dream for every citizen of this great nation. As a party, we support policies that seek to achieve those goals.
Our platform is centered on stimulating economic growth for all Americans, protecting constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms, ensuring the integrity of our elections, and maintaining our national security. We are working to preserve America's greatness for our children and grandchildren.
The Republican Party's legacy -- we were originally founded in 1854 for the purpose of ending slavery -- compels us to patriotically defend America's values. As the left attempts to destroy what makes America great, the Republican Party is standing in the breach to defend our nation and way of life"

But what American values and traditions do they want to preserve? Slavery? Jim Crow? No legal birth control? A woman stays at home keeping house and only the husband works? Men making double the woman's pay for the same job worked? Blacks to the back of the bus, and overall second class citizens who shouldn't all freely be able to cast their vote and have it count....? That only white folk should rule, especially in government? That no one in school even make mention of a gay person, as if these kids did not even exist in schools? Remove and prevent books you may not agree with, from being in the school library?

Traditional marriage. Scorn towards women having babies out of wedlock? Or a pass given to only the white women?

Or religious value of believing in one God, the Father, the Almighty?


I do NOT believe all of those things I wrote above is true, with most of what I would call Traditional republicans, nor of this new breed of republicans.

You will be painted that way if you do not define what the statement means imo.

AND How do repubs plan to stimulate the economy for all Americans? It sounds all nice and pretty and all should be on board, if they would only have said how the Rs plan on doing that for everyone? Not that trickle down (my leg) plan where all the govt stimulus goes to the wrealthiest, which will trickle down to the poorest, some year in the future crapola, I hope?

I hate it when parties say that kind of crud

I haven't looked up the democratic platform, but it is likely the same type of mumbo jumbo crud...i dunno? I could be wrong...?
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--Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Said She May Run for President on the Infowars Podcast---

You know, my avatar means it when it asserts: I love this bar!!

This wondrous thread is evidence of why I should love it.
Lemme show you.
(first though, a caveat: I sincerely strive to be neutral in these brouhahas over various political figures. I may note the more, ah, 'colorful' ones.....but, by and large, I think the Representatives and Senators....both nationally, and at the state level, have been hard working people sincerely interested in making life better for their constituents. At the very least, mine have been pretty good.)

Whether Marjorie Taylor Greene runs for President, is of very little interest to my avatar, but it does welcome the 'color' her candidacy would bring to not only the Republican Party, but to the employment prospects of late night TV hosts.

  • She will speak her mind.......
  • Please for the love of God run, lady.
  • Where can I donate to make this happen ?
  • That would be fascinating if she did…
  • Oh, please do!
  • A dream come true for Democrats........
  • That would be great.
  • I hope she does run. It could be the final nail.......

Lastly, and dropping for now my avatar's mantle of neutrality, we do have an opinion on the following.
To wit:

  • She could pick Palin as her VP.
(Opinion: We demur. Personally, and speaking for my avatar......we prefer Michelle Bachman over Palin in this case.)

  • Boebert would make a good president too,
(Opinion: Personally, in that case, we would then suggest that Palin could be a better fit for Boebert. Because of age and experience.
And they could do that sister-thingy of sharing make-up, curlers, heating pads, guns, etc.)

I love this bar.
It is money!
Republicans are the party of America First and traditional values.

Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

Yes, bring that contest on, bitch
Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus politically at least. The GOP is a disgrace now run by Rupert Murdock and the orange clown. No one else in the entire world agrees with you.
Whether Marjorie Taylor Greene runs for President, is of very little interest to my avatar, but it does welcome the 'color' her candidacy would bring to not only the Republican Party, but to the employment prospects of late night TV hosts.
What we learned in 2016 from Trump is late night TV hosts give candidates free publicity. Trump used it to his advantage.
Republicans are the party of America First and traditional values.

Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

Yes, bring that contest on, bitch

Did you forget anything??

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