Mark Cuban leaves open possibility of running for president as an independent

We dunn hadded us a gottam Kenyan muslim with a tranny wife in thar alreddy.
Now ya wanna put a fukin Cuban in thar. Wiff hoo ? That bug eyded Porta Rikan bich ?
MAGA 2020, 2024, 2028 and 2032 two !
Orange Jesuchristo furever !
Mark Cuban leaves open possibility of running for president as an independent

he is an interesting person. been certainly entertaining here in dallas with the mavericks. no idea about his politics but i love the idea of the indie movement getting a name like this at the top.

would want to hear his platform and goals but would certainly listen. not interested in the refugee camp the dems have today until they whittle it down and then i'll see if they have anything other than "orange man bad" to offer.

honk honk.
He couldn’t inspire a hungry monkey with a banana
Mark Cuban leaves open possibility of running for president as an independent

he is an interesting person. been certainly entertaining here in dallas with the mavericks. no idea about his politics but i love the idea of the indie movement getting a name like this at the top.

would want to hear his platform and goals but would certainly listen. not interested in the refugee camp the dems have today until they whittle it down and then i'll see if they have anything other than "orange man bad" to offer.

honk honk.

There are a fair number of similarities between Cuban and Trump. Both are flamboyant, egotistical and self righteous businessmen. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Cuban run at some point, but I think he will be too smart to try it as an independent. He will likely understand, like Trump did, that it is easier to hijack an already established party infrastructure than try to create a new one.

I would give a look at Cuban just like I would take a look at Howie Schultz if he takes a run.
And John McAfee comes out of hiding to run against him using just clips of select episodes of Mark Cuban on Shark Tank-game over, next.

So you think reruns of Shark Tank will do more damage to Cuban than reruns of The Apprentice did to Trump. I am guessing Hillary thought that too. Didn’t end well for her.
Cuban might as well run against Trump.

dims might want to consider Jon Stewart and Bill Maher while they're at it. Maybe Ashley Judd would make a good Veep candidate. Or they could rerun Uberscrunt.

As of right now, the dims are in deep, deep, deep, REALLY DEEP SHIT.

They got nothing. And when I say nothing, I mean less than nothing.

They stand for nothing, they have proven they hate, and look down, on the American Working Class (deplorables), they have no idea how to make things better for Americans other than to institute socialism; and 75% of Americans are dead-set against that. The remaining 25% are too stupid to to even find the polling station.

dims got nothing.

All they got is hate.

All day, every day. In here, in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the media, on the campaign trail -- Hate.

They hate Trump, they hate Capitalism, they hate Jews, they hate white people....

24-7-365 Hate.

Just read the threads in here. Nothing but hate from the left.

It's all they got. Actually, it's all they've ever had. It's all they know how to do

They can't create so they destroy. They can't love, they're incapable of that emotion, so they hate.

the dimocrap party needs to be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up.

Who in the dimocrap party, right now, do you see as capable of doing that?


Trump did it for us. Who's gonna do it for dimocraps??
maybe you missed it in your rush to get your slaps in.

he'd run as an independant.
We will witness many in the LIB MSM wearing mourning clothes if Cuban runs as an independant.
Watch for some DEMs hanging from the Golden Gate bridge.
There's a room in the MSNBC studios being set up to sew black armbands for all the employees if Cuban announces.
I'm going to send Mark a nice big donation if he announces.
Please join me.
To this day the words: Jill and Stein may never be used in the same sentence on any MSNBC/CNN show.
Mark would have to employ a hundred ex-Mossad to guard him if he runs.
Given the current state of our "major" parties, I'm open to damn near anything.
his doing it as an indie has far more attraction to me than running as a dem. at least i'm sure cuban can name some foreign leaders, unlike the last indie candidate who was too stoned to care.

I doubt he will run as an independent. It would cost him a lot of money, and he can read history. Only 3 independent candidates in the last 100 years have managed to win a single state.
Cuban might as well run against Trump.

dims might want to consider Jon Stewart and Bill Maher while they're at it. Maybe Ashley Judd would make a good Veep candidate. Or they could rerun Uberscrunt.

As of right now, the dims are in deep, deep, deep, REALLY DEEP SHIT.

They got nothing. And when I say nothing, I mean less than nothing.

They stand for nothing, they have proven they hate, and look down, on the American Working Class (deplorables), they have no idea how to make things better for Americans other than to institute socialism; and 75% of Americans are dead-set against that. The remaining 25% are too stupid to to even find the polling station.

dims got nothing.

All they got is hate.

All day, every day. In here, in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the media, on the campaign trail -- Hate.

They hate Trump, they hate Capitalism, they hate Jews, they hate white people....

24-7-365 Hate.

Just read the threads in here. Nothing but hate from the left.

It's all they got. Actually, it's all they've ever had. It's all they know how to do

They can't create so they destroy. They can't love, they're incapable of that emotion, so they hate.

the dimocrap party needs to be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up.

Who in the dimocrap party, right now, do you see as capable of doing that?


Trump did it for us. Who's gonna do it for dimocraps??
maybe you missed it in your rush to get your slaps in.

he'd run as an independant.
We will witness many in the LIB MSM wearing mourning clothes if Cuban runs as an independant.
Watch for some DEMs hanging from the Golden Gate bridge.
There's a room in the MSNBC studios being set up to sew black armbands for all the employees if Cuban announces.
I'm going to send Mark a nice big donation if he announces.
Please join me.
To this day the words: Jill and Stein may never be used in the same sentence on any MSNBC/CNN show.
Mark would have to employ a hundred ex-Mossad to guard him if he runs.
Probably true and I suspect nobody has badasses in comparison to IsNtReal. Every boy and girl get REAL military training, psych exams, drug testing and ongoing edu. as soon as they leave HS. It's mandatory.
That and US welfare is why they still exist and only a fool would fuck with them.

The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal And American Foreign Policy
Given the current state of our "major" parties, I'm open to damn near anything.
his doing it as an indie has far more attraction to me than running as a dem. at least i'm sure cuban can name some foreign leaders, unlike the last indie candidate who was too stoned to care.

I doubt he will run as an independent. It would cost him a lot of money, and he can read history. Only 3 independent candidates in the last 100 years have managed to win a single state.
He stated if he runs it would be as an independent.
Time has proven yet again that just because you are rich doesn't mean you are a good leader.

Time has also proven that 99% of politicians are terrible leaders, and we elect those idiots, we have nothing to lose either way.
Given the current state of our "major" parties, I'm open to damn near anything.
his doing it as an indie has far more attraction to me than running as a dem. at least i'm sure cuban can name some foreign leaders, unlike the last indie candidate who was too stoned to care.

I doubt he will run as an independent. It would cost him a lot of money, and he can read history. Only 3 independent candidates in the last 100 years have managed to win a single state.
He stated if he runs it would be as an independent.
Only an asteroid strike in Krapital Hell( full session) would independants have any hope to succeed.
There are, and always will be, two parties. You aren't invited to either one.
Tax day is April 15. STFU and go to work. Your opinions are irrelevant.
Given the current state of our "major" parties, I'm open to damn near anything.
his doing it as an indie has far more attraction to me than running as a dem. at least i'm sure cuban can name some foreign leaders, unlike the last indie candidate who was too stoned to care.

I doubt he will run as an independent. It would cost him a lot of money, and he can read history. Only 3 independent candidates in the last 100 years have managed to win a single state.
He stated if he runs it would be as an independent.

And if he does, and runs all the way, he will likely insure a second term for Trump. There will be more dems than reps defecting to Cuban.

I voted for Trump because there was no way I would ever vote for Hellary. But I would never vote for a candidate with no chance of winning, which is every independent candidate.
Time has proven yet again that just because you are rich doesn't mean you are a good leader.

Time has also proven that 99% of politicians are terrible leaders, and we elect those idiots, we have nothing to lose either way.
Enjoy the ride to hell in a handbasket..!!

And how is that different from electing a real politician that drives up the deficit, that doesn't lead a nation and only will lead their party, because that describes the last 30 years of government and it has led to more spending, wars, recessions, and the working middle class getting the bill.

We have been on a highway to hell for years, with politicians running us there, not seeing a difference either way.
Mark Cuban leaves open possibility of running for president as an independent

he is an interesting person. been certainly entertaining here in dallas with the mavericks. no idea about his politics but i love the idea of the indie movement getting a name like this at the top.

would want to hear his platform and goals but would certainly listen. not interested in the refugee camp the dems have today until they whittle it down and then i'll see if they have anything other than "orange man bad" to offer.

honk honk.

There are a fair number of similarities between Cuban and Trump. Both are flamboyant, egotistical and self righteous businessmen. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Cuban run at some point, but I think he will be too smart to try it as an independent. He will likely understand, like Trump did, that it is easier to hijack an already established party infrastructure than try to create a new one.

I would give a look at Cuban just like I would take a look at Howie Schultz if he takes a run.
maybe. but i wouldn't discount a valid indie movement also taking another step away from what we have established.

what we have established is what we're trying to get away from.
Mark Cuban leaves open possibility of running for president as an independent

he is an interesting person. been certainly entertaining here in dallas with the mavericks. no idea about his politics but i love the idea of the indie movement getting a name like this at the top.

would want to hear his platform and goals but would certainly listen. not interested in the refugee camp the dems have today until they whittle it down and then i'll see if they have anything other than "orange man bad" to offer.

honk honk.

There are a fair number of similarities between Cuban and Trump. Both are flamboyant, egotistical and self righteous businessmen. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Cuban run at some point, but I think he will be too smart to try it as an independent. He will likely understand, like Trump did, that it is easier to hijack an already established party infrastructure than try to create a new one.

I would give a look at Cuban just like I would take a look at Howie Schultz if he takes a run.
maybe. but i wouldn't discount a valid indie movement also taking another step away from what we have established.

what we have established is what we're trying to get away from.
Define " we".
Mark Cuban leaves open possibility of running for president as an independent

he is an interesting person. been certainly entertaining here in dallas with the mavericks. no idea about his politics but i love the idea of the indie movement getting a name like this at the top.

would want to hear his platform and goals but would certainly listen. not interested in the refugee camp the dems have today until they whittle it down and then i'll see if they have anything other than "orange man bad" to offer.

honk honk.

There are a fair number of similarities between Cuban and Trump. Both are flamboyant, egotistical and self righteous businessmen. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Cuban run at some point, but I think he will be too smart to try it as an independent. He will likely understand, like Trump did, that it is easier to hijack an already established party infrastructure than try to create a new one.

I would give a look at Cuban just like I would take a look at Howie Schultz if he takes a run.
maybe. but i wouldn't discount a valid indie movement also taking another step away from what we have established.

what we have established is what we're trying to get away from.
Define " we".

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