Mark Cuban leaves open possibility of running for president as an independent

Time has proven yet again that just because you are rich doesn't mean you are a good leader.
it also doesn't prove you are not.

some bart-wanna-be lobbing snark in an online forum is hardly a logistical path to follow and trust.

Doing the same thing and expecting different results, so you're offering up another rich guy. How predictably lazy and short sighted. It seems people like yourself never learn.This should be the motto of every winger in the country. No thanks.
Mark Cuban leaves open possibility of running for president as an independent

he is an interesting person. been certainly entertaining here in dallas with the mavericks. no idea about his politics but i love the idea of the indie movement getting a name like this at the top.

would want to hear his platform and goals but would certainly listen. not interested in the refugee camp the dems have today until they whittle it down and then i'll see if they have anything other than "orange man bad" to offer.

honk honk.

Mark Cuban is an arrogant, egotistical narcissist. And a globalist/corporatist who encourages exporting manufacturing to the cheapest labor you can find. Indeed, invests $100 millions in outsourced labor.
That is all we need is a $billionaire elitist.
Cuban is a sharp guy - a younger more hands on type Ross Perot.
No business skills, yet he is a billionaire and has successful properties around the world. And guess what? He is now POTUS.

You kooky leftists can’t think. You let the DNCMSM think for you.
That's the thing. Gator know good and god damn well that Trump is a pretty solid businessman. He just let's his hatred of Trump dominate his thinking at times.

My understanding of Cuban is that he is more of a libertarian than anything else, basically for limited gov't and less spending. Which frankly makes me want to vote for him over Trump and any of the cuckoos running of the Dems side. But he doesn't strike me as a guy who wants to waste his time, energy, and money on an effort that is doomed to failure, which IMHO is the case for any 3rd party candidate in 2020. So I'm kinda doubting he'll actually do it. All he would do is shift the election one way or another, and I think he'd take more votes away from Trump than the Dem.

What these independent rich guys need to do IMHO is build a 3rd party, state by state starting with the most likely places to win congressional seats in state legislatures and in the US Congress, and get a constituency going. There's a lot of dissatisfaction out there with both parties, so I don't think it would take too long to get to the point where you have enough influence to help or hinder most proposed bills and policies. THEN you can talk about running for president when you've grown your own grass roots support.
No business skills, yet he is a billionaire and has successful properties around the world. And guess what? He is now POTUS.

You kooky leftists can’t think. You let the DNCMSM think for you.
That's the thing. Gator know good and god damn well that Trump is a pretty solid businessman. He just let's his hatred of Trump dominate his thinking at times.


compared to Cuban Trump is a fucking IDIOT-

Cuban can figure multiples in his head - Trump can't even spell multiple.

remind me when Cuban lost $1 BILLION dollars on his business ventures .....

Fuck Trump.
My understanding of Cuban is that he is more of a libertarian than anything else, basically for limited gov't and less spending. Which frankly makes me want to vote for him over Trump and any of the cuckoos running of the Dems side. But he doesn't strike me as a guy who wants to waste his time, energy, and money on an effort that is doomed to failure, which IMHO is the case for any 3rd party candidate in 2020.

I dunno. Politics are pretty unpredictable these days. If the Dems insist on hoisting the hammer and sickle, and Trump continues to be Trump, a sane libertarian could win.
No business skills, yet he is a billionaire and has successful properties around the world. And guess what? He is now POTUS.

You kooky leftists can’t think. You let the DNCMSM think for you.
That's the thing. Gator know good and god damn well that Trump is a pretty solid businessman. He just let's his hatred of Trump dominate his thinking at times.


I really do not know that, he started rich and managed to stay rich, not that amazing of an accomplishment. His wealth growth over the last 30 years is rather uninspiring to say the least.

Trump is a pretty solid salesman, he has made his money selling himself. Not until he turned his company into a holding company did he start to do well, basically once he quit making day to day business decisions.

I will day with 100% certainty, without Mark Burnett Trump would never have become President

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And John McAfee comes out of hiding to run against him using just clips of select episodes of Mark Cuban on Shark Tank-game over, next.

So you think reruns of Shark Tank will do more damage to Cuban than reruns of The Apprentice did to Trump. I am guessing Hillary thought that too. Didn’t end well for her.
I think without the Apprentice he would have never won. Americans were at a boiling point with keeping the same failures in their positions through Gov't job security entitlement instead of merit and performance. Ironically Hillary got fired as a failed Sec. of State, if anything the Apprentice reminded us that yes you can fire anyone that can't get the job done or messes up.
It also reminded them that if Hillary can't handle the smaller position, how will she perform the larger. Which also leads to remembering Bill's weakness was foreign affairs, and the emails showed possibly why, they sold out the
country in their pay to play schemes.
The Apprentice always comes back to remind them to ask: would you keep this person on, or would you fire them? The answer is obvious, you have to fire someone like that. The Apprentice helped people come to that logical conclusion and to yearn for the Gov't to be run like a bussiness for a change.
The Shark Tank for Cuban harms him in how people view him, and takes away any edge in trying to claim the President doesn't play well with others, because Cuban is exposed on the Shark Tank and contrary to image perception Trump is better in that Dept then Mark Cuban.
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And John McAfee comes out of hiding to run against him using just clips of select episodes of Mark Cuban on Shark Tank-game over, next.

So you think reruns of Shark Tank will do more damage to Cuban than reruns of The Apprentice did to Trump. I am guessing Hillary thought that too. Didn’t end well for her.
I think without the Apprentice he would have never won. Americans were at a boiling point with keeping the same failures in their positions through Gov't job security entitlement instead of merit and performance. Ironically Hillary got fired as a failed Sec. of State, if anything the Apprentice reminded us that yes you can fire anyone that can't get the job done or messes up.
It also reminded them that if Hillary can't handle the smaller position, how will she perform the larger. Which also leads to remembering Bill's weakness was foreign affairs, and the emails showed possibly why, they sold out the
country in their pay to play schemes.
The Apprentice always comes back to remind them to ask: would you keep this person on, or would you fire them? The answer is obvious, you have to fire someone like that. The Apprentice helped people come to that logical conclusion and to yearn for the Gov't to be run like a bussiness for a change.
The Shark Tank for Cuban harms him in how people view him, and takes away any edge in trying to claim the President doesn't play well with others, because Cuban is exposed on the Shark Tank and contrary to image perception Trump is better in that Dept then Mark Cuban.

The apprentice may have helped Trump, but Mark Cuban investing millions of his money as well as working with entrepreneurs in the Shark Tank is a really good story too.

"The United States presidential election of 1912was the 32nd quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 5, 1912.

"DemocraticGovernor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey unseated incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft and defeated former President Theodore Roosevelt, who ran as the Progressive Party ('Bull Moose') nominee.

"Roosevelt remains the only third party presidential candidate in U.S. history to finish better than third in the popular or electoral vote."

1912 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

Ross Perot managed about one in five POTUS ballots in '92, but Cuban isn't likely to match that number, maybe the 6% Eugene V. Debs earned in 1912?

"The United States presidential election of 1912was the 32nd quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 5, 1912.

"DemocraticGovernor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey unseated incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft and defeated former President Theodore Roosevelt, who ran as the Progressive Party ('Bull Moose') nominee.

"Roosevelt remains the only third party presidential candidate in U.S. history to finish better than third in the popular or electoral vote."

1912 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

Ross Perot managed about one in five POTUS ballots in '92, but Cuban isn't likely to match that number, maybe the 6% Eugene V. Debs earned in 1912?


Debs is a dead ringer for Crazy Longview Louie .....

No business skills, yet he is a billionaire and has successful properties around the world. And guess what? He is now POTUS.

You kooky leftists can’t think. You let the DNCMSM think for you.
That's the thing. Gator know good and god damn well that Trump is a pretty solid businessman. He just let's his hatred of Trump dominate his thinking at times.


I really do not know that, he started rich and managed to stay rich, not that amazing of an accomplishment. His wealth growth over the last 30 years is rather uninspiring to say the least.

Trump is a pretty solid salesman, he has made his money selling himself. Not until he turned his company into a holding company did he start to do well, basically once he quit making day to day business decisions.

I will day with 100% certainty, without Mark Burnett Trump would never have become President

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There are plenty of legitimate things to criticize Trump about, his wealth and success ain’t one. If only the left would stick to legitimate reasons, rather than kooky reasons.

If you compared the success of Donnie with that of BO prior to becoming POTUS, you would have to conclude Donnie was far more successful. That is if you can think logically.
No business skills, yet he is a billionaire and has successful properties around the world. And guess what? He is now POTUS.

You kooky leftists can’t think. You let the DNCMSM think for you.
That's the thing. Gator know good and god damn well that Trump is a pretty solid businessman. He just let's his hatred of Trump dominate his thinking at times.


compared to Cuban Trump is a fucking IDIOT-

Cuban can figure multiples in his head - Trump can't even spell multiple.

remind me when Cuban lost $1 BILLION dollars on his business ventures .....

Fuck Trump.
Of course. So tiring.

He is an actual self made billionaire who did not take over his grandmas company.

He has actual business skills unlike the current resident of the White House

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PLEASE run Mark!
You'll 100% guarantee Trump's reelection.
You'll get your name on the Ralph Nader trophy!
Jill Stein's got her name on the trophy.
Same rich bitches that are in the other two parties so it's another clone war.

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