Marjorie Taylor Greene Should Run For President

Can somebody please explain to me what this Jewish space laser thing is all about?
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

She believes the Sandy Hook and Parkland mass shootings were US government false flag operations.

Gazpacho believes California's wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser.

The Q-tard bleevs the Capitol was invaded by Antifa and the FBI.

She bleevs Comet Pizza had a pedophile ring in their non-existent basement.

And just a couple months ago, this font of batshittery claimed you will be zapped if you eat a cheeseburger, and the government is monitoring your bowel movements.
and yet if that person votes for either party.....then does that mean they are still better informed?...
Nope, just stuck picking the lessor of 2 evils, a familiar situation.

But if you vote for someone you don't like over someone else, that shows support.
Sometimes you can't help it in the short term if one is more Fkd up than the other, but one of the Fk ups is definitely going to win. I don't have this problem in TN with Governor or state and Federal Representative and Senator, but it comes into play on Presidential elections fairly often. The only time I got out of it was 2016, as I just could not be responsible for giving Hillary or Trump my vote, even in temporary support and voted for the Libertarian. I knew Gary could not win, but knew if lighting struck and everybody else figured out how much the two party candidates truly sucked, Gary would have been better for the country, though ineffective as Jimmy Carter, as both the main parties would hate him and work against him.
No. Have you seen her on the floor of Congress? She is honest and dedicated to doing the right thing. She wants to clean up all the corruption in Congress and that is rare.
You mean, she is only a lying batshit crazy reactionary in public, but not in Congress? If you say so, but I judge her by what she says and talks about in public to anybody dumb enough to listen. She would have never been elected in Tennessee.
You mean, she is only a lying batshit crazy reactionary in public, but not in Congress? If you say so, but I judge her by what she says and talks about in public to anybody dumb enough to listen. She would have never been elected in Tennessee.
You prefer the endless lies from Uncle Jojo, Chuckie Schumer and Adam Schiff and the ignorance and bigotry of AOC, Maxine Watters and Ilhan Omar the Moslem terrorist? The Democratic Party is a human sewer.
You prefer the endless lies from Uncle Jojo, Chuckie Schumer and Adam Schiff and the ignorance and bigotry of AOC, Maxine Watters and Ilhan Omar the Moslem terrorist? The Democratic Party is a human sewer.
the donkey is TEMPORARILY pixilated
You prefer the endless lies from Uncle Jojo, Chuckie Schumer and Adam Schiff and the ignorance and bigotry of AOC, Maxine Watters and Ilhan Omar the Moslem terrorist? The Democratic Party is a human sewer.

What do any of them have to do with the fact that Greene is batshit insane?

Deflect much?
Cool. You're saying Jewish Space Lasers started the Cali wildfires? Pardon me if I think you're BATSHiT CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER.
She was misled, asshole. She apologized. You Dumbocrats have much better personnel like the chronic liars Biden and Schiff and the bigots Omar and Watters.
You also got the million dollar crook Nancy Piglosi and her drunken hubby who drives drunk.
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Right because Putin was always invading when Trump was still in his presidency. 🙄
The communist wing of the Republican Party have already announced they are going to stop helping Ukraine when they take over.
The communist wing of the Republican Party have already announced they are going to stop helping Ukraine when they take over.

Yeah, because we have no business to and if we do that our soldiers and country are going to be killed and is going to be invaded next.

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