Marjorie Taylor Greene Said She May Run for President

But what American values and traditions do they want to preserve? Slavery? Jim Crow? No legal birth control? A woman stays at home keeping house and only the husband works? Men making double the woman's pay for the same job worked? Blacks to the back of the bus, and overall second class citizens who shouldn't all freely be able to cast their vote and have it count....? That only white folk should rule, especially in government? That no one in school even make mention of a gay person, as if these kids did not even exist in schools? Remove and prevent books you may not agree with, from being in the school library?

Wow, that is a lot of angry bile you spew there...I thought about addressing each one individually, then realized that someone that misinformed, and that mad about others that hold differing views politically from her wouldn't listen to a word anyway, so why bother...?

I do NOT believe all of those things I wrote above is true, with most of what I would call Traditional republicans, nor of this new breed of republicans.

I don't believe that for a second, otherwise why would you have vomited out that tripe? Certainly NOT to have any sort of civil discussion, that's for sure...

You will be painted that way if you do not define what the statement means imo.

Oh, whatever will I do? A nasty liberal progressive mischaracterizes me and my political beliefs without knowing, or even caring to know them...Sounds like a daily occurrence if you ask me...

AND How do repubs plan to stimulate the economy for all Americans? It sounds all nice and pretty and all should be on board, if they would only have said how the Rs plan on doing that for everyone? Not that trickle down (my leg) plan where all the govt stimulus goes to the wrealthiest, which will trickle down to the poorest, some year in the future crapola, I hope?

So, you want stuff given to you...Figures...That's all Biden has done since he got in and our economy is being destroyed...You support that?

I haven't looked up the democratic platform, but it is likely the same type of mumbo jumbo crud...i dunno?

But you'll vote for them anyway, and attack anyone who doesn't right? pathetic.

I could be wrong...?

You? Naw....Perrish the thought....:rolleyes::itsok:
Dammit he said it before me.

Republicans are the party of America First and traditional values.

Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

Yes, bring that contest on, bitch
Republicans are the party of Trump first followed closely by wealthy, white, straight Evangelicals and every body else last

Socialism ? Democrats are the party Labor rights, consumer protection, and social safety nets that are necessitated by the excesses of Capitalism

Sodomy ? You morons don't know that a lot of straight Republicans practice sodomy

Marriage? Thats right marriage equality. Get the fuck over it

Infanticide? A non viable fetus is not an infant. You will be seeing some real infanticide when abortion is illegal

Free Speech? Who wanted to silence the NY Times?

Fascists Lockdowns? You do not even know what Fascism is. Remember the Bo who Cried Wolf. Trump is the fucking Fascist

Voter Fraud? Don't make me fucking laugh. You are the party of voter suppression and Jim Crow style disenfranchisement

Marxist? You do not know what that is either

BLM and Antifa? With the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers on your side you have nothing to talk about

Enemy of Liberty? What is liberty? To be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, to who ever you want to do it to-like a two year old brat?

Defunding the Police? No we want police reform so that there are no more black lynching by cops

You didn't say anything about the environment that you want to destroy and that we want to save. Get the fuck out of my face
You can tell who they fear the most by who they attack the most.
Exactly. Happens every time.

Ah, that is a sad mis-read by a couple of the forum's more prolific posters.

Unfortunatley, they are equating snark & snickers to hate & fear.

They are different.
Trust me.

My avatar cannot speak for other avatars; however, we are pretty doggone sure that most everybody on this forum who is aware of Marjorie Greene is kinda enjoying her whackaloon buffoonery.
Space Lasers used by Jewish wine merchants to start fires in California? (who can't like that?)

Remember the earlier simile of MTG being like that noisy insulting clown perched on the little trigger-seat above the dunk tank?

If you don,t well, it's around these threads somewhere. But it is appropro. The comparison works.

NOBODY....hates that barking clown.
But EVERYBODY.....loves to see the trapdoor fall.


So my humble avatar's free advice for those prolific avatars fretting over 'hate & fear'......well, calm down.
Smoke a doobie.
Pour a cold one.

Try to see the humor in Ms Green's antics.
After all, when the circus is in must enjoy it before it leaves town.

Or the authorities shut it down.

Good luck.

Ah, that is a sad mis-read by a couple of the forum's more prolific posters.

Unfortunatley, they are equating snark & snickers to hate & fear.

They are different.
Trust me.

My avatar cannot speak for other avatars; however, we are pretty doggone sure that most everybody on this forum who is aware of Marjorie Greene is kinda enjoying her whackaloon buffoonery.
Space Lasers used by Jewish wine merchants to start fires in California? (who can't like that?)

Remember the earlier simile of MTG being like that noisy insulting clown perched on the little trigger-seat above the dunk tank?

If you don,t well, it's around these threads somewhere. But it is appropro. The comparison works.

NOBODY....hates that barking clown.
But EVERYBODY.....loves to see the trapdoor fall.


So my humble avatar's free advice for those prolific avatars fretting over 'hate & fear'......well, calm down.
Smoke a doobie.
Pour a cold one.

Try to see the humor in Ms Green's antics.
After all, when the circus is in must enjoy it before it leaves town.

Or the authorities shut it down.

Good luck.
You aren't fooling anyone, douchebag.
My avatar cannot speak for other avatars; however, we are pretty doggone sure that most everybody on this forum who is aware of Marjorie Greene is kinda enjoying her whackaloon buffoonery.
So why can't you convince the voters in her district to support someone else? Looks like the patriotic Americans in Georgia are very happy with MTG.
So why can't you convince the voters in her district to support someone else
Why would I do that.....even if I could?
I personally think MTG is not a good thing for MAGAHats.
Or the GOP.
Or 'Conservatism'.
But that's their challenge, not mine.

Instead, she is a foil, a punching bag, for Dem's interests.
But that ain't me, either.

Rather, my avatar follows MTG stories for their comedy gold.

Don't you?
MTG is dumb as a rock, then again, so are PRESIDENT Reagan, PRESIDENT Bush, and PRESIDENT Trump, not to mention VICE PRESIDENT Quayle.

that's 4 out of the last 4 GOP presidential administrations!
Why would I do that.....even if I could?
I personally think MTG is not a good thing for MAGAHats.
Or the GOP.
Or 'Conservatism'.
But that's their challenge, not mine.

Instead, she is a foil, a punching bag, for Dem's interests.
But that ain't me, either.

Rather, my avatar follows MTG stories for their comedy gold.

Don't you?

You just want to date her.

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