Marjorie Taylor Greene Should Run For President

You prefer the endless lies from Uncle Jojo, Chuckie Schumer and Adam Schiff and the ignorance and bigotry of AOC, Maxine Watters and Ilhan Omar the Moslem terrorist? The Democratic Party is a human sewer.
I don't like lies from anybody. But that doesn't mean I would vote for somebody like her.
Kudos to MTG for her recent speech honoring Confederate veterans. Honoring American veterans is always the right thing to do.
Kudos to MTG for her recent speech honoring Confederate veterans. Honoring American veterans is always the right thing to do.


Joke's on her -- those "confederate" soldiers she was honoring were actually Union soldiers. She is just too stupid to know that.

Here's yesterday's MTG gem:
Good 'ol Marjorie: "which honors the Confederate soldiers of the Wilder Brigade.......I will always defend our nation's history."

Thanks, poster Zinc.

I love it when my morning starts out with a.....well.....a guffaw, I guess you'd call it.

I hafta think that Republicans with an education just groan when she does another of her under-educated-blonde-bimbo nuttisms.

Here's some alternative history per Wicki:

  • "The Lightning Brigade, also known as Wilder's Brigade or the Hatchet Brigade was a mounted infantry brigade from the American Civil War in the Union Army of the Cumberland from March 8, 1863, through the November of 1863.
  • On 22 December, 1862 in Gallatin, Tennessee, John T. Wilder took over command of the brigade which at that time consisted of the 92nd and 98th Illinois Infantry Regiments, the 17th, 72nd, and 75th Indiana Infantry Regiments, and the 18th Indiana Battery of Light Artillery."

Marjorie is, to mix gender pejoratives, a 'bozo'.
But damn, is she ever good for snark-bait.
Had I voted for trump, the outcome would have been no different.

and I have a proposition for you to PROVE it's nonsense.

IF pubs take the house, senate, and WH in 2 years.....within 6 months the economic situation will improve DRASTICALLY. I will bet you a thousand dollars to your favorite charity that is the case.
if you truly believe the BULLSHIT you just stated you would take me up on that bet without hesitation.

LETS DO IT. if I win, ill donate the money to my fav. charity. If you win you can do the same.


and I have a proposition for you to PROVE it's nonsense.

IF pubs take the house, senate, and WH in 2 years.....within 6 months the economic situation will improve DRASTICALLY. I will bet you a thousand dollars to your favorite charity that is the case.
if you truly believe the BULLSHIT you just stated you would take me up on that bet without hesitation.

LETS DO IT. if I win, ill donate the money to my fav. charity. If you win you can do the same.



You say that as though the economy typically does better under Republicans than under Democrats. Even Trump knows that's bullshit.


and I have a proposition for you to PROVE it's nonsense.

IF pubs take the house, senate, and WH in 2 years.....within 6 months the economic situation will improve DRASTICALLY. I will bet you a thousand dollars to your favorite charity that is the case.
if you truly believe the BULLSHIT you just stated you would take me up on that bet without hesitation.

LETS DO IT. if I win, ill donate the money to my fav. charity. If you win you can do the same.

Your proposition has nothing to do with my statement. Since the price of gasoline is big for you guys, if within 6 months after the Republicans win the house, senate and WH the price of gas must be under $2.00 a gallon due to Republican policy.
As far as the bet goes, if I lose I donate $1,000 to YOUR favorite charity and if I win you donate $1,000 to MY favorite charity.
Keep in mind if the Republicans lose either the house, senate or WH, you lose.
What say you?
Your proposition has nothing to do with my statement. Since the price of gasoline is big for you guys, if within 6 months after the Republicans win the house, senate and WH the price of gas must be under $2.00 a gallon due to Republican policy.
As far as the bet goes, if I lose I donate $1,000 to YOUR favorite charity and if I win you donate $1,000 to MY favorite charity.
Keep in mind if the Republicans lose either the house, senate or WH, you lose.
What say you?

I said IF pubs win all three. If they dont, no bet. How can they do what they do best if they aren't in charge?

right now, you idiots have COMPLETE CONTROL and things are a mess. Not shocked you wont agree to fair terms. fuck off troll.

You can always tell when someone doesn't believe the bullshit they pedal. They refuse to put their money where their mouth is.

I said IF pubs win all three. If they dont, no bet. How can they do what they do best if they aren't in charge?

right now, you idiots have COMPLETE CONTROL and things are a mess. Not shocked you wont agree to fair terms. fuck off troll.

You can always tell when someone doesn't believe the bullshit they pedal. They refuse to put their money where their mouth is.
you wouldn't pay up anyway, just like yidnar

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